Friday, December 12, 2014

Gun control or gun rights?

Read and discuss the following articles. (Read at least seven of the ten articles linked at the bottom of the opening paragraph.)

  • Postings should present a focused and cohesive viewpoint that is substantiated by effective supporting examples or  links to relevant, up-to-date websites or documents that enhance the information presented.

  • Postings should be written in a style that is appropriate for an academic discussion of the topic.

  • Postings should be free of grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors.


  1. Public safety is always a concern, and everyone has a right to their own opinion. Having guns can either be a good thing, or a bad thing. It all depends on the person holding it. For the most part the people that are for guns are the ones that abide by the rules. They’ve had their guns registered and have gone thru background checks required by law. Even hunters require a license to hunt. I also think that universal background checks should be put into law. I believe in the Second Amendment, that private citizens should have access to weapons.

    1. Eva,
      I agree with you guns do no kill people we as a person decide to pick up the gun and shot the other person. There are people who follow the rules and go through the whole process and registration their guns so they can carry it with them or keep the gun at home. People that have guns should have them registered if they don’t take the time to at least register the guns they shouldn’t have it.

    2. Eva you are right firearms in the wrong hands do harm to other people. I do think people are responsible for the way they handle their firearms and the laws that are set as to obtaining a firearm are pretty reasonable. I myself think that owning a firearm is coupled with great responsibility.I have a teen son and a nine year old daughter and I choose not to have a firearm in my home, because I choose not to take that risk.I know that there are safety guides one could follow to not have your children get a hold of ones firearm.If people choose to have firearms and only intend to use them for protection there is nothing wrong with it. And anyone who feels they can take on the responsibility of having a firearm I wouldn't disagree with them.

    3. Eva I agree with you, yes it all depends on the person holding the gun and what their thoughts are. Guns are good, but they are also bad. It's hard to say that a person that has gone thru a deep background check on won't one day flip and commit a crime, and maybe they'll feel or think that because they have a license to carry a gun, it's ok to commit crimes.

  2. Gun rights is a beautiful thing. I am a strong believer that guns don't kill people. People kill people. This article states that gun rights are now not only federal, but local and state as well. I think that gun rights are moving in a positive direction. I do think that purchasing a firearm should have more stipulations then there are now. I think as of right now in the State of Texas you cannot have any felonies or owe on child support to purchase a firearm. I do believe the background check process has to be revised and updated to include individuals with mental illnesses. What happened at Sandy Hook elementary was a tragedy. Adam Lanza had no right to those firearms. That was lack of safety from his mother by giving him access to those firearms and not recognizing the signs of her child being mentally ill. I think if that portion of the gun acquiring process is changed then there will be great improvements.

    1. Gun rights have been around as long as guns. Everybody packed. However, today I believe it's in many wrong hands, many. But a mentally ill person can get a firearm and go shoot several people in a mall. She just simply had to fill out a questionaire and when asked "Are you or have you ever been a mental patient?" she just checks the box marked "no" and gets her assault rifle after waiting the required three day period. It does come down to whose in control of the weapon because Americans have the right to bear arms, which we should. I do not think owning an arsenal is necessary, that's overboard.

    2. Gun rights have been around as long as guns. Everybody packed. However, today I believe it's in many wrong hands, many. But a mentally ill person can get a firearm and go shoot several people in a mall. She just simply had to fill out a questionaire and when asked "Are you or have you ever been a mental patient?" she just checks the box marked "no" and gets her assault rifle after waiting the required three day period. It does come down to whose in control of the weapon because Americans have the right to bear arms, which we should. I do not think owning an arsenal is necessary, that's overboard.

    3. How long have guns been around? Since forever. If guns are used for moral purposes, then I suppose it wouldn't be an issue. Parents have had guns in their households for decades and kids knew not to mess with the guns. Period. Guns kill people. My parents left their bedroom door open when they weren't home, you couldn't pay my siblings or I to enter.

  3. I grew up in a hunting family. My grandfather and uncles would hunt deer and javalina (Peccary) and when they would bring home a deer it meant we would have a big party with great food. I was taught gun safety at a young age. I do not believe being able to own a gun is what causes shooting massacres, but people not being taught or mentally able to handle a gun. I believe in the second amendment but I also believe there should be strict rules on purchasing a gun. I believe there should be a limited number of stores who can sell any type of fire arms and also have the capability to perform thorough background checks on people who are interested in purchasing a firearm.

