Friday, December 12, 2014

How do we solve America's immigration problem?

Read and discuss the following article.

  • Postings should present a focused and cohesive viewpoint that is substantiated by effective supporting examples or  links to relevant, up-to-date websites or documents that enhance the information presented.

  • Postings should be written in a style that is appropriate for an academic discussion of the topic.

  • Postings should be free of grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors.


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  2. Tough topic to talk about and I believe there is no solution. Border patrols are tighten up but illegal immigrants still find a way to come here. The $10,000 I thought was too much until I read the whole article. I believe that English should be the primary language and a must in order to stay here and that's with any group of people. I believe why the Latino's get picked on so much because they can't speak English. Classes and jobs with taxes coming out of their checks must take place. We as a people need to stop hiring them because they are cheap and good.

    1. Wow Dena,
      I agree everyone should pay taxes. It's not fair for some of us to pay and other's not pay but gain the benefits of being in America having freedom in a Democracy Government. As the article stated we have to get a solution because if we don't by 2050 1 and 4 people will not speak English. I don't think that every thing in America should be in Spanish and English with the native language of America is English. We making it so easy for the Hispanic culture until they don't feel they should have to learn English. I don't think I could go to Mexico and things be in English for me. Why are we making it so accommodating for Hispanics? Immigration is a problem that will never be stopped.

    2. Ms. Jones correct me if I am wrong but the article stated that "one in four Americans will be Hispanic" I am Hispanic and I speak the English language?

    3. David,
      First I am a Mrs. Jones.
      Second you might speak English but the article said for every 4 people 1 of them will not speak English. I am not saying that's a bad thing, but I am saying we are here in the United States making it so accommodating for Hispanics by changing everything into English/Spanish. Go to McDonald's the menu is English/Spanish. Not saying that's wrong, but I don't think I can go to Mexico and see things in Spanish/English. What about the other ethnic group's here in America? How do you think they communicate or survive?

    4. Leisa,

      That is a good statement to me because it is true that I can't go to another country and see this. I always see people who are trying to learn a language when going to a foreign country to try and understand some words. I believe the Hispanics are targeted because they are the larger population that is here. I did say that this was a hard topic to deal with.

    5. Pardon Mrs.Jones if i offended (just showing respect) and I see what you mean about the whole translation between the english and spanish deal but if we observe and take a closer look there is more in depth reason why that is so. As for the other ethnic groups in America they are also learning spanish too. We can take multiple approaches among the subject but as stated by Mrs.Reed "a hard topic to deal with."

    6. Dina that is do true, we need to stop hiring the Latinos for cheap labor

    7. David, I'm not offended. Just like the respect that comes with the title. Hey Marriage is hard work, LOL!!!
      Yes, this is a hard topic. I stated this to Dena in her original comment. I know with Texas being so close to Mexico it's just easier for information to be in Spanish. What happens when Toyota come's to Plano? Will Plano, Frisco, and surrounding cities have information for the Asian population moving from California and Japan?

    8. Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Reed, I am Hispanic and my parents are immigrants. We both speak English and we both pay our taxes. In fact I was taught English before Spanish. As for the "cheap and Good labor", Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller, and Cornelius Vanderbilt all hired cheap labor. These American men built this country on cheap labor. All Americans profit off of cheap labor. And doesn't being "good labor" speak a lot about our personality as whole community? with that being said I do believe some immigrants come here for the wrong reasons. I am all for if you contribute you can stay, but if you don't you are out. I guess what I am saying is we should start looking at people not by their race or language but by their contribution to this country. Oh and about the Language thing. Knowledge is power, the more languages you know the better. Let's appreciate that our country wants us to be the smarter.

    9. We can help solve America's immigration problem by making getting a Visa/Greencard easier.

    10. I agree with Edgar. We should not look at people by their race but by how they contribute to our country. If they are doing good things here, then why kick them out? Everything in life requires hard work. If someone wants to slack off and have things handed to them, then they need to go.

