Friday, December 12, 2014

Are we morally, or legally, obligated to help people in need?

Watch the following video clip.

Read the following article. (It appears with a separate scroll bar under the abstract.)

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  1. I believe no one is legally obligated to help some random by stander in need of assistance. It all comes down to how you view helping others.

    1. It may not be a legal issue here in Dallas but it would definitely be a moral one. Kramer and his friends stood there laughing at a disgusting, immoral act of violence against another human being that could have been deterred by someone simply speaking up or walking over there.How would you feel if that was someone you loved or cared about being robed and ther was a group of bystanders simply laughing?

    2. Amy, you are right. Fernando, we have got to learn to help people and stop thinking about ourselves. They could have call 911, wrote the license plate down, or even got a description. We are not saying to fight a person or jump in front of the gun. We have to learn to put others before ourselves.

    3. I agree with you both Amy and Dena they should've helped that man no matter what he looked like and instead of them just standing they should've help that man that needed helped. They were able to help him, and instead of laughing they could've done something about the situation.

    4. I agree with you all they could have helped the man. One of them could have yelled trying to scare the robber away while another one could have called 911, and one of the others could have gotten a picture or a really good description of the robber. We sometimes see thinks and take it as a joke but it might be hurting others but we do not see it or it does not affect us as much because we are not in that situation

    5. I believe it was a shame that the people in the video did not lend a helping hand. Citizens in this country need to start helping one another.

    6. As decent humanitarians, why not lend a helping hand? There is no way I cannot assist someone who I see in need. It doesn't matter who they are, we should help. That could be a gesture as simple as a smile or a great piece of advice. If I'm in any kind of distress, please help me if possible. It's an act of kindness. We should all practice it.

    7. We are morally obligated to help our brotherman. If we are a people of faith, which we are to help a man in need, then that's what a civilized society does.When you've been blessed, pass it on.

    8. I agree with Sugar. If you are a person of faith, then you should want to help those in need. When we help others around is, it shows what kind of people we are.

    9. I think there should not be a law to help someone but as humans and civilized people we can throw a helping hand. like in the video instead of laughing at the victim they should had called the police, if they were to scared to do something.

    10. Fernando,
      Yes, no one should be legally obligated to help someone. It should come from the heart. Also, just because you don't help doesn't mean you a bad person. It would be nice if we all helped though.

    11. It could also be a legal issue to because take the Obama Care, which is supposed to be accepted everywhere. Some companies refuse to accept that insurance because the payouts on their side (medical) would be much lower, so their pockets won't be as fat. Can't mess with "their money" I guess.

  2. I agree with you that it all depends on your own definition of "in need." Personally I define someone "in need" as being helpless and in dire need of immediate assistance. So to me if someone is being hurt or robbed as long as no harm will come to you I feel people are morally and legally obligated to help. Just like in the video clip there was four of them and only one robber so if they would have spoke up I am sure the robber would have stopped and ran away.

    1. Evan
      I agree with you maybe if they would have yelled or made some type of noise it would have scared the robber away. Or they could of try walking towards them and pretend they were going to gang up on him. The robber probably would have ran or something since it was more of them than him.

    2. So Evan wouldn't that definition of "in need" just really lead down to assumtions? because one's definition of in need could be completly off the track as someone who could see someone that is in need. As human beings its natural for us not to just jump into danger at all but I do agree how you talk that we shoudl feel obligated to help those who are in need.

    3. Would you want someone/anyone to help your loved one in need? Of course you would. We just have to be kind to one another. If we pass on good deeds, they come back to us. That's where some of our blessings come from. We are supposed to help our fellow man. Love Everybody.

  3. This is more of a moral issue than a legal issue. A lot of people see it as "I do not want to get involved because it is risky. Why put my life on the line for someone I do not even know?", while others see it as "If I was being robbed, I would want someone to help me. Therefore, I will help someone in need". Legally, it should not be an issue because it could potentially be fatal for you. For example, if someone is getting robbed at gunpoint, one would not want to join because the gun could in turn be used on them. That person should not be punished because of that. Morally, people should be obligated to help.

    1. I agree with you Omar, It is more of a moral issue. I don’t believe anyone is legally obligated to help, but to me it’s the right thing to do. I couldn’t just stand there and do nothing, my conscious would bother me. At the same time I also agree that we shouldn’t be putting ourselves in danger either, it would also depend on the situation.

    2. Omar
      I kind of agree with you because I know if I was the one being robbed and someone was standing there I would want them to help me. In the case of the gunpoint of course I would not want to join in but I could just simply call 911 or try to get a good description of the person maybe even take a picture so it can help for something. This will count as helping even though it was something little.

    3. Michelle I agree with you. Many times we rather run away when someone is needing help instead of doing something to help. And like you said, we don't have to get ourselves involved in any risky situation. A simple call to 911 could make the difference.

    4. I agree with you Omar on people being morally obligated to help people in need. A lot people feel that's it the right thing to do, instead of allowing something awful to continue to take place. Alerting the police would be sufficient for situations that were too risky to get involved in. Also, I feel that a majority of people would want those responsible of a crime to get caught to prevent harm again. I couldn't just stand by and watch a person get hurt or turn away. I do feel there's a moral sense to help people in need.

    5. I agree Omar. Many see if differently, so this is a moral issue. No one should be legally obligated to help someone or if they don't help they shouldn't be punished.

  4. I too believe it is a moral issue. Most people choose to not get involved because of repercussions to themselves. A person should always ask themselves, what would I want to happen if I was in the same situation.

    1. Stormy, you are correct about your statement. In the poorer areas of the cities, it is called a snitch and people are scared of putting themselves and their family in harms way. If the The Good Samaritan Law applies to those who are put in protective custody then it must apply to the poor class of the city.

