Thursday, December 11, 2014

Is there a place for religion in public schools?

Read and discuss the following article.
  • Postings should present a focused and cohesive viewpoint that is substantiated by effective supporting examples or  links to relevant, up-to-date websites or documents that enhance the information presented.

  • Postings should be written in a style that is appropriate for an academic discussion of the topic.

  • Postings should be free of grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors.


  1. This country was founded on Judeo-Christian beliefs with separation of church and state being paced in order to protect the more so than the state. Thomas Jefferson once wrote "God who gave us life gave us liberty. Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed a conviction that these liberties are the gift of God?" The Supreme Courts ruling that prayer in public schools was a violation of church and state was obviously an injustice that should be seriously reconsidered.

    1. I agree with you Amy. I look at our history, in our constitution, on our currency, it is written" In God we trust" Weather or not my God is the same as your God, God is part of America.

    2. You are right billie , God is part of america but like you said your god may be a totally different god to someone else , thats why i think there should not be no religious beliefs thought in public schools at all, so everything is equal.

    3. America put laws onto books and enforced them, well they tried. Okay, this country is founded on religion, we should be able to "keep it American" today. This country welcomes all people and their religions because we are The Land of the Free. What's wrong with religion? Nothing.

    4. I like the way you put it Sugar Wiley, there isn't anything wrong with religions being taught in school of what it is, because we are the land of the free. The land where people can believe what they want to believe, because we each may seem to have a different idea of what is right and wrong but we can all agree that if we do believe in a God then he is the same God that everyone references to. The Country was founded with a believe in a God so what differences does it make if someone else has a different kind a belief in a God who they believe was the same one as the founding fathers. The rights that were made in the foundation in America was to have freedom of religion. Now it's become more and more like God never had a role in it even though as Amy had stated that God has given our liberties, so clearly God has played a role in the creation of this country. but today seems to be more and more put off by it.

    5. Religion is a personal belief that varies upon individuals, which is why there should be a place for religion. However, there shan't be a certain type of religion implicated into students due to the different cultural backgrounds and religions with which they grew up in. I agree with Terran on the fact that if we all believe in a God, that he is the same one. Maybe there should be classes offered of all different religions in which we decide which to go to, or a universal morality class in which we are taught proper principles.

    6. Religion is a personal belief that varies upon individuals, which is why there should be a place for religion. However, there shan't be a certain type of religion implicated into students due to the different cultural backgrounds and religions with which they grew up in. I agree with Terran on the fact that if we all believe in a God, that he is the same one. Maybe there should be classes offered of all different religions in which we decide which to go to, or a universal morality class in which we are taught proper principles.

  2. Billie Jordan
    I believe that if schools are going to teach evolution then they should also teach religion. I think it should be a choice between the parent and child which course, if one, both, or neither, they may want to learn about. . Evolution lessons can be just as disturbing as prayer to many people.

    1. The way that Christianity is pushed in these modern, radical cases are a lot more "brain consuming" than the period of time that is spent talking about evolution. There is a good reason to teach about Christianity the same way that evolution is taught. There is also ways to let religions of all kinds create groups as an extracurricular activity so that there is no problem. Problem will occur when a household becomes split apart due to a disagreement in lifestyle. Although kids she be able to make their own choices, school is a place full of people that are learning new things all the time and trying to teach them a particular religion as beneficial will create much tension for their future and there own take on the subject. It is not the schools place to parent a child. Kids shouldn't have to worry because their families practice a different way of worship or believe in a different way of life. Everyone should be able to share their past with freedom of learning about new things and not just one. It would be hard to make it in this world without being able to respect one and other, especially respecting one and others religion. People come to America in hopes of a better life, and some assume that they should have to deal with the suspension room as a second option, and I am just wondering why aren't they learning? There are many ways to learn about God and schools across America shouldn't have such an indifference. Furthermore school should not "practice religion", but they should teach students how to be aware and respective.

    2. I also agree that it should depend to the parents to want their child to know about religion in school and its meaning.

    3. I agree with Billie. If we're allowing evolution to be taught in our schools, then we should be allowed to teach religion as well. Everyone has an issue with each other's beliefs because it makes them uncomfortable. I think it's time to get out of our comfort zones. We could learn a lot from each other's beliefs.

    4. Since prayer/religion has been taken out of school, Religion should be an elective. How about that? At least give me an option.

    5. I agree with Billie, every school and school district should teach Religion to our children. Maybe our children would be and think differently. Maybe there wouldn't be so many shootings in our schools, teen pregnancies, gangs, bullies, teen suicides. I'm not saying religion will change every child, but if it changes 50% of our children that is way more than not changing anyone..

  3. Religious practices for the most part should not be held in a public school setting. It is true that everyone is entitled to their own beliefs and how they practice it should be entirely up to the individual, but that should not be the case for people in a position of power that could cause influence for small children. The principal of New Heights Middle School, Larry Stinson, and teachers of similar schools need to keep in mind that not every child is a Christian by default and that the beliefs of one person are highly influenced when someone is young, just like the school children are. I personally believe that their goal was to convert as well as to preach their religion in these public settings. While their motives might seem justified by some, to others this would be a problem. While Christianity is the prominent religion in America, it is not the only religion. Some people have even decided to keep religion away from their household altogether. The children of these non-Christian parents stand out in the crowd and are subject to possible harassment from other students and even teachers. There is a time to preach and that would be in after school clubs, activities, or at home but not during school hours. If you believe that religion should be taught in school you always have the option of sending your child to a religious school of your choice.
    Suppose that public schools chose to teach religion during school hours. Whose religion would they be teaching and why? Would it be Christianity because it is the dominant religion? This would cause even greater frustration and commotion among many people, especially for watchdog groups such as the A.C.L.U and the Freedom From Religion Foundation, which would be sure to take legal action.
    In my opinion there is no place for religion in public schools when it comes to it being a part of the core curriculum.

    1. I think there should be a place for religion in schools, and it should be a persons own religion, they school can set out a time for everyone that wants to participate and give them the opportunity to pray or bow or whatever they want to do. They allow the time to take a moment of silence. If some religion is taught in school I do think that ALL should be given equal respect regardless of a person beliefs

    2. I do not necessarily agree with you because if you implement religion in school then you will be taking away from the time that the students have to actually learn something that will help them in the future. The moment of silence is enough time in my opinion. I do agree with you that each religion would require an equal amount of respect in their own regards, but i do not agree when it comes to actually being taught in public schools. Religious activities can just as easily be held in an after school setting, that way you don't waste time during school hours. School hours are very limited as they are.