    1. I think that being able to carry a gun is a choice however that choice does affect other people. Just like the parents that choose not to vaccinate their children again CHOICE, but it hurts others in the process. I am not an avid gun carrier but for protection I may. Having the guns all at Target I think that it is a bit extreme.

    2. I agree Marianna, I think that it is all about knowing how to use a gun the right way. Everyone that has a gun are not always bad guys, if you know how to use it and you use it only when it is needed then there is no need for people to be alarmed unless the gun owner is just flashing it around. I also believe that there should be limits on who can buy guns and the types of guns that can be bought.

    3. Netra, I believe that if someone if someone is willing to Carry a gun, that person is willing to use it at the time it's needed. For that reason we need a gun control, each individual who carries a gun should earn the right to carry it, and must be responsible to use it only to protect themselves and/or love ones.

    4. Netra,
      I agree with you there are some people that just love guns and they are precaution, have them in a safe place, and know how to use their gun. Some people have a certain type of gun but do not know how to use it they just have it to show off. I think it’s ridiculous if someone has a gun and do not know how to use it but I believe there are people like this in the world.

    5. Marianna, I totally agree with you. I came from a family who hunted and we were all taught about gun safety. Specific attention to gun safety should be taken seriously by everyone. There are gun laws and rules when purchasing a gun, which is great, but still criminals will find a way to get one either by borrowing one or getting one through the black market. It is our right to protect our homes and loved ones from these types of criminals who wish us harm.

    6. Marrianna I agree with you that people should be able to pass a a background check, but three days? Is that really enough time to determine if a person is sane enought to have a gun? I dont think so. People who want to own a gun should have to go through a required and lengthy school. That way we can weed out the crazy ones.

    7. I agree with you Billie, three days is not enough for a thorough background check. I think some aspects of gun control reform should be: a limited number of federally mandated stores authorized to sell firearms, thorough background check which includes drug (prescription and/or illegal) history, financial history and mental history and all these checks should date back to 18 years of age. This background may sound excessive but it would be possible if the store is federally mandated which would allow the resources to be available. Once the background check is complete and a person is cleared, the person should be required to pass a gun safety program, and if the person has children, children ages three and above should be required to pass a gun safety program as well. The adult and children should also be required to recertify the gun safety program every year. People in health care need to recertify for CPR every year or two, so gun safety should be required recertification as well every year also.

    8. LaToya, I agree with you. I'm not a fan of guns, but sometimes gun fall in the wrong hands. Sometimes it's not the parents, but their children that end up with these guns. A lot of times it's to hurt themselves because they are depressed, or they hate their parents. Sometimes they even end up hurting their loved ones, for example their parents, brothers and sisters, or close relatives. It all goes back to it's not the guns that kill people, it's people killing people.

  4. As it says in the 2nd amendment people have the right to keep or bear arms. For the protection of themselves and their loved ones. Due to the fact that the safety of every individual is at risk every time they go out in todays' time. For instance, being a very well known game to teenagers nowadays is, "Knockout." Where teens would explosively hit innocent people from behind to try to knock them out. Therefore, to prevent brutal blows to the head or maybe even brain damage, every innocent person should have gun control.

    1. Protection is one thing but all we see now is kids getting the guns from a drawer at home that should be locked, or someone buying it off the streets. Guns with actions of people KILL, as well as knives, bricks or whatever else a person chooses to use. I think that their need to be more stuff than a background check, please a piece of paper doesn't tell you crap about a person except either they have been caught or not.

    2. Yes the 2nd amendment does state we have the rights to bear arms. This was made for the protection of one and other. This world is filled with alot of cruel people that just want to do harm , so we need some protection. we need our gun right and no gun control !

  5. I do not own a gun at this point, and neither do my parents, nor do I see a gun in my home anytime soon. I’ve also never shot a gun or gone hunting, but I do admit I would like to go hunting soon. Am I a big gun person? No, I have lived without guns my whole life, but I am pro guns for one reason. That reason is they protect us, either from other humans, other countries, or even from our own government. Ever since my junior year in high school I have heard a whole lot about this “ hot-button issue” then I have in my whole life. This is a pretty popular topic for two reasons. One reason being there have been many gun attacks in the past four years that have hit our hearts hard. The second reason being because of these attacks on innocent people, many want guns gone for our safety, but to many, guns are their form of safety. I am sorry if you are not pro gun, but if without guns we would have not been the great country we are today, and they might be one of the reason other countries have not invade us. Although I do agree the average Joe doesn’t need a machine gun or something powerful enough to kill more than 5 people in one attack. I mean you don’t need a gun like that from thieves or for hunting. I don’t know what you need to be able own a gun legally but I would do hope it is a very tough and protective process , in order to prevent guns from falling into the wrong hands.