    2. Everything goes back to the home. We have to teach our kids that doing the right thing is just that, the right thing. I would rather do the right thing, then not. It was the way I was raised. There are ways of protecting a person if they "snitch" for example. We have to stop turning away when people are in need, and if we don't then we shouldn't expect help when we need it.

    3. Exactly right Stormy. If the shoe was on the other foot, would they want help? My aunt was murdered by her ex-husband. After her body was discovered in her apartment the next day by her father, a neighbor came forward. She told the police that she heard my aunt screaming "Help m!" for about 3 hours. She didn't call the police because she didn't want to get involved. Had she called after the first hour or even two hours after my aunt was being brutally assaulted, she could have possibly, just maybe saved her life and she would still be here raising their 3 children. It only takes a phone call at least to help.

    4. I agree with you all, I believe helping others should come from our hearts, our good will comes from our moral foundation and it should not be mandated by law. I understand sometimes people don't want to be involved because they are afraid of repercussions. However, sometimes we can help indirectly, by calling for the right help in threatening situations. But in others cases the help needed does not require very much effort but just a good heart. There is no law that could ever change a bitter heart or morals of a person.

    5. I agree with Stormy. I was raised that if you see someone in need, you help them or at least see if they are ok. That's what's wrong with this world. No one knows how to be kind anymore or do the right thing.

  5. If we were legally obligated to assist those in need, we would do it for fear of being penalized. We ALL have a moral obligation to help others, from babies to the Elderly. That's what we're here for. To help someone as we're passing through life. Whether it's letting someone use your phone, helping change someone's flat tire, giving a donation (out of the goodness of your heart), helping a classmate with an assignment, giving a hug to someone in a trying time, just lending an ear, etc...that's our moral obligation. Open doors, lend a helping hand @ the grocery store. I'm a Southern Girl, it's just a common courtesy and it makes you feel worthy. I like helping if I can because the shoe will be on the other foot. I would hope anyone around helps me if I'm in distress or need. You never know how you may touch someone's life. If you do good, you'll be rewarded.

    1. Sugar, I agree I believe you treat other's the way you want to be treated.
      Helping and paying it forward does not cost a thing. We should all want to be community servants to help build our communities and make them better by helping other's. Just think if the whole world people thought to help each other. Just like in the video they were actually filming the robbery if they had just showed the video the police could have caught the guy and got the victim's car back. Instead of laughing at his weight help him. We should all morally want to help each other.

    2. I absolutely agree Leisa. We should all morally want to help each other because that can easily be us or someone we care about. You are also right about paying it forward, not costing us a thing to be kind to someone, offering to assist them...often.

    3. I absolutely agree Leisa. We should all morally want to help each other because that can easily be us or someone we care about. You are also right about paying it forward, not costing us a thing to be kind to someone, offering to assist them...often.

    4. Sugar
      I agree with you I believe we all have helped someone in some way and we might not have realized it. There are a lot of ways you can help someone and not even notice like how you said just by listening to someone can help them. We should treat people the way we want to be treated just because we don’t know if in the future that can be us in their situation.

    5. Sugar, I totally agree with you, do unto others as you would have done to you. Common courtesy goes a long way. You are so right, we might not ever know if we touched someone's life, but just knowing you did the right thing will make you feel better about yourself.

  6. What if someone stop breathing and needed CPR? You know I have my CPR license and I am just standing around looking like everyone else. Shame on me. I should not feel legally obligated but morally obligated. Helping people in times of trouble should be a positive thing that people do every day whether it is small or big. As for the video, no assistance for help was shown for this man but laughter and making fun of him because he was heavy set. We all will be in need of help someday. So let us return the favor to our fellow man as if we were been rob of our possessions.

    1. Dena, I agree after I viewed the clip it made me think of what's the big issue now "bullying" we laugh at those that are not like us. Yes the guy was heavy, but what was funny about him being robbed and his car taken? Seinfield made a good point showing how insensitive we can be in finding humor in things that actually hurt other's. As the good book say's "do unto other's as you would have them do unto you."

    2. Dena and Leisa, I agree with both of you, we should help, but there will always be those around us who don't feel this obligation. Its very sad. like you mentioned Leisa, being bullied isn't funny, its wrong. I believe everyone should at least try to help someone, don't ignore it.

  7. I believe we are morally obligated to help someone in need. That video on Seinfeld is a good example of why in some states it's a law, the Good Samaritan law, to help someone in need instead of joking around about it. More than anything in today's era, people get to recording on there phones & post it on some sort of social media. It's ridiculous that we have gotten to this point & I hope nobody would go through any situation or else they would be on the other end of the picture, getting recorded for laughs. So again, yes I do feel that we are morally obligate to help someone in need as well as legally obligated to a certain extent, like being held at gunpoint. There might be another way to help in a situation like that.

    1. Jose
      I agree with you I have seen some of these videos you are talking about on social media. There is something wrong with this people instead of recording they can help out even if they just yell out loud to scare the robber or the person doing harm to the other person. Recording the situation can be a good thing when it comes to seeing who the person that was doing harm to another can be like the recorder can show the police and make it easier to find the person but for them just to record it and post it on social media is ridiculous and should not be allowed.

    2. Agreed. Instead of people using their time to take their phone out and record what is happening, they should help out instead. During certain circumstances, it might be better to record. This would only be the case if there is something you cannot do to help. It would exploit the person that did the wrong to the person in need.

  8. I think that we are morally obligated to help those in need in a situation like this I would not have stood there and gawked and made fun of the person I would have called the police. I think people sometimes stand by and do nothing when it is evident that someone needs help. Legally we are supposed to help, and I would if I didn't see any immediate danger like a knife or gun, and if I did I would certainly call the authorities.