    3. LaToya Browning I do not believe religious education should be held in public schools, because of the huge amount of religions out there. We have to understand that if we want our religion and beliefs to be respected, we must respect others, and in order for that to happen, we must respect that there are some people that are very strong about there beliefs. That can include those that do not believe in religion and that might not want there children to be influenced by other's beliefs.

    4. Sergio I agree that religion should not be taught in schools, however I don't agree with prayer being banned. It is one thing to not teach about religion but prayer should still be allowed. I don't think a prayer is in anyway disrespectful to any religion. As far as religion not being taught in schools it is part of history. Christianity, Catholicism and Muslim is riddled through out history. There is nothing wrong with children learning at least where and the history of these religions.

    5. Lucia, I agree even when religion teaching should not be taught in schools, I do agree praying is a moment of faith that we all need and should have the right to. I think we should all be allow a moment to feed our faith without people restricting us from building that relationship with God. However, there should also be respect for other forms of praying, so a discrete form of praying should not be a problem to any body.

  4. I believe religion should not be part of public schools because religion always brings conflicts into our society whether because one person believes the same way as in the other person has its own religious beliefs. Religion is a strong word as students bring the topic up, as students go to school teachers and staff should just focus on the main course subjects and students have the option of taking their religion and talk about it outside of school where they won't be offending somebody else's religion. Most public schools have a moment of silence and I consider that a moment in which you bring you're religion to the class and afterwards you shouldn't bring religion up unless you are going to state a statement for you're course classes.

    1. If we teach our children about all types of religions then whats the problem. A moment of silence is not a prayer so it is not the same thing, that's a form of respect. Saying a prayer or rubbing a buddah should be allowed along as it is not interrupting class.

    2. LaToya you have a good point but it needs some clarification. If we teach our children about all types of religions then whats the problem? The problem as i see it would be that the parents would not do their part in teaching their children about all types of religion, at least i know some of them would not teach it right. The reason being that many rely on the media and believe what it portrays. The moment of silence that is used in many public schools is used as a time of prayer or reflection for many students already.

    3. It is very accurate that parents could get disgruntled about their child knowing things about certain practices of religion. By taking out the topic of religion all together, it would leave it up to the child to find out about religion and generally they might ask a relative or a friend, or their friends parents. I assume this would change the way America operates and would allow for a larger representation of different religions outside of schools. It would probably influence more immigration from different parts of the world as well.

    4. Yesenia, I agree with you. We live in America, a country that give us the freedom to choose the religion we want to practice. In our communities we have more than one kind of religion and teaching our kids at school would only bring confessions.

  5. Terran Wehrman:
    So I would like to point out that the main thing that the article was talking about was the freedom of speech and how it was being endangered. My opinion in this is that we should still have religion in schools not as any specific religion to focus on but rather none of them should be hidden just because someone else has a different opinion then you. Now of course I do look at the sides of where you have people who are religious and that might be good for them, then you have those that are not the same religion as others or those who don't believe what so ever. I think this principle of religion being preached in schools can be good but also can be a negative effect as well. I would like to point out to what Sergio had stated before about how sometimes their goals of when they preach is to convert people and personally I do see that as well especially if it's aimed at your specifically at whatever religion is being taught and it tries to convince everyone that it’s the right way most if not all religions do that. Now of course there are ways I think we could get around that because in the article it talked about how the "students were given the option of skipping the rally" and those who wouldn't feel comfortable with going didn't have to go and there was no consequence for not going at all. I personally know it can be a great comfort to have a believe in something and I think for those who couldn't ever hear it in their own homes for whatever reason this creates a good place and atmosphere for them to create their own belief.

    What I want to ask you Sergio Hernandez is that you talk how religion should never be taught or talked about during school or that's what I understand from your entry. Don't you think this violates part of the foundation that our country was founded on?

    1. Terran, I would like to point out that while in the article the students were actually given the chance of skipping the rally, "According to Jonathan Anderson, who is a plaintiff in the suit along with his seventh-grade son, the boy was told that to avoid the assembly he had to report to the suspension room, which the boy interpreted as a punishment." I believe there was a consequence for students who chose to skip the assembly, even if it was not entirely on purpose. Why did they tell him to report to the suspension room, and not somewhere else? Keep in mind that these are children and that they will interpret being placed in a suspension room as a form of punishment. I am also somewhat reluctant to accept that the students would be creating their own beliefs as you stated. The reason being that it would NOT be their own beliefs, but someone else's. I am not stating that they are being force fed to believe it, but in my opinion it is unfair in a way to hold these assemblies in a setting where young children can be easily influenced. I believe they are too young to be subject to that kind of situation.
      As long as the teaching of religion is not during actual school hours and it does not intervene with regular classes than it is okay. The foundation of the country should not matter in this discussion because it was founded in a time when things were altogether totally different. We should always remember why it was founded and respect it, but the truth is that the times have changed. To act in a way similar to ancestors would be to repeat their own mistakes, instead of looking back and reflecting on them as we should.

    2. Why should they have to go to a room if something makes them feel uncomfortable...and why is that even an option? The school should be teaching the students and the students should take an active role in learning because that is what they are their for. Not all schools are the same but the ones that still hold religion as a practice are differentiating from the modern day American public school system. They have caused a dilemma for many families who have students that are finding it hard to focus on school. Needless to say it does not create such a good image for Christianity.

    3. Sergio these aren't just children but they are sixth, seventh, and eighth graders, and I remember very clearly being very aware of when they mean to go to a room even if it was the suspension room it still was a bigger place for those who wished to not attend these assemblies like these. So I think the children are old enough to understand and interpret if it really was a punishment or just a place where they can all go in one area. You talk about how if religion shouldn't be mentioned in schools as well and you say this has nothing to do with the foundation of the country when in fact the rights we have today were based off that fundamental foundation. The fact you say religion shouldn't even be discussed or taught is like a restriction to what can and what cannot be taught.