    1. Edgar I grew up being around guns and it is not scary and it’s not a big thing dad likes guns but his are in a safe and as we grew up we knew they were there but we were not allowed to get near the safe. He showed us how to work them but that was just if we ever had to use them in case of an emergency. As of today we have never had to use them but I am thinking of getting one myself since I see guns a way of protection.

    2. Michelle,
      See I like hearing that. Your dad is a great example as to why guns can be good. If I get a gun for my home I will probably do the same as your dad, and teach my kids how to use it in case of an emergency(when they come to a certain age of course) and tell them to not touch it if it is not an emergency. As to getting one for yourself go ahead.

    3. I agree with you edgar , the average person shouldn't need a machine gun when he goes hunting or neither when the person is trying to protect himself from a bad guy but sometimes AK-47 can be fun just to shoot ,in a safe manner.

    4. I agree with Edgar. I nor my parents or brother own a gun. I don't think we plan on owning one anytime soon either, but I do believe they can protect us which is why I am pro guns. My grandmother owns a gun and keeps it hidden very well. She has told me plenty of times when I was a child that guns are not something to play with, but for protecting us. If someone tries to attack her, she'll be prepared because she has a way to protect herself.

    5. Erin,
      yea, those guns are not made for the average person that's for sure. As far as the AK-47, I would like to try it. I also like the idea of those gun shooting places. I don't know much about them but anyone that feels the need to shoot a gun at anytime can go there.

    6. I agree with Edgar, guns are bad if used to hurt innocent people. But if they are used to protect our country, our loved ones or ourselves then we do need to have them around. If our country didn't have them, then just think what would be of our country. We would not be safe, we wouldn't be who we are now.

  6. I say whether a person does no harm to anyone surrounding them,I agree people should have the right to carry a gun. Even though people may be alarmed when they see a person armed they get alarmed because they think they will be hurt. Every person with the ability to carry a gun is safe to be around with because their is no way they can hurt us, because that's the reason they went thru a couple of tests needed to proof they have the opportunity to carry a gun safe without hurting anyone around.

    1. I agree with your response. Taking away gun rights would be violating the law. Not everyone that owns a gun is dangerous to the society. Gun control has to enforce more laws in order to save lives and protect communities.

    2. Having a gun and then just taking it to Target is a bit extreme, everyone does not need to be exposed to that

    3. Yesenia,
      I totally agree with you people that see a person with a gun will think twice about doing something to them. There are some people that carry a gun knowing they are not registered but they still do it anyways. I think if they are going to carry the gun might as well go get your license to have it and carry it around.

    4. Yesenia, I agree. if you've gone through the process to legally own the gun, and your wanting to carry, why not take the proper steps to get a CHL. Makes sense, I wouldn't want to risk having my right to carry taken away.

    5. Yesenia,
      I Agree. If they mean no harm carry it, but they better have gone through the process of owning and carrying a gun when asked to show proof. Also we shouldn't teach our kids to be afraid of them but to use them correctly and safely.

  7. The 2nd amendment is great. My moto is, it's better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it. Every law abiding citizen should absolutely be able to own and carry a gun for personal protection. To often innocent people are harmed by individuals that do not care to follow the laws of society. Criminals are going to carry and use guns regardless of any laws, therefore law abiding citizens deserve to be able to defend themselves, loved ones, and their property. People who believe that guns are dangerous should realize that a gun has never harmed anyone. The person that pulls the trigger is the culprit. My question to those who oppose guns is, if an armed intruder kicks your door in, in the middle of the night, how are you going to defend yourself and your family? I also believe that if a person is licensed to carry and can pass a mental evaluation, he or she should have the right to carry anywhere. Crime does not discriminate as to where it happens.

    1. Taurus, I like your motto! I also agree with you that we should all be able to protect ourselves. In my opinion part of the problem is that people don't ever believe such things could happen them.

    2. Crime does not discriminate where it happens however there should be some level of consciousness that okay I am going to protect my family but I don't have to carry an AK 47 around my neck at the grocery store, and as far as criminal most of the time they have there weapon out they are going to use it.