  9. Legally we are not obligated to help those in need but morally, as for me, my parents raised me to help people that are in need. In a situation as in the video clip I would have called the police and recorded the incident with my cell phone. I think this situation is ridiculous that no one tried to help the man but we do live in a world where people are cruel and think of themselves.

    1. I agree with you Rebecca because as I grew up and I keep growing my parents always taught me to help others unless I see its a way to harm me. My parents say you give and help without expecting something back and I completely agree because I know I did good and I know God will provide for me and for those in need.

    2. That is so true what your parents say. You give without expecting to receive something back. But there are so many people out there that do not think like that Yesenia and it saddens my heart.

    3. I was also raised like this. I would have done something to help out the man. Even yelling would have possibly scared the people robbing that man.

  10. We are not legally obligated to help those in need. Helping those in need is a personal and moral issue. Law enforcement at times will bypass a person visibly in need. It's very sad to say that in the world we live in today, you have to be selective with helping because the intentions of the ones in need may be different from what you may believe. You have people pretending to be in need just to feed off of the hearts of the kind hearted.

    1. Colbie, I couldn't just feel right not helping someone out who needs it. You don't have to fight or anything but simply make a phone call to help and not over look that person in need. I jumped out of my car to help a little girl that flew out the car as her dad was hit by another car. I could of just went away and not did nothing with my medical skills and CPR. I helped with this victim and brought comfort to her and dad until the paramedics got their. I believe that's what is wrong with America, we are out for ourselves. If you were in this position, I believe that you would like the help.

  11. We are not legally to help those who are in need but morally, because if I were to be in the same situation as the guy in the video I would want someone to help me as well as if you were in the situation you'd probably like some help. I always believe that if you help someone in need, God will reward you ten times full, so when it comes to a situation I can help, I help.

  12. Before watching the video I was in totally disagree with the idea of been obligated by law to help other in need, but after I watched the video I changed my mind. Before the video I really thought this was a moral responsibility, but as the officer say in the video we should help or assist anyone in danger as long as it’s reasonable to do. It’s very common to see people nowadays recording on their phones when an accident happens instead of doing something to help. That why, I now agree that we should be obligated by law to help others in need.

    1. If the circumstances allow, one should be obligated to help. If a criminal is attacking someone and they have a gun or some sort of weapon, one should not be legally obligated because it also puts another life on the line. Like you said, only if it is reasonable to do so.

    2. Frida what about those times when it at first seems harmless to help someone but turns a corner to just pulling a weapon as Omar states. But I do agree of how sad it is that the first reaction in our society now is just pull out our phones and say I wanna record this rather then get up and help or do something to make the situation better. But being obligated and being obliged are two different concepts of being forced to do it and feeling like we should do it. One should never force anything upon someone else.

  13. I definitely think this is a situation based decision that has to be made. Not everyone likes to help whether its from low self esteem or they were raised without courage being emphasized. There are a lot of individuals that would rather flight than fight. The video is supposed to be funny which in total honesty it was, but if that was in real life they morally should've protected that citizen. Not everyone has that in them and that should be an okay standard as well.

    1. Luis I totally disagree with your comment about courage and that it is OK to allow an immoral act against another human to take place just because we are "afraid" or don't feel like we should bother to help another human in need. Fear is a natural instinct that is instilled in everyone but can be overcame and in most cases bullies can be stopped by someone standing up to them. No one is asking that you stand in front of a bullet, just simply that you help your fellow man or woman in need.

    2. Amy, I agree with you. Courage has nothing to do with making a phone call and Luis, even though you thought the video was funny, it was intended to make a point on how we sometimes avoid our duty to help other people. Everything is not a joke when people are being violated.

    3. Amy I totally agree with you. I think that people should stick up for one another, especially if it's someone that you know. There are bullies that are boosting their low self-esteem by picking on others and will stop when confronted. There are also bullies that want someone to fight back because they get a high from the adrenaline when someone does stick up for themselves. I'm trying to look at this from both ways. There are also people in todays society that will remain quiet and will not stick up for their classmate, co- worker, or random stranger. There are people that cannot overcome fear and they should not be shamed for that. In the video they could have done something and I think they should've called the police or gone to go and confront the bully, but life is based on specific situations.

    4. I agree with all of y’all. We do not have to risk our lives to help others, but if we are been witnesses of any kind of abuse to another person, we should be obligated to help in those situations. As y'all have already mentioned there are people in our every day lives with fears to stick up and that's why we should always help others.

  14. We are not and should not be legally obligated to help people in need but I believe we are morally obligated to help people in need. There are different types of people ‘in need’, if a person cannot afford to buy food, then you should buy them a meal. If a person is being robbed at gun point, you may not want to step in for fear of being shot. Being a parent I do not think I would put my life in danger for a stranger if there was a gun involved. However, I recently watched this video online of a mother and her three year old son walking through the park when another women who had a grudge against her started punching and kicking the woman. The little boy was trying to help his mommy by kicking the women who was punching her. While this was going on there were about six people standing around filming the incident and not one person stepped in to stop the fight or help the little boy. In a situation like this those onlookers were morally obligated to stop the fight and remove the child from that environment.

    1. I agreed with you Marianna because not one person will but their life in risk when it involves gun shots but we are able to call 911. In the example you provided above I agree those people should've not been revisiting they could of simply stop the fight or called out for help so that they could've handled the situation instead of recording the fight.

  15. having to help someone in need should be ones own decision to make. nobody should be forced to lend a hand at any given time . such law should not be enforced because it goes against what moral believes people have, thoughts and feelings towards the kind of help they are willing to provide. every one has their limits so that being said nobody should be forced to put their life in danger.