      James as for your point I think it's easier to look over so many kids in a big class room then having to spread all of the schools resources over the campus, it just makes things easier for the teachers and it also helps keep enough staff by using them effectively. I personally don't think it really makes that big of a difference. I remember being in school when there would be events and activities like these that we could skip if we wanted and go to another meeting place, and no one thought twice if so and so didn't want to go to it because they didn't want to. Now I could just be oblivious here but it shouldn't make that much of a difference.

      I'm so sorry for the late reply, but I do hope to hear both of your opinions.

    4. Terran i believe that religion practices should be held before school or after school just not during school hours. As parents we should teach the religion basics at home very easily. It should not be a problem. Also we can attend church to practice our religion. There really is no need for an assembly that has to do with religion because we have so many other options available. While the children do understand what they are doing they can still be easily influenced. Just like if a kid hangs with the wrong crowd then it will rub off on them and they will become like the people they are around. While this might seem like the right thing to happen in this case to you or to others, it is not to many people.

    5. So what your saying is that religion shouldn't even be mentioned at all? And if your just talking about the school assembly then I can see your point. But what I mean is that I think high school students should be able to learn about not just one but all sorts of religion. you talk as if everyone goes to church on Sunday, there are some parents who even forbid it, so why not be able to teach students about all religions at least even if it was just the basics. I understand influences as well but it all comes down to what one person and their beliefs.

    6. Well then that makes a whole lot more sense Terran. High school students are easier to target because they are already ready to go into the world. If they choose to practice a certain religion then i would say that is a great idea. I am in favor for having the freedom to choose as an individual and you might not have that freedom at home. A religious studies class could be the solution that we seek.

  6. Whether religion is "taught" in school or not, a person should have the right to pray before their meal, say the pledge if they choose to or even hold prayer around the flagpole. If others don't want to be apart of the prayer, they have the choice to walk on by. A choice means you decide what you want to do when you want to do it. Right now, laws govern our "choices" however, we are supposedly living in a "free" country. Im not sure how this is part of our freedom.

    I grew up saying the pledge and prayer in school. We didn't have a choice, it was just something that we knew we had to do and it was apart of our daily routine. However, in this day and age, there is more freedom for choices and making ones own decisions. I feel that each individualy can decide for themselves if praying in school is right for them or not.

    1. I agree with you Anne-Marie, I also grew up saying a praying before my meal and saying the pledge. I never thought it was an issue. It never bother anyone that I know of and till this day I still say a prayer before I eat during my lunch break.

    2. I agree with you as well Anne-Marie. If they choose to not listen then they should be given another option. I grew up the same way and I think its up to the individual whether they want to be included or not. Now I do think that it was a little extreme when they took the pencils from the children's hands in the article.

    3. yes Anne-Marie , we are living now in a different world from before baiscally , now we have the choice to say a prayer or not , which i don't think is a bad idea. You said when you were in school, you would have to do the pleddge and say a prayer , but what if some kids in your class room were not in the same religon, what happens then ? Thats why i say its better to not have religon practices in school.

    4. Erin, I agree with you, choice is what we should have, to pray or not. Children today should also be given the choice to participate in saying the Pledge of Allegiance, not feel like they have to, especially if they don't understand it.

  7. I think this question cannot have a definitive answer for public schools in the United Stated. The United States is a melting pot for many different ethnic groups, religions, cultures, beliefs and upbringing, so it is almost impossible to approve religion in public schools without offending someone. I do not think there is enough time in the day to approve prayer time in public schools without taking time away from education. I would never want to offend any religions but I do believe the Pledge of Allegiance should be said at the beginning of every school day and ‘under God’ should not be taken out.

    1. Marianna I work in a public school and I agree with you. It’s almost impossible to approve religion in public schools without affecting others. It would also bring confusion to the kids. As the article mentioned, maybe students can form after-school religious clubs without affecting others.

  8. With so many different religions we have to respect all religions. Having respect towards each other will make us in the world today be mindful of all religions. I think that if we allow religion back in the schools it would help with a certain balance. I think people want to have prayer in school's take out the time to meditate and pray. I am a Christian so it's easy for me to respect other's and their religion.

  9. Leisa, I agree with you. It should be a time to pray and meditate like you were saying. With all the religions, everyone of that particular religion can get together and pray. It is needed because there is to much violence at schools. Since prayer has left the schools, so much has terror has happen in the schools. Some type of religion is needed but people think just because you show your religion that you are forcing your beliefs on others.

    1. I completely agree with you Dena I think that is one reason why it was removed from school some fool decided that someone was trying to force something on him, instead of respecting others. That is why we are all wonderful because we are all different, we look different, talk differently and believe differently but that does not make us wrong, that makes individuals

    2. LaToya, I believe that it was only prayer and now when people pray and use some type of religion or wear religious clothes, then they are crucified and sent home because they don't want to change their clothes. What ever happen to Freedom of Speech?

    3. Teaching about different religions and making people practice them are two separate entities and people should realize that knowledge about a subject does not make you a believer or a practice it is simply that knowledge and that is all I am saying people should be taught about all religions, then they can make up there own mind.

    4. LaToya, I still disagree with you. My parents taught me about their religion because I was their child. I would not want someone to teach a religion to my child because we all believe something different. Someone was talking about Science and how man was derived from an ape. I just refuse to believe that my God is an ape.

    5. Dena,
      I agree with you. It is the place of parents to decided if they want to expose their children to different religions. Yes, we all should know a little something about other's out of respect, but not forced. With children you have to be carful because they are very impressionable.

  10. I believe there should be a place for religion in public schools. If science is being taught and “time” is being taken out throughout each single day, then why not religion. Science is also forcing a masked religion in which our children are learning how man experimented with the natural elements of the periodic table and the theories in which our existence came about. Religion for most people help them feel a sense or warmth, tranquility and helps guide their ongoing decisions for the day. I think by teaching religion it can open the minds of the future generations in understanding the different cultures and values we see today.

    1. David, I disagree with you on the theories in which our existence came about. My religion has me believing that I was form from Adam's rib in the beginning. So, that's why religion would not be good because I would not want my child being taught this information to them. Prayer is always good but to force your beliefs on others is wrong.