    3. I agree Taurus, it is better to have it and not need it. Also I do believe evil will do evil no matter what laws come to place. To often everyone talks about the bad. In, fact that is what the news does. They just give us stores on shootings but rarely do they put stories of what good guns can create. I'm not saying guns are the greatest and kindest thing on this earth, but do believe good can be found in anything.

    4. Taurus,
      I agree with you your motto is something my dad always told us. We grew up with guns around and he would say it’s better for us to have them for our safety and protection instead of not having the. We have never had to use the guns but what if one day someone tries to harm us then we know we have the guns to protect us.

    5. Eva,
      I also agree with you my friend’s parents do not like that we have guns in our house but like Taurus said what would happen if a robber came in our house we can use the guns for protection. My friend’s parents think since they live in apartments this can’t really happen to them but they never know some people do not care if it’s a house or apartments.

    6. I agree with Taurus grant , yes the 2nd amendment is great and give us the right to own guns. Its always best to have it and don't need it.I also agree that guns haven't killed no one at all. We just have to get the idea out of our head that guns are bad and everyone who has one is bad as well.

    7. Very good motto Taurus, just imagine if our country didn't have guns what would have happened to our country when we have been attacked, we probably would have been destroyed. Yes people that can and will pass a test to be able to carry a firearm, should be able to, to defend themselves against the enemy..

  8. zeroing out all guns to the people can be a mistake, that can anger many people in our country. there is always going to be a way to obtain a weapon and most likely criminals are going to be the first to find that solution. So taking the right to bear arms is also taking the privilege to protect ones self.

    1. I agree, although I don't think the government would ever zero out guns. it would be far to dangerous, like you said it would anger everyone. Riots would start for sure. And yea, there would be a way to buy them anyways.

    2. You are right Juan ,it would a big mistake for one it would make the people helpless with no protection so there will be riots like edgar said. Criminals are always going to find a way to have guns.The government won't be able to stop it , just like they can't stop the drug trafficking

    3. I agree with you Juan, if other countries for example our enemy countries, knew that we had no kind of protection then that would be the end of us. We as the country we are we need to have all the protection possible from our enemies. There is too much hate against our country.

  9. As I was reading through some of the articles, it made realize we have major gun control issue in our country. At times people get gun control and gun rights mixed up. Just because someone has the right to carry a gun it doesn’t mean that person is going to use it for something productive. Every year we hear about all the shooting happening at schools or public places. Most of the time the shooters are under age. Meaning they get guns illegally or from other people owing guns. I believe that gun control should be enforced in our country. That doesn’t mean gun rights are not going to be in place, it means we should monitor the kind of people who are buying the weapons. Psychological test and evaluations should be made to people wanting to own a gun. The whole purpose of gun control is to keep our communities safe and keeping arms away from the wrong people, saving many lives.

  10. I thing people should have the right to have a gun. Not everyone wants a gun for the purpose of killing people. If a person wants to kill another, guns are not the only option. Gun safety is not the same as gun rights or gun control. These are all different topics.

    1. Colbie,
      I agree with you guns are not the only type people use to kill other people. Some people use other things like for example one of my dad’s friend’s son got killed by someone mixing some type of drug into his drink and till this day the police have not found out who killed him since it happened in a club. Guns do not kill people the person that picks up the gun and uses it to shoot someone else is the killer.

    2. I agree with you Colbie, there a million other ways people can kill others. owning a gun just gives one extra protection towards thieves or just another way of feeling safe on road trips with ones family.

    3. You are right Colbie, guns are not the only way to hurt or kill a person. We need to have the right to carry or have a gun at home if we choose to for protection. There is too much bad going on in our country.

  11. I have never been a person who got into the gun control issue. I believe people should have the right to protect their property and their person and family. If a person wants a gun and wants to do harm, the fact is they will probably do whatever they can to obtain one. I would feel better if I had the choice to protect myself, and those around me. I do feel that we have a moral obligation to have guns locked up and away from our children in the home.

    1. Stormy,
      I agree with you as I grew up my dad always had his guns in his safe and we were not allowed to get near the safe. He taught us that we do not need a gun but he would say he wanted us to be protected and in case we needed to use the guns, the guns were there. I also agree if someone wants to harm they will do whatever they can to obtain a gun it will be harder and difficult to get one but they probably will get one somehow.