    1. Juan
      I kind of agree with you some people help others because it their decision in other cases some people do not want to get hurt or are scared to help others. In some case the person might not want to help because they know what the outcome will be or they do not want to get involved in any situation that will but then in danger. We should not be obligated to help others but if we were in that situation we would want to be helped so I think we should help in what we can and believe in doing to help.

    2. Michelle, I agree with you it is important to know what ones limit is on helping out other people. One can never when helping someone will turn out to be a bad thing. So yes, one should only help on what one believes is safe or what they believe they can handle.

  16. I don't think it’s right to ever make someone obligated to help another. It may sound rude to some but from what most people are saying on here I agree that there is a point to when we should feel obliged to help others but it should never be a law. Usually we see that those who do take their time to help someone else is courteous to others because they want to help not because they have to. I think it shouldn't be a law because normally we don't know how the other party may feel and when I mean other party I mean the person who sees what is going on. Maybe someone was drowning for all we know the person seeing that happen may have a fear of water and just freeze up. If we had this law this person would have to suffer more than their own fair share of problems mentally and then the law on top of that. We just don't know what is going on in other people’s minds or the problems they may face.

    Trying to move from why I think that this is right or wrong, I just want to put out there that many people talked about how maybe like the in video there were more than two people who could have stopped that one robber or maybe call the police or something other than do nothing at all. What I want to put out there is, where is that line? If we have no law saying we have to help others is there a point where us in our human nature should feel like we do something.

  17. Helping people in need is a moral issue. In the video clip, morally they should have atleast called the police. I do not believe that anyone should ever put themselves in harms way in order to help someone else, but it would be admirable. No one should ever be forced by laws to help anyone, except for police, fire fighters, and medical personnel. They took an oath to do exactly that, help people.

    1. Taurus, you are right about the oaths and moral issues of helping people. When I help people, I feel real good. People should try this sometimes and not be about self always.

    2. I completely agree with you Taurus, that no one should obligate someone to help another person if they are not wanting to help because every individual has its own reason to not help.

    3. Taurus
      I also agree with you there was more than one person there they could have each done something one could have called the police, one could have recorded or take a picture of the robber, while the others yell trying to distract or scared the robber. Or like you said at least they could have had called the police.

    4. I agree with Taurus, that the people in the video clip should have attempted to help by contacting the police. The moral choice to help someone in need should come from within and not as a legal obligation. Although police, fire fighters and medical personnel are held accountable legally to help a person in need, they also morally feel obligated. Citizens who take on these job morally feel good helping people out and in need.

  18. Depending on your local laws, you may or may not be legally obligated to help. Such as the young people who stand by filming a fight that causes serious injury, they person filming the fight can actually be charged with "aiding" in some instances. Morally, I believe if you see someone in danger, and you don't want to put yourself in danger with them, a phone call to the police would be adviseable. If you see a car accident, and you are a nurse, doctor, emt etc, you have taken an oath to help people, but as a normal human being, its dependent upon your moral character and what you feel is morally obligating. I personally have helped many times, only because my own conscience wouldn't let me just walk on by.

    1. Anne-Marie
      I agree with you there are a lot of videos with violence on social media. This people think it’s cool to record and upload them instead of calling the police or trying to stop the people from fighting. There is a lot of different videos on social media and these people think there is nothing wrong with them. They can record the situation but for a good reason they can help the police identify the suspect but why upload it it’s just making you look bad some people might say well why didn’t you help or try to stop them. They are just making themselves look stupid for uploading the video. Its true how you said it some of us help because what if that was us on the opposite side we would want to be helped also.

  19. After reading the article, it made me rethink about my standpoint for a while. The pros and cons if we were legally obligated to help others in need. I pondered but stayed with my decision that we should not be legally obligated to help. No one likes to be forced to do things they don’t want to do. Helping others comes from more than just being a good Samaritan. It represents the person you are.

  20. I believe that we are not legally obligated to help others. We should not be forced into doing something we don't want to do. I do believe that we are morally obligated to help those in need. We don't know how much it means to someone when we go out of way to help them. It may mean so little to us, but could be a huge blessing for them. When I see someone helping a stranger, it lets me know that there are still good, caring people in this world.

    1. I completely agree with your response. People shouldn’t be forced to do something like helping others in need. If we are forced to do that, we would lose the hope of human race. We still need to have that warm in our world. It should come from our heart not forcing us to do something.

    2. I agree with both of your responses. Helping another human being can be a blessing in disguise. It will also be a ripple effect across the universe because someone is always watching and they will help someone in need in their life.

  21. We shouldn’t be legally obligated to help others. This country will not be free, if the government enforces that. Bases on the values our parents taught us, we should be morally obligated to help others. We should know what’s right from wrong. We should help people out of our good heart, not forcing the gesture. In contrast to the video, we should not laugh about someone’s disability. In that case, if you are not going to help the person but you see a crime is being committed then you should at least call for help.

    1. Itzel, I totally agree with you. It is a moral issue and not a legal issue.

    2. I agree with you're statement, people shouldn't be obligated to help others and it should be something morally, people aren't willing to help the victim they should be committed to at least call out for help.

    3. Yesenia,

      You are so correct. 911.....

    4. Itzel
      I agree with you some parents have taught us to help out as much as we can. Also some values come from our families and you are right they have showed us right from wrong so we should know how to help in case someone needs help. I would say even if you do not know the person you should try to help in a way that will not put yourselves in danger.