    2. David the reason why science is being taught in public school and not religion is simple. Science is altogether similar no matter where you teach it, and no matter where you go to school. Religion on the other hand differs greatly depending on where you are. Science is taught in religious schools as well because for the most part it is necessary. Religion on the other hand is not because it is too diverse. Lets assume that it is allowed to be teaching about religion in public schools. Another problem would quickly arise: who's religion will it be that they are teaching? Your's or mine?
      While i agree that religion helps many people feel good about themselves and I am sure you have no intent of force feeding it into someone's life, the actual teaching aspect of it would be the problem. I believe after school clubs and activities would be a solution and this way nobody would feel forced to participate.

    3. As a science major, I can't resist providing the definition of science. Science has been defined as a "systematically organized body of knowledge on a particular subject." "the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systemic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment." (google) Faith and science are very different things as I understand them in this context. Science has been written via the scientific method. Faith in god and scripture aren't exactly and equivalent.

    4. Colbie, I totally agree with you.

    5. Ms.Dena you are disagreeing on what exactly? Science is "forcing" a belief, the two biggest controversial ones, the Big Bang Theory or we evolved from a monkey. I would not want my child (in the future) to believe they were once monkeys? That is what science is all about. The theories in which like Ms.Colbie stated the "systematically organized body of a knowlegde on A PARTICULAR SUBJECT." Science is also very vast and depends on how you approach it. As a student my approach is through the elements and how they work. By themselves or when fused. Everything we see are elements that are either naturally made or created. Yes Faith and Science differ but you have to have faith that the reasons things work the way they do is because a higher power gave it that natural ability to do so. That is where Science comes in and figures out why and performs experiments to get a conclusion and continues with experiments until the same result occurs and the theory remains. Segio all I am stating is that religion would not pose a threat. Yes the big debate would be on who's religion but there can be alternatives for that as well. Like on how we dealt with which cluster class you wanted to be in freshman year. We had a cycle in which we rotated between three classes and at the end choose one that we liked the most.

    6. David I'm not sure I agree with your point about how if science is being taught then that gives religion a reason to be taught as well. But I do agree and think it should be taught in high school where the kids are old enough to understand. But Science is something we deal with every day, religion is as well but it's not being used the same way. Science isn't really much of a religion in my opinion but as Colbie states it's an organized body of knowledge of basically what we as humans know. Of course there are things that are changing in science because there are new discoveries made every year. But I don't think this proves much for this argument.

  11. When you talk about religion, I think about the whole thing that comes with it. I do believe that prayer should be the start of the day at school. With religion, there are all different types that you don't want to force your beliefs on other people. Also, if there had to be religion in our schools, maybe an assembly can be 30 minutes and bring everyone that believe the same beliefs.

    1. If you believe prayer should be allowed before class, who's pray would be recited every morning? There is no way every religion can have a prayer time before class every day. I am Catholic, and if a non-Catholic religion held prayer at my son’s public school every morning, I would have an issue with that. Prayer should not be included in public schools. If people want prayer in schools, there are private schools their student can attend. I am respectful of others religions, but I do not want other religions forced upon my sons.

    2. Marianna, even when I am at events that pray, my mom taught me to say my own prayer as the person is praying. Prayer does not force your religion on people when they pray. I am sure you have been at events that prayed and not of the Catholic faith and you were not forced to change your religion beliefs. I believe that each faith should be able to pray for their classmates Monday through Friday. Who knows, changes in attitudes, no bullying, no fighting or even shootings will appear at schools because of praying. Also, it does open up questions about your beliefs where your kids could share.

    3. You are right I was not forced to change my religion when other people say/have said a prayer around me but is has made me feel uncomfortable. Children in public schools should not be put in an uncomfortable situation because other people want to pray. Again, why do prayers have to be said at school? Why can't the prayer be said before school starts, or on the car ride to school? Why does prayer need to be during school hours?

    4. I'm not sure I completely agree with your post Dena about how prayer should start the day of school. But I do think that would be a good thing for anyone who wanted to take time to do their own prayer would be good. You could even just have all the students who want to do their own prayers like a little time that they could which would be good. But I have to agree with Marianna that their are plenty of parents who wouldn't not want that at all for their children. At a young age it could swade them into something else because younger children can be easily influenced.

  12. There should always be a place for religion. The problem is, not everyone is of the same faith. People practice in different ways. Sadly, people don't always have respect for the religious practices of some. The questions for me become, How do you practice religion in schools? Should people be allowed to a moment to pray silently? How can this be made practical.

    1. Colbie I agree with you that not everyone is of the same religion and it would be problematic to teach a specific religion in public school. How do you practice religion in school? To answer your question students are already allowed to practice their religion in school, its the teachers and staff that are not allowed to preach about it directly to students during school hours. They can, however, hold clubs or activities after or before school. Students have the freedom of praying before a lunch, a game, or a test as long as it does not disrupt others. Should people be allowed a moment to pray silently? Most schools already give a moment of silence during morning announcements. This silent moment could be used to pray silently, reflect on the upcoming day, or to study.

    2. Sergio, you are right it's however you want to acknowledge your Faith. In school they do pray for different reason's and those that don't agree just don't participate. Same thing in the work place when there's a death of a co-worker, or some one is out ill you have the options to send a card even support them with your prayers. We all have different beliefs but prayer is something I see most people do and believe in that takes place in public school.

  13. Well said Sergio. I haven't been to school in ages, but I did not know a moment of silence was offered during morning announcements. That is definitely a great idea and appropriate. I do find if someone really actively practices their religion, they find ways to do so regardless of the situation.

  14. People should be allowed a moment to pray or meditate or whatever they choose to do, but what does it hurt to teach about all types of religious practices, speech class teaches English things and vice versa so science could implement religion, and allow a person to make up his or her own mind, as far as the younger children go it's basically what's being taught at home so my question becomes Who is religion hurting? Saying a prayer isn't hurting anyone because you have the choice to not say anything, no one is trying to force a certain type of man made religion on a person, but who is it really hurting. People that have no religion say I feel uncomfortable when a prayer is being said , well what about those of us that feel uncomfortable when no prayer is being said.

    1. Why does there need for a prayer to be said in school before class? Why not say the prayer on the car/bus ride to school? Why not say the prayer before you leave your house?

    2. I agree with your point LaToya I think its a good point for everyone to be allowed to do whatever their religion wants prayer a write script whatever. But I do agree the most that students in my opinion especially in high school at the youngest should learn about all kinds of religion. Even if its just the basics it would give such an insight to the world outside that many will eventually learn on their own. So why not it won't hurt for students to learn about all other kinds of religion so why not help them learn it.