    11. I agree, this is a difficult topic to talk about. It doesn't have a clear cut solution that will benefit both parties. Someone is going to be negatively effected either way. However, there are many illegal immigrants that find their way across America's borders without our national security even noticing. there has to be more strict regulations on the amount of immigration that the United States allows to occur in the nation, but this can only be easily done with airplane and ship transportation. It's our land borders that need to be heavily monitored with some sort of system. I believe the author of the article has a reasonable approach to the immigration problem, although it leaves many immigrated families without any sort of benefits.

  3. I believe that some type of amnesty is needed to end this problem. How on earth are they going to round up all of these "illegal" immigrants and send them all back to their native land? It seems to me that it would take a serious amount of time. The fee is good. If they want to live here that bad, they should pay the price. Many people are saying to not grant these people amnesty because they are breaking the law by living here illegally. A large percentage of these people are doing better things than the citizens themselves. For one, you do not really here about these people because they are living under the shadows. The only thing they are doing wrong is living here illegally. For this reason, people see them as a parasite to this country. The ones that are still here are the ones who have not broken any major laws. The ones that have have already been sent back. So why not grant amnesty? Most of these are hard working individuals. Many people see them as not even a human being. Just like President Obama said, many of these people are in every way American except in one form: on paper.

    1. I totally agree with you. I personally think that an amnesty would help to solve this issue. As you said, most of the immigrants haven’t done anything wrong except for been living in this country illegally. In the article, they mentioned that amnesty might not be the best idea to solve this problem, but I don’t agree with them. If illegal immigrants qualify, and they’re whiling to pay a fine it shouldn’t be a problem.

    2. Amnesty of illegal citizens living in America should be one of the first priorities for a proactive solution to the "problem of immigration". The relocation of immigrants seems preposterous if considering the effort it would take, and the effect it would have on the workforce of America. The country will benefit from the amnesty of Latinos whether it is sold as a price or granted for no cost. America could very well profit off of the amnesty, but even if it was granted without cost, it would help recognize all of the people who are living/working in America and not just most of them.

    3. James I definitely agree with you because an amnesty would not only benefit the thousands of illegal immigrant living in this country, it would also represent significant growth in the economy of the States.

    4. Well said Omar. Yes most of them in every way American, except on paper. Just like every community has it's bad people, they also have their good people. Like I believe, if immigrants contribute they can stay.

    5. Edgar I agree with you. Most of these illegal immigrants have lived most of their lives in this country. And yes the only difference between them and the rest of the people living legally in the states is a piece of paper.

    6. James, I also believe an amnesty, or reform is a way to aliviate the illegal immigration issue. With or without a penalty fee, the U.S. Economy would benefit from the legalization of ommigrants, because then, all legalized immigrants will be able to find a legal job, and to contribute to the American economic system.


    7. I completely agree I think this country would benefit greatly with the legalization of immigrants who are living here illegally. Just like you said many of them are hard working people and the only thing they want is an opportunity to prevail in this country. At this point if there was an amnesty it would only benefit the ones who are here working and going to school.

    8. Omar, I agree. I believe amnesty would greatly help but I don't think it will totally solve everything. (I'm referring to the current border issues) It is a great start though, it would help the economy as well as help the (legal) immigrants to get better jobs.

    9. I agree with Omar, they should just pass an amnesty and legalize all the event immigrants. This will never end, yes Maybe make them pay a fine and allow them to have a chance at a better life...

  4. I don't really think America has an immigration problem. Before America was America, this land WAS NOT ours. Native Americans were already settled here before it was "discovered" and claimed. So how can you discover something that's already founded? What we know as California, Arizona, New Mexico & Texas...this land was Mexican/Spanish Territory. We (Americans) stole it, then bought it, then pushed people out of their own land. They are not migrating here, they are simply coming home. So who are the real immigrants? That's right...we are...Americans.