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  25. Although it may seem somewhat insensitive, we should not be legally bound to others' dilemmas. In regards to a "Life or Death" situation, we as human beings, should FEEL obligated to assist in whatever way possible. However, the label "in need" can be interpreted in many ways and i believe it is far too tedious and unnecessary to go about figuring out the variants of the situation (that person's previous actions) and whether this person is really in need, or deceitfully presenting themselves as so with an interest in attaining aid or assistance without the need for it. Therefore, i believe we shouldn't be legally obligated to help people "in need", but (depending on our values) we should still do so if the situation calls for it.

    1. So Cesar what about those situations that seem like that they could be harmless but all of a sudden escalate rather quickly. For example what if as in the video sure there was just one guy and they could have maybe get the guy to give up and run away. But what if he had pulled a gun on you and what seemed harmless before turned a drastic measure?

    2. Cesar, just minutes before I read your post I had googled the topic of legal obligation and found an article describing the difference in obligated and obliged. Obligated -you can't back out without repercussions,while obliged- means I could live with the consequences of NOT doing it. With that being said, we should be legally obligated to be morally obliged to help someone in need since some citizens feel they should walk away.

    3. @Terran Wehrman: Well there must always be precautions taken, but i was referring to a person whom is asking for money or help when in reality he might not need it or is looking to take your arm instead of the hand you were trying to lend. Again "... we should still do so if the situation calls for it."

      @Amy Coburn: Exactly my point, we shan't be legally obligated to do it (receive a consequence for not helping someone 'in need')

    4. @Terran Wehrman: Well there must always be precautions taken, but i was referring to a person whom is asking for money or help when in reality he might not need it or is looking to take your arm instead of the hand you were trying to lend. Again "... we should still do so if the situation calls for it."

      @Amy Coburn: Exactly my point, we shan't be legally obligated to do it (receive a consequence for not helping someone 'in need')

    5. Ok I just wanted to clarify that, then with your post I agree that we should feel morally that we should help those in need. What better service or feeling that we could get to help someone out when they are in need. I agree with your statement Amy, people get so confused of the two it's a bit rediculous. If we truly wanted to help people would would feel like we should and know of the good feelings that come from helping others. It's been one of my favorite things to do is do service for someone. Yet there are so many people who wish to just be left to their lonesome self and carry on their marry way. We need more people who feel obliged to help others in need.

  26. Well, the video clip is a comedy I wouldn't think people will stand there laughing if that was the case. But the cases presented in the article of the Santa Clara common law "Good Samaritan Law" are more complex. However even with the complexity of those cases, I still believe that as citizens of good morals, we should be morally not legally obligated to help someone in danger. Even when we don't want to get directly involved, because we may be afraid of the repercussions a phone call to the police department will help. I don't think the law should obligate a citizen to help someone in danger if that will put your own life in danger. On the other hand, if someone is in medical need and we don't do absolutely nothing to save this person and we just watch this person die, then that persons accountability should be questioned by law. Like I said, a 911 call could make a difference in saving a life or letting a person die without putting yourself in danger.

    1. Yes I agree with you it was just a clip from a comedy TV show, but don’t we see these things happening in real life everyday? What about all the video we get to see on Facebook or YouTube of people in need? We sure have the time to take out our phones and record everything that happens around us, but like you said, just a simple call can make the difference when someone really needs our help.

    2. Frida, you are totally right. There are a lot of people in the world that use the advances of technology to get "likes" on their social media, and instead of taking their phone out of their pockets to make that helping phone call, they take it out to record those shameful scenes. By doing so, these people are becoming bullies as well. I do believe that even when good morals are supposed to be teach at home, more citizenship education is needed in todays society to instruct people to good moral behaviors.

    3. I agree with you all Frida and Dinorah there are many people that take their phones out to record and post it on social media. Like why would anyone do that this does not make you any more popular .I agree they are becoming bullies even if they do not think they are if they were the ones on the video they would not like that and would want the person to delete and take it of social media. They could take their phones to call the police and to record the situation that’s happening to help the police find the find the suspect.

  27. I think we are morally not legally obligated to help those in need, it is the use of common sense and there is many people out there that have wrongly chosen not to help those in distress. Why I say wrongly is because I have seen a show on CNN called caught on camera and in many videos all people had to do is something as simple as to assist a person in a medical need, not against violence and call for help. It doesn't take medical skills to ask a person if they are ok or get them out of harm's way until accurate help arrives. In many cases people were just standing around watching and not doing anything, to me this is embarrassing to the human race. I know that there are different scenarios where you would have to put your life at risk and only for that reason should it be left to a person weather to help or not without being judge. I think the legal system views that as well, and would not wrongly accuse a person who was not able to help because it would have put their lives in danger. However there is another side to this, how many people have we heard of that have attempted to help others and they become the victims, and I do believe this is one reason people do not wish to get involved anymore.

    1. Correct, people should not get judged if they did not help someone in a delicate situation. Anything can happen in seconds and can turn violent for no concrete reason.

    2. I think you are right Lucia, fear is what keeps many people from helping others. Into day's world you can get sued for almost anything. I think the a lot of people today need to check their compassion. Some people seem to be missing theirs.

  28. Lucia, you could become the victim even loose your life. However to know you could have also helped or maybe saved a life is what I think in a situation. My belief is that I am morally obligated to "due unto other's as I would have them due unto me." Just the other day near my house a lady in a car was stopped with her hood up on the main road out of the neighborhood. I live far out and when it's dark it's really dark we don't have many street light's around also it's near a wooded area. Time was around 5:30 p.m. I was leaving and knew it would be dark soon. So I stopped let down my window and asked "her do you have some one coming soon?" The lady said "yes" and thanked me for just stopping to check, No I was not legally obligated, but morally yes I felt that could have been my 18yr daughter or myself.
    I can't help it I have to help other's it just who I am as a person.