  15. like a lot of people previously said this country was founded on the belief of God whether you want to believe it or not. their lives revolved around God in many different forms how do you all of a sudden just take it away. we learn in school all of this stuff we don't need at all in the future but we can't pray. they teach us evolution and the big bang theory which is in some sort an atheist belief and I don't believe in that at all. but I have to learn about it. religion needs to be put back in school if a parent doesn't like their child can step out or something. I gotta learn about evolution why cant they just pray?

    1. Why do people who do not believe in religion in school need to step out? Why can't the people who want to learn about religion take a Sunday school class? Why do we have to teach religion in public school? There is also the issue of what religion should be taught? There cannot be one person/teacher who can teach every religion there is, and if one religion is not taught the issue of discrimination comes up. Religion should not be in public schools.

  16. im reading different perspectives on this topic. let me clarify my view a little more. when I was younger we use to pray after the announcements. to me that should be brought back into the school. as far as teaching and pushing religion on a child during class no. that's why there are after school groups for religious children. I don't think it should be taught particularly in a class that's for college. but the prayer should be brought back. I still don't think evolution or the big bang should be taught in school either though. I believe that its forcing a specific view on children as well. as young children we believe everything we learn in school is right and accurate and that's not healthy for a young child that's raised in a specific religious home that could cause a lot of conflict

    1. Again, if prayer should be said before class, who's prayer? There are too many different religions and beliefs to give time at school for every one. Evolution and Big Bang Theory are not forced on the students. It is looked at as a possibility but it is not forced on children as the only solution.

  17. I believe schools should keep religion out. school is a place to learn and grow mentally, religion should not be forced to anyone. everyone has a choice to have ones own believes and no one should be placed in a uncomfortable environment.
    religion should not be practiced in school only in ones own private area.

    1. An as for Juan you say school is a place to be taught and to learn and grow, what better thing helps you learn and grow. RELIGION. No one should have to hide what they believe in some private area, we don't have to like it but we should respect all religions and teach our children about it. Our country was founded on religious practices and to just say forget that is a slap in the face for all people that believe in equality

    2. I do believe we need to respect all religions but I do not think all religions should be taught in public schools. If people want their children to learn about different religions then it is the parents responsibility to teach their child or find a church/class on their own time to educate their children. Religion should not be taught in public schools.

    3. latoya, your are correct, no one should be forced to hide their religion, but I never said they should not be allowed to show it in school. all I said was that, it should not be something that has be forced in a learning environment were many people from different religions attend.

    4. I can see your point LaToya and yours as well Juan. I think there was just a little miscommunication. I do agree that Religions should be taught to an extent like a religious course that gives a basic understanding of people's beliefs which doesn't teach for conversation for any religion. But at the same time this will also help students learn more about not only about the world but their friends and neighbors who have other beliefs. Some people don't even know what they believe in for a long time, I've seen it personally and met many people who may claim a religion but don't really know what they believe. So even if snippets were beings taught about all sorts of religions then people might find something that fits what they believe. We also have those who choose not to believe and that is ok if they don't believe but it would still be nice for them to learn about what others believe to help them gain a better knowledge of strangers they meet and might be able to have a conversation with them about their religion.

  18. I think religion should be taught as a method to understand what each religion entails so that our children can understand what each religion is about. However I do not believe that a specific religion should be taught as to what a child should believe. Knowledge is a powerful thing and being able to understand how a person is helps us to understand and be more tolerable of people in general.

    1. I completely agree with your post stormy because this is exactly what I believe. Knowledge is truly a powerful tool to the world, it's just how we use our knowledge that truly makes a difference. Because sometimes there are people who will twist and turn knowledge to say that their is only one way and everything else is wrong when in fact people need to learn and discover for themselves. For example I think that the whole assembly thing was a good idea but I still feel like the preacher in the article didn't do so well in sharing the knowledge and made it seem like that was all about converting people to join his church, or at least that is what the article is making it out to me. If the preacher even just said how his faith in Christ helped him though his rough patches and then said something like his faith in something (so it's not so specific and very narrow) helped him. I personally wish I could have learned more about other religions because then I think I would have a better understanding as you said of other people.

  19. Stormy that is a great way to put it.

  20. I don’t think there’s a place for religion in public school that’s why there are Catholic schools. We don’t live in a commonly shared one religion society, so having religion in public schools will only bring confusion and conflicts. I think religion can be taught at home or at one’s church.

    1. Also Frida, if you are only taught at home or your own church you don't really have the power to make a choice, people should be taught about things beyond home or church.

    2. That is why I believe in teaching convocation. Religion appreciation. Lets be clear as teaching a religion and teaching appreciation of all religions. Teaching a religion class on a specific religion will never work unless you are in a private religious affiliated school. We have too many people of different religious backgrounds in the United States. Teaching a class on one religion goes into depth, where as teaching an appreciation class gives an overall perspective of what each religion teaches. Two different things. Why wouldn't we teach about how people are different. when we say being different is a good thing.

  21. Religion is something that people has brought about, arming every child or person with a choice is always the best answer, teaching religion isn't limited to one type i.e Catholic, Baptist, Muslim, however we should teach about all types of religious preferences. We teach about baseball, soccer, football so what's wrong with religion?

    1. I agree with you because if we are able to teach children about sports and other things why don't we take a couple of minutes to talk to them about religion.

  22. No reason should children feel hostile toward one another. The way that teachers and faculty have the opportunity to share religion to students is an easy way to create distance between students. It could make a believer of a given faith feel evil about a non-believer. This can only be bad. "There needs to be a place for religion" and there is a place for religion(s) but it has proven more and more and more to be elsewhere.

    1. Great thoughts James, I agree children need to feel NO hostility, and if we teach them about it all the can gain understanding, because sometimes our not knowing or perceptions is what gets us angry

  23. As I keep reading everyone responses about religion in public schools, why are the children being targeted. How about not necessarily being taught in elementary but starting it off in middle school and high school? By then the children will be mature enough to make their own decision to decide whether or not to be taught religion. Either way your parents influence you and mold you in the times you are a kid. You begin to acknowledge what is right from wrong.