  12. I believe no one should interfere or alter in anyway with the 2nd amendment. After all its in 2nd place for a reason. It's safe to say that everyone on the blog for this topic agrees that what we need is gun control. But what concerns me is now that we got that covered I'm not hearing anyone come up with IDEAS that can potentially SOLVE the problem. I strongly believe that it's every parents obligation to teach their children gun safety at a young age like Marianna B. Republican Alan Clemmons is trying to do something similar to that over at South Carolina. He is trying to pass a law that will enable kids to get mandatory gun education. Rep. Allen Clemmons said “We are raising a generation of students who, when they leave high school, will know nothing about the Second Amendment … and will believe the gun itself is an evil instrument.” I personally believe that it would be a great law for all the states to have.

    Now for the adults. Keep in mind are the ones Who are the ones purchasing the guns a step could be taking a mandatory mental exam of some sort every 2 1/2 years of obtain a gun carrying license. And to mandatory purchase a gun safety lock for the trigger of any weapon purchase.

    1. Indeed the article did come up with an idea that can make a difference in the upcoming generation. The other two proposals can be a difficult one to persue.

    2. Agreed. A mandatory mental exam every 2 years or so is a very effective way to keep arms away from those who do not have the mental capacity to do with one during a certain situation.

  13. Bearing firearms has many pros and cons depending on how you look at it, with all the senseless shootings that have tragically taken place it makes people want to find a solution to solve the problem. The problem is not the gun laws the problem is the shooters who have taken it upon themselves to take lives in a cowardly way. Guns are not dangerous on people who intent to use them for the right reasons. Like everything else anything can be a hazard in the wrong hands. I think people are just thinking of new laws to help diminish these tragic shootings and think that if the laws were set in place, these events will not reoccur or that it will be more difficult for the potential shooters to get a hold of guns and ammo. Are people without guns ever going to be comfortable with others around them that own guns I don’t think so, people are always going to disagree on this issue. We can however say that if those victims had guns at the time a shooting occurred the shooter would have been stopped before taking more live. I don’t see anything wrong with a person owing a gun for protection or even hunting. I am sure they know the risk that they are taking and have outweighed the possibilities.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. The majority amount of people that actually go through the entire class of concealed weapons training, to include the gun range, understand the issues that are involved concerning safety. I would say it safe to say that the people that actually take out the time to take the class, the training, utilize the gun range and study the safety rules and regulations are not the people that are walking around all loosey goosey with their guns. In my experience people who have utilized their training understand the commitment to safety and respect the gun, therefore not taking undue risks to warrant safety concerns.

    1. Anne-Marie,
      I agree with you there are some people that go through the entire process like the classes and all the training but don’t actually carry their gun around with them. My dad is one of them he keeps his guns locked up in a safe. He says he does not need to carry it around all the time. I understand him not everybody wants to carry the gun everywhere but in some cases they might need them but I believe that won’t happen every day.

  16. Training and education are always key elements to any issue of responsibility. I believe that gun control is a vital issue. I do believe that people have the right to protect themselves, however it is vital to safeguard against those who mean to do harm. The system is never going to be full proof due to human error. Regulating the types of weapons and to whom they go to is important. Violent criminals have proven that they cannot be trusted with such weapons and who needs machine guns? So yes I am for giving citizens the rights to guns, but I am also in favor of controlling it as well.

    1. I agree with you. I’m not against the right to bear arms to protect ourselves, the problems is that not everyone used them the correct way. Like you said, citizens should have the right to have a gun, but we should control the types of arms that are allowed.

    2. Frida, you are so correct, I think there are certain guns that never need to be out there. I am all for controlling the types of arms that we are able to purchase. I do however feel that if you want to purchase a gun, that a person needs to take a gun safety class and that you must have it properly secured in your home away from children and they too need to be educated. I was taught from a very early age that guns were not toys. My sister and I were educated. We never once thought about playing with my dad's guns. There just needs to be tighter regulations before a person gets a gun.

  17. I agree with you Stormy, I am also in favor of controlling the types of guns that are allowed. Machine guns, also known as fully automatic weapons, are in fact against the law and should remain that way. Semi- automatic high capacity rifles is a big topic with a number of groups right now. They want to take away the right for us to protect our property. The biggest push was right after the Sandy Hook shooting. Fortunately the State of Texas is going in the opposite direction. They're even favoring open carry with pistols as long as you have your concealed handgun license. I believe that training and practice should be necessary to owning a firearm and that you obtain a CHL before owning a firearm.