    1. Leisa I work at a hospital and I am obligated to help people even in the parking lot if they are in need of help. However I would not put my life at risk for a stranger who is in a situation that is not life threatening, if it pertains to me just calling the police for someone I will do that. Like I said we have to use our common sense when it comes to people in need there was nothing wrong with you asking the woman if she needed your help, but had it been a men would you have done the same thing.

    2. Leisa, I understand where you coming from. One of the days that it snowed, it was 2am and I was just watching the snow fall from the sky when I seen a car got stuck going up on a hill. The guy gets out and he was trying to push his car, but he was alone. I knew he needed help, so I woke up my dad and we went outside to help this guy. He just got off from work and was just trying to make it home. I was thinking to myself, what if that was me. I would want someone to help me.

  29. For some reason it wouldn't let me reply to you Amy Coburn I wanted to reply to your comment on Cesar Lopez's post. You talk about how if we were that we would be able to live with our consequences if we do or do not help people. But what I want to point out is there are people out there who may be mentally challenged who might not understand what is morally right or wrong. So in the case of your point does that mean this would include them as well? And if so then that would be unfair to those people.

    1. In Amy's case if a person is incompetent then of course they cannot be held to the same standard, just like a crawling baby neither can they.

  30. I think that we are morally obligated to help those in need depending on the situation. Sometimes people do not want to get in the middle of a situation because they are thinking about their own well being. I also feel that it depends on the way that the witness views the situation and the type of person they are themselves.

    1. I think that in situations that are calling for protection we should help, but if a panhandler is asking for money, I think that it is my choice.

  31. I think we as a society have an obligation to help in certain situations. I have the personality of standing up when something is unjust, but not everyone has that personality. Just like when we are in class, some have the personality to speak up and others watch. I believe there are situations that warrant intervention and help. However sometimes, a person needs to stand on their own two feet and help themselves.

    1. I do believe it's easier for some people to take the initiative to speak up and take a stand because it's already a part of their personality. For example, if there is a bullying situation, this person with a stand up personality will easily say or do something to help morally. Now for those who have a more reserved personality would more likely have a good moral belief to help someone in need.

  32. I really agree with you because like you said, as a society we have an obligation to help others in certain situations. I’m not saying that we have to risk our lives for others, but as an example if we are in front of an accident a simple call to 911 can make the difference.

  33. It's great to hear when a person takes initiative and is able to successfully help a person in need of assistance without any hesitations. Although, one should never be obligated to "legally" help a person in danger. The reason for me stating that is pretty simple. A person could make the situation of the scene end up more tragic and with an increased number of causality's. An example would be of the unfortunate case in Franklin, Tennessee. Where the death of a mother and her 10 year old son who were trying to aid passengers of a turned over SUV, when they were suddenly hit by a tracktor-trailer. The full story is in the link below.

    Although depending on the situation, there are different ways in which you could help without physically getting involved. We could use the scénario depicted in the YouTube link above; In case no some didn't notice the criminal had his hands in his pocket. What he had inside could range from a multitude of things ranging from a Ruger LCR, Kahr PM9/CM, Smith & Wesson 642 or even a knife. Running up to the villan without a plan could turn deadly within a faction of a second for the "good Samaritan". The safest way to do some good could in fact be the man filming. Now by that, I don't mean like some ignorant people that film while making fun of someone else's misfortune just to post on there facebook pages. I mean someone who is genuinely trying to do it to show police the crime that happened. The weird afro-headed man could have greatly helped in the arrest and investigation to come. By giving the police the video it would be of great use in two ways. The first it would give police an I.D. to post on the local media in which would lead to a speedy arrest. The second would be that it would be great evidence to show the jury for the trial. That would hopefully give the criminal an adequate sentence and keep him off the streets.

  34. Although I think we should help when needed. I don't think we should be mandated to help. I personally would always help, that's just me. If it was a situation that is dangerous I believe one should always try and call the police. There are many ways to help. I think we have a moral obligation to help our fellow man.

    1. I agree with you Stormy. While it should in no way be forced upon us to help everyone in need we should try to help because of moral reasons. There is no way that you can force someone into helping in every situation because it is just not possible. But we should whenever we can because it just seems like the human thing to do.

  35. We are not legally obligated to help others in need but it’s a moral issue. Morals come from the way we were raised and some were raised to help those in need to a certain point. For example I would rather buy a homeless a burger instead of giving them money I don’t know where that money is going to and I know with the burger he will at least eat it. With the video if I was in that situation I would probably yelled to scare the robber away and call the police. These people are so wrong for laughing at the man if they were in that situation they would want someone to help them. We should always treat others the way we want to be treated because one day we can be on the opposite side and would want someone to help us out but we never get that help. Even if it’s helping out with something small it might mean a lot to someone else.

    1. Michelle I agree I don’t think anyone should just stand around and watch someone being robbed without even attempting to call 911. The sad thing about this video is that it is a sitcom and it is meant to be funny and to me it is funny because it is just a TV show. However I have seen this happen in true life there is a video I saw on a TV show called Caught on Camera a man was getting beat by a man and a woman in a pizzeria. There were ten other men in line and the employees watching this and no one moved even a finger literally to call for help and just stood around and watched as this man was being constantly punched in the face. When that victim was interviewed he said his heart hurt more than his face, he could not believe that no one even attempted to call 911.

    2. I don't understand how someone would not call 911. I blame T.V. because there is so much violence that we are becoming numb to the violence. The sitcom tried to be funny, but it was actually a sad reality.