  24. This country has always set an example when it comes to expressing freedom as a value. The freedom of religion is demonstrated when people do not have to worry about their indifferences, and when they can embrace their culture and appreciate others if they choose, and understand one another's upbringing. School is not the place for the development of religious practices.

  25. In the 1800s when school was first an idea, church was obviously a much bigger part of school and what people learned. The way America has flourished, and the way America has continued to make a nice home for its guest, there is no right way to publicly facilitate the practice of religion in a public school. There are private schools and certified colleges to take on the teaching of religion. I do not believe religion should not be taught about in public schools, but the practice of religion has definitely showed to decrease substantially since day one. The things some teachers might tell could be a lot different than others. Practicing and teaching are different. There is a place for religion to be taught in school not practiced, but it should not be taught as the only belief that people have, because it is good to be aware of what is really going on.

  26. to correct my comment above about the first school, 1600s when the Puritans formed a school (religious reformers) is more accurate than 1800s

  27. Furthermore, things are different. Most of my teachers in grade school kept religion on the back burner. I didn't ever think I could ask them about that. I cant see why it would be wrong for someone to silently pray but that already tells others about that religion or the way they practice it. People are getting mad because they aren't used to a Muslim praying during their lunch time or their kid is going home and talking about Buddha, because someone was praying and they all started talking to each other about their beliefs. This topic of religion(s) is something that should be recognized and accepted in public but practiced elsewhere.

  28. People shouldn't have to get made fun of because they are passionate about their religion or put to certain standards because of other peoples beliefs. It is best to learn of religion and to be able to make the choice as to how ones own beliefs are developed and practiced. By removing the practice of religion within schools, public school environments will show to be less hostile and more sociable for students. This allows for more of an opportunity to get a solid education at school, and makes it easier to achieve a more solid foundation in religion outside of such a diverse environment.

    1. James,
      I taught my children to have respect for other's. When you teach respect in the home it helps when you interact with other ethnic groups of people. By showing respect it allows me to be thoughtful of you and your religion. According to the Center for Public Education (CPE) Public education must obey 2 legal requirements One clause gives citizens the right to freely exercise religious convictions; the other prohibits government (including taxpayer-funded public schools) from establishing religion, meaning granting favorable treatment.
      These 2 reason allow religion in public school. Like I stated it's a matter of RESPECT.

    2. Would it be respectful for you to start praying in the name of Jesus to a Muslim who was expressing his religion? My mother taught me to be respectful as well, and mindful of others. Also, it is wise to be respectful to everyone and not just the ones that share your religion. Furthermore, it will not be a good idea to exercise religious convictions in many given classroom situations, especially in the American public school environment.

  29. James,
    I taught my children to have respect for other's. When you teach respect in the home it helps when you interact with other ethnic groups of people. By showing respect it allows me to be thoughtful of you and your religion. According to the Center for Public Education (CPE) Public education must obey 2 legal requirements One clause gives citizens the right to freely exercise religious convictions; the other prohibits government (including taxpayer-funded public schools) from establishing religion, meaning granting favorable treatment.
    These 2 reason allow religion in public school. Like I stated it's a matter of RESPECT.

  30. I do not believe that religion should be taught in public school. However if a person wants to go to a private school with religion basis then yes that should be acceptable due to the fact that those people make a choice and have the same belief system. I do think that a course should be taught to inform and educate on what each religion believes so that our society can have a better understanding and tolerance of other cultures. To be honest, I have no clue exactly what Judaism or Mormons believe in. I never studied either, so it would be nice to understand so that I could interact and not offend someone in their religious beliefs.

    1. As I'm a Mormon I could tell you but I agree with your statement that it should be taught in schools so that everyone knows what to expect from certain religions. Not only is religion part of people's lives but also their cultures so learning all kinds of religions will benifit us greatly. Because what I believe and what I expect from others is not the same as what others could say about me and what they expect of me. I think the learning is an important matter that needs to be part of the schools curriculum.

  31. Is there a place for religion in schools, or should religion be taught in school are two very different questions to me. I believe a person who has practiced whatever faith knows how to integrate their beliefs into their daily lives. I do believe schools can have more respect for religious diversities.

  32. I personally do not think that religion has a place in public schools. Public schools are for learning what the state thinks every child should learn. If the state believes in Christianity in particular, then they will teach that in the whole state. Religion should be taught at home by families. If religion is taught then it should be at a private school that only supports one religion.

    1. I completely agree with your opinion. Public school only believe in Christianity when in reality we live in a very diverse country. It would not be fair to all the other people with different believes.

    2. To Luis you seem very tight that even religion isn't a kind of learning based off your response. Does it seem impossible that people of different faith can't share a same respect for one another beliefs. Sure there could be many Christians in the world but what about the Muslims or Buddhist. It would due everyone some good to just understand what other people believe sure it can be taught so everyone else understands it doesn't mean others have to believe it. So I agree with your post Colbie. Even if there are many religions in the world we can all stand to respect for one another.

  33. I do not believe religion should have a place in public schools. The reason for that is that in this country there is a big diversity between religions and cultures, not everyone has the same believes. It is not fair for schools to have religions rallies focusing mainly on the Christian religion. Religion is a freedom of speech so every student has the right to believe in whatever religion they decide. Enforcing only one religion is not freedom of speech. The other think I didn’t like in the article was that if the children didn’t go the religious rally they were sent off to another room, basically a punishment. Everyone has the right to have their own religion, but enforcing only one religion in public schools would not be fair to anyone.

    1. True I do believe we are to diverse. People should just leave the system alone I went through elementary, middle school, and high school here and I was still thought to be Christian and be a good person in Christ. Leave it to the parents or the kids themselves.

    2. Edgar, I agree with you religion is a matter that should be dealt with at home with ones family. My parents never forced me to follow religion so it should not be forced anywhere else.

    3. Is it really forcing one religion when its possible that other religions just haven't done it? It's not forcing anything on anyone. They didn't make every student sit down and have to listen to what the person had to say it was an option a freedom to choose if they wanted to listen or not. I'm sure if there was other religions doing the exact same thing then your idea would be a little different Itzel. But I agree that everyone has their own right to believe what they want, we are entitled to our own opinions. But what is wrong with hearing how other people found hope in their own faith. I've met many people of how their faith either (Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, and even born agains) found their self in a jam and their own faith helped them through it. We are a diverse world with divers religions and culture what better way for everyone to learn what other people believe. If we just closed ourselves off to the world we would just be ignorant people who doesn't want anything to do with the outside world. We need to open our eyes to what other people see, we may not agree with it but it's still out there and we should respect one another for our own believes.