  18. I believe that gun control should be enforced to keep our communities safe. Every day we see on TV shootings in public places. I do respect the second amendment that protects the right of people to keep and bear arms, but I also agree with the idea of controlling the type of guns that are allowed.

    1. I totally agree with you Frida, everybody is claiming the right to the second amendment, and don't think of the consequences of not having a control to what type of arm people can put their hands on. We must also stop and think that if anybody carries a gun for self defense he/she does not need to carry a MK19, or any other heavy military style arms. So, yes a gun control is needed to get everybody in the same page to what is allow for self defense and what is not.

  19. It is very important though for people who own guns to make sure they are clear on what the laws are. Sometimes the laws get a little "sticky." People need to be very clear in how far they are willing to go with guns even if it is in self defense. It's not good enough just to take someones word for what the laws are.

  20. People, we need to wake up and understand that there is a huge difference between carrying around a MARK19 and a pistol. If there is someone shooting up the park next to where my kids are playing I would have no problem pulling out my weapon and defending them. That is what the 2nd Amendment is imposing. Not the fact that "his gun is too big" It is a right that will allow us to control ourselves. Anything that happens to oneself, should be a matter of how someone defended oneself. As stated in the attached article. The 2nd Amendment "protects an individual’s right to own a gun for personal use".

  21. The problem is not if we can or cannot carry a gun, the problem with the society is that people wants to carry different kind of riffles and guns. I think that if many people is in favor to the second amendment, and are demanding their right to carry a gun, those people should not oppose to the restrictions and security measures other people are suggesting to make sure that those guns do not fall in the wrong hands. I think that if people is demanding their right to the second amendment, they should also understand that times have changed, and unfortunately in many case those arms had fallen in the hands of mentally unstable individuals that have taken the lives of innocents. So, in my opinion if someone is demanding the right to carry a gun, each individual owner should take one hundred percent of responsibility when a life is taken by accident or premeditated crime. And we should all cooperate with the law to make sure lives are not going to be spared by the wrong use of those arms.

    1. Yes, Dinorah. I agree with you 100%. Who ever wishes to carry there firearms should take full responsibility when a life is taken on purpose or by accident. Every premeditated as you say.

    2. First of all, Wow. Just wow... The second amendment stands for two main reasons, the federal government sees it as if any outside forces want to come in and take what is ours we the people (who carry firearms) will be able to defend ourselves and our land. Second, the second amendment was put into place by our four fathers in case our own government wants to take back rights from the people and become a tyranny.
      I do agree that if a person takes a life with a firearm that person should see justice. But if that person is within the Castle Doctrine or The Stand Your Ground Law, they wont be on trial for very long before they are acquitted of those charges.

  22. Gun control or gun rights? I believe these two are relatively close to each other in a way that any new laws that will be passed fall in between these titles. Americans will still have the right to own and hold a gun under certain controls to prevent any devastating accidents that have happened in the past. New restrictions will be implemented on holders as well as extra courses to be taken to achieve licenses to obtain larger ammo or clips. Neither party will be satisfied with outcomes that are willing to split fifty fifty. Americans are very conservative when their rights are being played with. I do agree with the idea that was proposed in the state of South Carolina where their students will take a course on guns. A gun is not evil, what makes it become evil is the person pulling the trigger. “We are raising a generation of students who, when they leave high school, will know nothing about the Second Amendment … and will believe the gun itself is an evil instrument.”

  23. I believe we should have rights when it come to carrying our guns, but there is a huge difference when someone walks in the streets with a m16.

    1. Erin,
      I do not think they can carry that type of gun, but people should think before they get a big crazy type of gun like why would they want that type of gun or why would they want to carry it. I think a handgun will do the job if you ever need to use a gun.

    2. Your right michelle , a handgun would do it but a M-16 , its just over doing it , you can't even go hunting with that.

  24. I believe we should have rights when it come to carrying our guns, but there is a huge difference when someone walks in the streets with a m16.

  25. In my opinion if a person wants to carry a gun they can as long as they go through the whole process like the classes and the gun range. Carrying a gun a can sometimes help you from being robbed the robber might see the gun and rethink of robbing you. I grew up with guns in my house and there is nothing wrong with that or scary about them in my opinion. Guns do not kill people the person that picks up the gun and shoots a person is the killer. We have guns for our protection we have never use them but what if one day a robber tries to come into our home we have the guns to protect us. There are some people that do not think having a gun is right but what if they wouldn’t have a gun to protect them.