    3. Billie,
      it was sad to see them laugh at a situation that could have went horribly wrong. What if the robber had shot the guy and drove off in his car, I would have hoped they would not have watched without contacting the police. People feel like it's not my business so why should I get involved. Wrong thought process, lawfully or morally to see someone get robbed would not be easy for me to turn the other way.

  36. Dena you brought up a good point. My comment was not to say that you shouldn't feel morally obligated to help someone. I would surely render aid if I could. Absoloutly I would want someone to help me if I were in need. I was merely mentioning that we live in a world where we have to be mindful of our surroundings and unfortunately we are not always aware of the people around us. Do you always stop and give the homeless person money when they say they are in need? Maybe sometimes but not always. Why is that? My next question is if you have ever tried to offer a person claiming to be hungry food and they throw it on the ground or complain about it and tell you they don't want it? Or maybe you offer someone a ride because they look distressed and you could help them out but they end up taking you for a ride here, there and everywhere else?

  37. For ones holding a medical liscence, you just may have a legal obligation to render aid. It would be a disgrace if you wouldn't help save a life if you could and you ignored a person in distress. However a person could probably sue you and endanger your liscence if in the strange instance someone knew you were a nurse, doctor or whatever kind of healthcare provider you are and you ignored them. So some legal responsibility may come into play here.

    1. Colbie,
      I can't imagine knowing I can save a life and do nothing. Not helping would be like pushing a person off a cliff and standing there and watch them hit the bottom. Helping other 's should be a normal for all in my opinion.

  38. Are we morally, or legally, obligated to help people in need? In my opinion or point of view, we are not obligated, but it is up to you. I am willing to help anyone that needs help. But we cannot obligated people. In my job environment you have to help parents, kids, staff, etc. whether you like it or not so you might as well just help! I cannot force anyone to help me nor someone else, but that is why the world is how it is now these days for the fact that no one cares anymore about others just themselves. It’s sad to see others in need or in help and you see how other people to do not want help, but it all falls to you!

    1. I can't say I agree with this, just because people don't help doesn't mean that they don't care. Of course the video doesn't really help and they made fun of the guy getting robbed, but we can't just assume that people just don't care anymore about other people. We live in a world where everything is right then and now, some people have lives of their own and maybe you never know what if the person who passed by needed to hurry to the hospital, or maybe they were late for work, or needed to pick up their kids because school let out 30 minutes ago and work held them back. It's human nature to just go in a hurry without a second thought, and we might not fully realize what might be going on and were just on a one track to our destination. Of course I try and help when I can but there are sometimes that I really have to hurry somewhere. But I do see your point Daisy.

  39. We should be obligated to help other in need. This does not mean that we have to get ourselves involve in any risky situation, but we should be able to help by making a phone call to the correct department, (911). Helping people does not have to be hard because we never know when we are going to need the help from others.

    1. Frida,
      It's not hard helping other's. Really it's the small things you do that makes the difference in another person life. Caring about people is our ability to show emotion and love for one another. I love helping people. I've learned that I am a servant caring is sharing.

    2. I agree with you Leisa. There will never be a law passed where it makes us obligated to help someone but there are fewer and fewer people in this generation that are genuinely nice. My parents raised me to help those in need. That ranges from buying a homeless man a burger at McDonalds to holding the door open for someone behind you. We live in a world where everything is ME ME ME and that's something that we just have to accept and not fall into.

    3. Luis,
      some where in time we lost common courtesy and respect for each other.
      I like it when someone holds the door open for me or say's "bless you" after I sneeze. I make sure and remember to say thank you.
      My grandmother use to say people don't owe you anything not even a good morning. So if you help someone when they are in a situation that is morally honorable.

    4. There are laws that have been passed that require other individuals to help someone in need, like during the scene of a car accident. However, people shouldn't need a law to feel obligated to help another human being. It should be the integrity of our morals which dictate whether we act instead of sit on the sidelines and hope for someone else to do something. However, these laws state that you need to help someone who seems to be in some sort of danger, not necessarily a homeless man begging for food. But should laws require that we help homeless people if they seem to be in dire need? Or will it just make us assist someone who is merely posing to be in need of help?

  40. I think that if there is a person needs help, and I am able to help that person without getting hurt, then I should be helpful. I can scream, call 911, or maybe scare the attacker, I should help.

    1. I agree with your response, if you are not able to help the physically you can at least call the police or someone else to help out. No one should be obligated to do something, it could come from the good of their hearts.

  41. Are we morally obligated to help someone, such as the man begging on the street? I do not feel that I need to give money to those who are begging. There are plenty of organizations to help those type of people. The organizations have rules, and a person has to follow the rules for help. I feel that a lot of those people just don't want to follow the rules. I would gladly give to the organization.

  42. I hope that the world does not get so bad that we must have a law to make us help someone. If some one needs the police, make a phone call. If someone is broken down call a tow truck. We must remember though, that there are some evil people in the world that would use a simple thing as a flat tire, to do horrible things.

  43. We are not morally or legally obligated to help someone in need. It is a decision that the individual will make on their own and it is based mostly on what kind of situation it is. You should never risk your life to try to help someone else but if there is a chance to make a difference then you should take it. Of course this will come down to the individual and how he or she was raised. Unless there is a law that passes that said we need to help someone then it will continue to be a choice.

  44. Many people don't want to get involved because of liabilities and being sued by the same person they tried to help. Regardless, you have your own conscience to deal with and if you can walk away from someone being raped, or beaten, or whatever, that is something between you and your Maker.

    According to the Kaufman Examiner the Good Samaritan law of Texas helps deter repercussions that may involve any of the above mentioned deterrents.