    1. Sugar, even though we stole and bought this land, there is an immigration problem to me. I do understand your statement; however, this is America. Laws must be followed by all. If you have no social or pay taxes, then you are not considered to be an American Citizen.

    2. You're right Dena. Laws must be followed. In other countries, you or I can't go to Japan, for example, deliver a baby and our baby is a Japanese citizen. Japan is going to let us know our child is American. But let any woman of a different nationality come on American soil to give birth and America makes their child an American citizen. That's a problem too.

    3. Sugar, I hear you. I have a person who work in my department as a manager/RN but in India, he is a doctor.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Dena I understand that laws have to be followed within a country and punish all these immigrants coming from many different countries but if the country or even society allowed immigrants to live what they call "The American Dream" and have the opportunity to prove to us that their not here to harm anyone but they are here to provide a better lifestyle for their families.

    6. Yesenia, I hear you but if illegal immigrants are coming here for the so called American Dream, why are there so many who still can't speak English. I witness this on my job Monday - Friday at my job. It is really a handicap to the kids because when I am talking to a 7 to 18 year old child and they can not understand English, that is a problem. So when you talk about the Dream, I believe English should be accompanied with it. I believe if I wanted to go to another country I would learn the language. I don't believe they need to prove anything to us but to follow the laws of the land of getting their citizenship. Our country has already overspent and is in death.

    7. There is an immigration problem, and now it's like we have to learn another language to even get a job. The so called "American Dream" is for us all but I can't just go to another country a not abide by their laws.

    8. You are so correct LaToya Browning. If I want to understand what is going on if I moved to a country that doesn't speak English then I would need to learn the language of the country in order to survive there and not be taken advantage of.

    9. To who it may concern, I was reading this threat, and honestly I do respect all of you guy's opinions even if I don't agree to all. First, United States is, and will always be a country of immigrants, with or without amnesty. I do understand laws most be follow in any country we go to, even if we only go as tourist, there are laws every where. Only those that live the situation of making the decision to leave there country to live the so called "American Dream", knows the struggles. It is clear that not all immigrants learn English, but you don't know the reasons behind that limitation. I came to the U.S. when I was almost 16 years old, and I had a hard time understanding the language, it took me another 16 years to know what I know now, and people who knew me back them sure thought the same way some of you are saying here, that all immigrants should learn the language, and I agree with that statement. However, we don't know their daily struggles, some of them have to work 2-3 jobs at a time to be able to provide for their families, that of course, puts the language learning to the side. On the other hand, if we are talking of 7 to 18 year old children, this children are must likely in school, but learning another language doesn't happen from day to night, some people take more time then others to learn new things.

    10. Dinorah, I agree with you somewhat but when it all boils down to it laws have to be followed. I see signs where English classes are offered to help at night schools. Are you really doing the so call American Dream when you have to work 2 - 3 jobs to make ends meet for you and your family. Any time you are an illegal from any country and keep in mind that I am not talking about Hispanics because my grandpa is Hispanic, you should want to know that what people are saying and talking about when talking to you. No, anyone want learn a language over night, It takes hard work and long study hours.

    11. Dinorah I understand where you are coming from. My mom came to United States when she was 20 years old and of course she did not speak english but she was willing to learn. She took some english classes at East Field college and she was learning little by little but it took her a long time. You can't learn any language from one day to another. It is time consuming. I do agree that every immigrant should learn to speak english but just be patient with them because you don't know there background or how long they have been here.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. My personally believe is the government should allow an amnesty for all the immigrants living in the United States because they come for a purpose and that purpose is to have a better future for themselves and for their family. As people may say those immigrants don't do anything in this country but to just invade the United States,those immigrants are the ones who are actually making a change in the United States . Would a immigrant be willing to pay a fee? Every immigrant would be willing to pay a fee in order to live in the United States permanently and as they pay their fee they would be charged for the charges pressed and the government would be benefited from all the money all those immigrants would be charged with to bring our economy to a higher level.