    1. Michelle, I do agree with your response. Some people take advantage of gun rights and use those rights the wrong way. Governments need to come up with new rules for gun control in order to protect communities.

    2. Itzel , your right theres people that take advantage of the gun rights and thats why we all having this debate if there should be any gun control , but because of the advantage of our gun rights the government should do some thing that will help us protect ourselves from ourselves cause we are the ones causing all the harm and the government is just trying to prevent it but we see it as if the government is trying to take over to we stay unprotected and its not like that.

  26. I'm a concealed gun carrier - I believe that if it is my right to carry a gun then my forefathers were discerning enough to understand the repercussions of what may happen while carrying a loaded weapon. I went through a training class to learn the laws, the places I can and can not carry as well as how to carry myself in public. I also went through 250 rounds of ammunition passing a timed shooting test, not only passing, but 1st in my class. Those of us that take this course, and carry legally understand that there is a responsibility that comes along with carrying a weapon. Safety is first and foremost, however protection of self and loved ones is a very close second. The right to own a gun comes with the responsibility of keeping the weapon secured at all times whether it be locked in a case while you aren't wearing it, or buying trigger locking devices. 8 times out of 10, accidents that you read about in the news comes from non certified/licensed individuals. Figure the odds.

    1. I agree with you Anne- Marie. I think that it is too easy for people that do not have a CHL to obtain a firearm. I do believe that the government either has to offer an intro course to purchase a firearm or to obtain a CHL. Too many accidents happen from negligence and it saddens me when I see stories on the news when gun owners shoot or kill someone on accident. I think that the state has not made these measurements necessary because of the backlash that they will receive.

    2. Laws vary by states. I come from a state where there is an "open carry" law. I know that Texas is going through this now and the concern is that "open carry" will bring a more hostile environment. However, it wasn't like that in our state, not only was the environment not hostile, there was less gun violence based on police report statistics.

    3. I also agree with you Ms.Anne, citizens that carry a weapon must know the responsibilities that come with it. It is unfortunate that many people lose their lives by the hands of individuals who have no experience other than shooting in their back yard. Shooting a hand gun or assault rifles is not as easy as people assume it to be. It's easier killing a person than going to a range to shoot targets at different yards.

  27. Guns! In todays society gun rights can be such a big topic to argue about, but my opinion I understand that guns play a big role in the army, police, FBI, etc. I have no problem with a person or people having a gun(people are going to argue with the second amendment anyways)but I just think that the government is not try to take any body's gun rights away but put stop to all the criminal murders.

    1. I agree with you Daisy. If the government takes away the guns of the people how are we going to defend ourselves when we need to the most? It is typical that many shootings occur in places where guns are not allowed such as in school zones. That is why i think it is best to have the rights to carry a weapon that could potentially save your life.

  28. I believe in gun rights. I believe we should be able to protect ourselves if need be. Those who obtain a gun license know the responsibility that goes with it.

    1. One-hundred percent behind you Yasmin. Every law abiding citizen should have the chance to defend themselves. The people who believe in gun rights and have firearms know the law of owning a firearm. They know what they can and cannot do outside of their home. Just because a bunch of "Mothers Across America" want to hold hands and get rid of all guns does not mean that it will happen. The bad ones will always slip through the cracks and by that time you will have laid down your weapon and not be able to properly defend yourself.

    2. Although I would not consider the possibility to obtain a gun myself, I do believe and respect people's right to own a gun. The only problem I have is the irresponsibility of some gun owners to not teaching their kids to respect guns because guns kill people, and to never let their guns to the access of people without the proper gun training and/or license.

  29. I believe that anyone who is mentally stable should have the right to own a gun. Most people who do commit horrific crimes are mentally unstable and have some kind of mental disorder. People should be tested medically and then be given guns. People should have the right to own a gun, if mentally stable. Say I am getting robbed. Would I rather call the police and wait for them to get here or pull out my gun and shot the man/woman endangering my life? I would 100% shoot that person. I am not going to wait for the police to get there because when they do, the robbery would already have been taken place and the perpetrator could possibly never be caught.

  30. A country with strict gun laws is Mexico. Look at the country now. It is going through a drug war and innocent people are dying everyday. The death rate over there is way higher there because citizens cannot defend themselves against criminals that have guns.