  34. I agree with you Itzel public schools shouldn't have a place for religion. Our society is full of many cultures and they all have different religion beliefs and they shouldn't be forced to talk about religion in school because like you said enforcing religion is not freedom of speech.

    1. Yes, Yesenia you are totally right. Enforcing one religion to students is violating their rights for freedom of speech. Everyone should be allowed to have the religion they want. That is why religion in schools is not the best way to go.

  35. David, I fail to see ho science "forces" any type of religious belief. yes science is very vast, that is why I mentioned a "particular subject" as you highlighted. I'm not really certain what your definition of religion is. That is very important because I guess religion does not mean the same to everyone. I personally don't see religion in the periodic table. Elements are just that. I fail to see a hidden agenda.

  36. Marianna, I have to agree with you. If students pray before classes, whose prayer is going to work best? Not all faiths have the same beliefs and same prayer practices and customs. Not all parents would be open to their kids learning different religious customs.

  37. James, the 1600's was an era of early American colonies. Then, there was not a lot of room for religious freedoms. People battled over religion and killed people for not worshipping the same. People were hanged, burned and accused of being witches.

    1. Yes its a shame we have to categorize ourselves, instead of believe we are all like the person next to us. I mean we are all humans, Right?

    2. Colbie, I agree with what you have stated, not all parents teach their children the same religious believes. So to teach a Muslim child about other beliefs would anger the parents, causing them to maybe withdraw their kids from school or take worse actions.

    3. Precisely, and things are different now Colbie. In some places like America, appearing as being an extremist of any sort my not even get you down to the principals office, but still remains the problem of disagreement. Religion has actually become more of a disagreeable topic in America since the 1600's.

  38. I think they should of never token the prayer out of schools, if religion was such a problem why do they still have God in the pledge and say that pledge everyday? Does not make any since. "On The A.C.L.U. brought the suit on behalf of a seventh grader who said he was subjected to unwanted proselytizing and has been harassed for his avowals of atheism". It is ok for this event to be in offense to this student that is atheist, but what about the Christianity were do they stand when they do events like music that is not educational and just contaminating to the mind, teachers who use profanity words that Christians do not want to hear. You just have to look at a balance and if the school permits it then there should not be a problem.

    1. I agree with you Daisy, if the school permits it then there shouldn't be a problem.

  39. Well my opinion is I do believe religion should be a part of school, but that I do believe it wouldn't work out. this country is far to liberal and diverse. The rapper in the story I am sure had a good purpose in what he choose to do in the assembly, but I do believe it was a little inconsiderate. To tell you the truth I don't know exactly where I stand yet. We don't have that one dominate religion anymore. It is a shame that we are all so eager to categories ourselves. I guess what I am saying is leave the schools how they are now it seems to work out better than any other option. If the kids or parents want religion to be taught, they can be a part of the extra curricular activities like bible study or FCA. Cause nothing would stop me from practicing my religion especially not school.

  40. Religion should definitely stay as a topic to teach at home. It would be bad for child to think too much about what religion is right and wrong. Plus if they teach Christianity, they should also be teach of Islam, Judaism, and all the other religions. It would only bring conflicts to our communities

    1. I think that parents should teach the child the family belief system. I agree that schools should expose the student to all the different religions. I believe that if a person knows more about a religion it will make them more understanding toward the people who practice that religion.

  41. I believe that religion is a personal choice. I do think that if the schools are going to teach evolution that they should also teach creation. Religion has a place in schools as an optional course. Parents would need to give permission to take the class, just like they do for sex education. I think it would be beneficial to students to learn about different religions.

    1. I think that schools should only teach evolution because that is the science view on how this world was created. When you start getting into creation then that means someone created it. If there are parents that do not believe in a spiritual being that has the power to create this world then I'm sure they wouldn’t want the school system teaching their kids that.

    2. Billie I agree with you, I think that if religion were to be teach in public school, it should be an elective class and parents would have to give a consent before thier children receive the class. However, the problem I see with that, would be the wide range of different religions now in days. That class would have to be based only on the basics of the different religious denominations there are. So, at the end it would come down to parents responsibility to teach them more of their own religious beliefs.

    3. I agree with your point Billie, because everyone does have their own personal choice to do what they want in live and even what they personally believe. Of course I think it should always be open for everyone to learn about everything not just one thing.
      Now Luis you state that schools teach evolution because that's sciences view on how the world was created but then why should we not teach how other people believe how the world was created. Maybe there are some parents who believe in evolution but there are some that don't and yet they still teach that. That to me doesn't seem fair why should schools teach one way that is science yet doesn't prove that is how the world is made, it’s not a fact it’s just a theory. So why not teach what other people believe on how the world was created if they can do that?

    4. Billie
      I agree, schools should offer religion as an elective but only make it optional not a core class or a mandatory class. but like Dinoarah said there are so many religions in the US and in the end would still be up to the parents to teach. But yes, I do believe it would be beneficial for kids to learn about other religions in order to respect their peers.

    5. That brings up a good point Billie. I believe if each family was asked of if they believed in the same religion and the parents were fine with their child being in a certain religious environment, religious activities would be fine to share in that particular public school since everyone shared the same ideas. It is when other families who believe in different ideas who do not want their child to be swayed to believe in another religion, that is when religion should be left out of the educational environment.

  42. I understand that spiritual education is a very important matter to feed our faith. However, I believe that school might not be the place to teach our kids of religion. Now in days there are too many different religions, for that reason it would be hard to teach all kids Christianity when their home religion might be different. I believe parents are responsible to teach their children spiritual education.

  43. I do not believe religion should be shown in public schools. In my point of view, public schools nowadays seem to be bad. I grew up going to a catholic school, but we paid for our religious education while getting more education as well. Regardless, one's parents are responsible for what their children want to know.

  44. There are many children and teenagers which do not believe in Cristian believes or any kind of other religious believes. So to force any kind religious believes would make any other student to feel uncomfortable and unable to learn in their learning environment..