    Below is the Texas Good Samaritan Law:

    Article 6701d, Vernon's Civil Statutes ; Chapter 74, Civil Practice and Remedies Code Section 74.001


    (a) a person who in good faith administers emergency care at the scene of an emergency or in a hospital is not liable in civil damages for an act performed during the emergency unless the act is willfully or wantonly negligent.

    (b) This section does not apply for care administered:
    (1) in expectation of remuneration;
    (2) by a person who was at the scene of the emergency because he or a person he represents as an agent was soliciting business or seeking to perform a service for remuneration;
    (3) by a person who regularly administers emergency care in a hospital or emergency room; or
    (4) by an admitting physician or a treating physician associated by the admitting physician of a patient bringing a health-care liability claim.

    I've helped several people, stabbing, hit by a car, dead people - my conscience will not allow me not to intervene.

    1. WOW.... I stand behind what your saying Anne-Marie, because I see that people don't want to help because they don't want to be involved in legal problems later. I am a person who thinks that if there is any way I can help a person and keep them from dying I will do all that I can do just short of dying myself.

    2. Thank you Mr. Pratt - now if we can get some of these other people to see the same thing we see. I will defend someone especially if they are the under dog. I know that sometimes that puts me in jeopardy of getting hurt, but sometimes its just a knee jerk reaction.

  45. We are not legally or morally obligated to help other people, sometimes we as humans feel bad for people that are homeless, or if we see woman with children asking for money. If I see a homeless person I usually give them a dollar or two, because I feel bad. Sometimes you think that you are doing good but really you could get in trouble. For instance if you give a person a ride maybe that person has something else on their mind for example robbing you or even hurting you. Also I know we are not morally responsible to give money to charities or any organization of that kind, but I feel that if we have extra cash on a monthly basis we as human beings should help them or help one another. I do and continue to give a little to people in need.

  46. I believe that we are more morally obligated to help someone that requires assistance than we are legally. There may be laws, like the Good Samaritan law, that require citizens to help others in need, but it is because of the moral standard that human beings have arranged that a law like this is even in place. If mankind did not grow to assist one another and the world became more characteristic of survival of the fittest, then the moral standard of mankind would be concentrated towards personal benefits instead of mankind as a whole. It is the root of mankind's general moral standards which gave birth to legal obligations for human beings who do not share the same moral standards to follow the general moral standards.

  47. I think we are more morally obligated to help someone because it's just the right thing to do. i don't think there should be a law to help someone , but i think if someone is in need of help and you can help you should land a hand.

  48. If you were in a life or death situation and you had to do something morally incorrect, would you eat another human being? Dudley and Stephens believed that this had to happen, because if they did not they surely would have died. They were both sentenced to death, not because of their cannibalism, but due to the fact that they committed murder in order to stay alive. The court would not have ruled it as murder had Dudley and Stephens merely allowed the young boy to die by his own actions. In this type of situation, I do not blame them for their actions, they merely submitted to their basic animal-like nature of survival. If other people were put in the same situation I believe those people would do the same thing. When it comes to deciding whether to survive or to hold onto moral standards, it's like choosing life or death. No one would willing die if they knew they could survive another way. But in this situation Dudley and Stephens held a different view of the moral standard. They believed that in certain situations, like when it comes to life and death, moral standards should be thrown out the window. This is why legal obligation for assistance of others may be needed in some societies, but our belief in helping others comes from our morals, not laws.

  49. My morality and alot of yawl's (sp) morality is different. I live with my conscience and if I would have walked by the woman that just got beat up by her boyfriend, while everyone else "talked about it" and did nothing about it, my conscience would eat at me. So I say again, if you can live with yourself, then so be it.

    1. I agree Anne, my conscience would eat me alive as well. I cant live with it so you will find me helping.

    2. Anne-Marie, I agree with you about letting your conscience get to you. I am not good at turning away from people when I know they need help. Especially in life or die situation. I might not have physically gotten involved, but I would defiantly called the police. I have actually called the police on a domestic issue before and stayed until the police came out. I was hiding until the police got there but I could not watch someone get hurt possibly loose their life.

  50. Being legally forced to help someone if in mind wrong, it has the right idea its just not something that should be the law. Helping someone is more of a moral thing. Helping should come from the heart and not by force. It is all about your belief system. Mine is if you're in trouble and I am able to help I will help. If someone doesn't help me I wouldn't categorize that person as a bad person they simply did not feel the need to help. But lets be truthful when it comes to help us as a human race don't like to be forced. it triggers something in us to not want to do it or to do it poorly. I understand that. I do not believe anyone should get in trouble for not helping, I would hope that they would help though.

    1. Edgar, true no one should be forced to help anyone. However if you can help a person with a flat tire or even help someone by holding the door for them while they get their baby stroller through the door. That's being morally thoughtful. No one has to help any one but if you follow the commandments of the Bible "Do unto other's as you would have them do unto you" Matthew 7:12 that would make you do things without a second thought.

    2. Good point Edgar, I don't think that everyone has the courage to help someone in need. I do disagree with you and think that people should be punished if they do not stop and help someone in immediate danger. If someone is hurt or even dies just because another person did not want to stop and help then they should be punished.

  51. We as Americans have always stood behind each other and stood up for everyone's rights. We are morally obligated to help one another. It would be messed up to not help someone in need. If a person is hungry there are food pantries, and if someone needs a home there are shelters. My point is that we should keep doing what we can to help someone.

    1. I agree completely with you Darrick. America has homeless shelters for the homeless and food pantries for the hungry. When it comes to helping someone in a different situation then everything changes. If you see someone with a flat tire you do not have to stop and help, but it would be great if you could. What makes America a land of the free is having the right to make your own choices. That includes helping someone. While i do believe we should all do our part, some people will not agree to this.