  31. Gun rights are a necessity. There should be laws in place to regulate who is allowed to acquire a firearm, but ultimately law abiding citizens should be allowed to have their own form of protection. The reason that guns should not be immensely regulated is because the population needs to be able to access a form of protection that they utilize in instances that render them helpless. if law enforcement is not going to reach them in time, they have something to defend themselves with until the police arrive. However, there have been statistics that support that countries without firearms available for the public do have lower mortality rates than countries that allow their citizens to purchase firearms. Though these statistics do not sway my opinion. I still believe that I require some sort of protection for my family and for myself if I happen to be in a situation where law enforcement cannot immediately assist me.

  32. Gun control is a good idea, but also could be a bad one. It could be a good idea to be able to carry a gun and be able to have a gun at home for safety for yourself and your family. For example if a thief tries to come into your home and you have a gun then you are able to protect yourself and your family from any harm. Also you are able to protect yourself in the streets or any place where there is danger. On the other hand It is a bad idea to be able to carry guns, because that is why there have been so many school shootings by young kids. They have easy access to guns and are able to commit these vicious crimes. Also it's better to avoid more deaths and murders. Also it would be a bad idea for cops as they would not be able to defend themselves as much. It's a good idea for gun control and then it's not.

    1. I believe that as long as the government comes up with an efficient way to safely issue firearms, without giving those firearms to those who will use them for criminal activities, gun rights should be available for the general public. However, it is the job of the parents to keep their firearms in a safe location. That doesn't mean hidden away in a drawer or their closet. They need to be required to have their firearms securely locked away in a safe without an easy way of getting into the safe. If the parent's kids can easily find and take their firearms that means the kids can use those firearms. It is the duty of the parents at home and the government for the United States to safely monitor and handle America's firearms.

  33. I grew up in a family that owned guns. They were always locked up. There was never any doubt that we had the right to have the gun in the house, it was for protection. In today's world, I feel better knowing I can protect myself if our country were to be attacked.

  34. Billie,
    I agree with being able to have a gun for protection in your home. What I do not understand is where people live and they have to walk around with a gun on their hip or across their chest. We do not live in country where you have to be strapped and loaded. To me people are taking this situation out of content. A gun for protection in your home you do need it, but teachers taking guns to school or people walking around the grocery store with guns is too much for me.

    1. Lisa what is going to happen if a responsible gun owner goes to the grocery store late at night to buy some milk and he gets robbed outside in the parking lot? If that gun is at home then it will be no good at that point. That responsible gun owner will be robbed or even worse killed. Now if that gun owner was locked and loaded and was carrying in a concealed manner, we would have one less criminal on the street and another great story in the news about a responsible gun owner. I don't mean that he would have shot and killed him, but definitely waited for the police holding the robber at gunpoint. My mindset is its better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it.

    2. Luis is right. There are several situations where people are attacked or ambushed and they have no way to defend themselves. As long as the appearance of having a firearm can save an individual from getting into trouble, that alone will save lives, not the actual gun itself. I definitely agree that it is something that I would use as a deterrent rather than actually using the weapon unless I absolutely had no choice in the matter.

  35. Guns don't kill people. Ignorant and stupid people with guns kill. Get the license and show your children the pros and cons of guns. Teach them how to be safe around it.

  36. Everyone who has a sane mind should be able to own a gun. There are countries that have gun control on its citizens and the criminals are the ones who are running the country. If the people do not have a way to defend themselves then others will take advantage of the weakness of the people and use it to control them. Therefore i believe in gun rights with a proper licence. After all guns have nothing to do with people killing others. The people kill people. A gun can't stand in front of you and shoot you. Only a person can.

  37. We humans need to take into consideration the different psychological disorders that are evoking unusual behavior in people lately, and with that in mind, we should stay open to the idea that rigid implementations to gun control will keep these accidents and "incidents" from happening. Although those who are afraid of gun control will argue that taking away guns is like taking away rights and freedom, I personally believe that it will help imply sanity and safety into today's society.

  38. We humans need to take into consideration the different psychological disorders that are evoking unusual behavior in people lately, and with that in mind, we should stay open to the idea that rigid implementations to gun control will keep these accidents and "incidents" from happening. Although those who are afraid of gun control will argue that taking away guns is like taking away rights and freedom, I personally believe that it will help imply sanity and safety into today's society.