  45. I think it is absolutely ridiculous that prayer is banned from schools a prayer does not have a religion. A prayer brings comfort that we can put our problems or what we face in the rest of our day in the hands of someone else. I belief a prayer is just wishing blessings upon the students and a way of preparing for another day. I work for Baylor hospital which is a Christian organization and they tell you this in orientation when you get hired. The CEO introduces himself welcomes everybody and makes a prayer; I did not see a single person walk out or feel uncomfortable. We as adults are taught to respect others of different cultures and religions so why can’t we teach this to children. A prayer is not forcing religion on anybody or intended to questions people’s beliefs. I think that people who are against prayer are insecure with their beliefs and if a prayer makes you feel uncomfortable than your obviously not so sure in what they belief. Parents should realize that you can teach your children in what you belief but this does not mean that your child is never going to interact with other people that have different beliefs. As we become adults we choose to follow what our parents have taught us growing up or we can decide to belief in something else. I repeat prayer has nothing to do with disrespecting any ones beliefs.

    1. Well said Lucia. I think those people who are complaining are insecure in their beliefs like you said. A prayer is a solemn request for help or expression of thanks. It has nothing to do with disrecpecting anyone's beliefs.

  46. As far as the evangelizing at a public school in South Carolina I don't think it became a problem until it was posted on you tube. The article clearly says that religion in the rural South is common and if those people are happy and no parents are complaining the people looking on the outside should keep their opinions to them selves.

    1. In commenting on both of your posts Lucia, I don't think it really means pray in particular because prayer was never an issue it was more that the preacher was teaching what he believes which I don't think as wrong but there are many parents out there who don't want some preacher that they don't know teach their children something different or interpret what they know in a different way. Because maybe there were Muslims there and they don't quite believe the same as Christians do about Christ. It's all about perspectives which people seem to be very closed minded to alot of others people's ideas or not even care what they have to share. As I was once a missionary for my church it was probably one of my favorite things was to hear what other people believed and they too would hear what I had to say and to what I believed because we were both open. Now does that mean I changed with what I believe no. But it gave me an opportunity to learn more about what other people believed, were not always going to see eye to eye but it's still nice to share what we believe.

  47. How can there not be a place for religion in public school when this country was founded on religion? If it started in the homes then, it continued in the school. It should be the same way now. A little religion would not hurt the children of today. They could use it.

    1. I disagree with you sugar wiley because if it was that way , where the school system taught religion practices , what type of religion would it ? catholic ? christian ? or what ? It wouldn't be fair.

  48. After reading the article, "Battling anew over the place of religion in public schools". I agree with the statement Mr. Stinson said "I want these kids to know that eternal life is real, and I don’t care what happens to me, they’re going to hear it today.” I also agreed with Mr. Chapman saying “Jesus represents everything we want our students to live by.” I am just a person that believes that Jesus Christ died on the cross for my sins and your sins. With out him we are nothing. Having religion and talk of Jesus Christ in school does not cause anymore distraction than a student bring a gun. Yes, religion does have a place in society not just school in my opinion.

    1. Leisa to compare a student bring a gun to school and to talk about jesus christ in school are two very different things. If it is okay for the teaching of christianity in public schools then that also means that it is okay to teach any other religion, regardless of what it might be. It could be christianity, catholisism, or even satinism. But to exclude the rest in favor of the others just shows that there really is no place for religion to be taught in school. You can say that it is okay to have religion in public school because it is the right thing to do. But you cannot say that it is only okay to teach a certain religion. That just makes no sense.

    2. Sergio is correct. Teaching one religion instead of the others is not right. It should be even with all religions, not just one. With that being said, there is not enough time to teach all religions in school.

    3. I agree with you Sergio. If one view of religion is being presented to an audience they are not being given the entire picture. It isn't fair to push one belief on individuals when they may think differently about the situation. It is fine when everyone who attends the same church is practicing the same beliefs since everyone there wants to receive the same information. In the educational environment of public schools, people from various backgrounds attend those schools and it isn't fair to those who have different beliefs to have ideas forced upon them.

  49. I think religious practices shouldn't be in public schools because there are different types of religions ,and it wouldn't be fair to try to teach one type of religion , so i say just leave it alone , in the other hand is it's a private school then it should teach it depending in what the parents think because thats why it's private.

  50. I believe there is no place for religion in school. Once Christianity had been taken out, it will be hard to place it back in. Everyone theses days has a different religion or no religion at all. Although we should be able to stand up for what believe in, I just don't think it needs too be in our schools unless it's a private school for that religion.

  51. Think about the type of image it sets for immigrants that come to public schools to see only a Christian fellowship group. What if their family practiced something different their whole life, and they cant pursue that? Maybe an individual who partakes in Christian fellowship is ok with the immigrant not pursuing their religion, but it would still create a bad image for the Christian fellowship that they want others to embrace.

    1. It creates a horrible image that America pushes religion in public schools. I think that in private schools that is totally acceptable but should not be pushed on children that cannot afford private schools.

  52. Christianity is not the only religion there is. That is the religion most people are bringing up in school. If someone brings up another, they get labeled as weird or strange. Therefore, public schools should not be a place for religion.

    1. I agree with Omar. There are many religions out there. We don't treat everyone's believe fairly. We judge them because they're different from us and it shouldn't be that way. Public school just isn't the place for religion. It should be for schools that are for that specific religion.

  53. I think that Religion should be taught at school. Maybe if it is taught in schools our children would be different. Maybe there wouldn't be so much bullying within themselves and they would get along better and also maybe less fights and gangs. Religion needs to be taught at our schools for a better life and future for our children.

  54. In the end, no matter how you state it, or make it look pretty/ugly, its still an individuals choice. If you choose to say a prayer, do so, if you don't then don't. What I do within my life has no bearing on yours. But I will say, there is a huge difference in how my generation turned out compared to how recent generations have turned out and just a thought, but maybe some of it has to do with taking things away, or not allowing prayer in school...

  55. There are also a lot of people saying or implying that religion makes someone a better person. Raising your child that's going to a school without religion does not mean that the child is going to be a bad person.

  56. I believe that if some one wants to practice their religion inside of the school system, that is acceptable. It is when someone chooses to force their religion on other individuals which crosses the line. There are many people who share different thoughts about religion and it should be fair for other individuals to either remain separate from religion or to practice their own beliefs.