    1. I agree with you, the majority of illegal immigrants living in the United States are willing to pay a fee to get a legal status, and it would definitely affect the economy of the country in a positive way.

    2. How is that Frida? We live in a country that charges for everything, taxes on our on money. Who would it benefit us or them

    3. Yesenia, although, I agree with you, I would say that every illegal immigrant who want to stay and is willing to obey the law would be willing to pay a reasonable fee to legalize their status in this country. However, I also believe that there are some that are not willing to play by the rules and those are the ones that make the rest look bad. If an amnesty should take place, I believe immigrantion enforcement gas to be selective in granting documents to those with good citizenship and to all in general.

    4. Dinorah, I agree with you, in order for anyone to be legalized in the united states they should have a clean record. there many which come to united states with good intentions, but to those who have no good intentions should be declined depending on how severe the crime was.

    5. I agree with you Juan. The immigrants that have a clean record should get legalized but not everyone comes here to america with good intentions. Some immigrants come here and not do good things, making the other immigrants look bad. Which is not fair to the immigrants who work hard.

    6. Yesenia and Dinorah,
      True, most immigrants that contribute to the country and follow the rules will be willing to pay the fee. At least I know my parents will be willing they love this country and pay taxes just like everyone else. Of course I know they may not pay all the same taxes as American Citizens but I bet you my life when they do receive a legal status they will be more than willing to pay the same taxes as all American Citizens.
      Who do you mean when you say "them"? or "Us"?

  7. I was born and raised in Tucson, Arizona which is about 71 miles north of the Mexico border. There are more Border Patrol vehicles patrolling then there are police. Since Tucson is very hot and dry and there were some ranchers who would leave food and bottle water outside their homes for those people who have crossed. There were reports those people who are helping the crossers would be fined and possibly jailed. I did not notice a negative impact from the people crossing the border even living so close to the border. For the most part the people who cross are coming in search of a better life, and are willing to work hard to achieve the American Dream. I think the United States should create better laws and policies to allow people to enter our country legally with work programs and paying a fee as mentioned in the article. In a perfect world, the United States to educate other countries on adopting our laws and policies to create a better environment so people would be happy to stay in their country rather than flee. Since we do not live in a perfect world I do not see there ever being a successful plan to solve the immigration issue.

  8. Amnesty for the so called "illegals" is a good idea. I just do not like the fact that the article is only pinpointing to the Latinos since they are not the only group who are here undocumented. I do understand we are the majority but who's fault is that really? The article in my understanding of it wants to talk about it as a whole. Referring to the United States but remember that it is only speaking for the state of Colorado. About the language now that can go on and on in this discussion since English was not the primary language spoken. So is there really a problem yes. I believe that big companies are taking advantage of this situation yet you dont hear them complaining about any issues. The illegals come to the United States for a better life and to send money to their loved ones who stayed behind. Crossing the border is very dangerous and many lose their lifes. By giving the illegals a chance to stay they can also contribute to the economy since they will be taxed. Now imagine all that money not being claimed since they are not being taxed by employers. I can see now how all these loop holes in the economy take place and this is just a percentage of it all.

    1. I agree with you. Also, many of these people come into the United States legally. They enter with tourist visas, but they just overstayed them. With that being said, not every illegal immigrant literally crossed the border.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. This (article) proposal to suppress immigration both legally and illegally is a biased solution. The decision would benefit only the Americans that have a discriminative view towards the Latino population. This type of solution has been proposed upon several other races. The idea of fear should not be used to create the solution, because the overpopulation of Latinos is not the problem. Since the beginning of American history, the country has had a colorful relationship with Mexico. How wrong would it be to diminish the growth of that relationship? It is apparent that immigrants who are illegal have been entering America the wrong way, so the legalization of immigrants should be the main focus, not limiting it. Latinos who come to America are coming to produce money by working jobs, and they will consume American goods. It is wrong to assume that there is some type of advantage for immigrants looking for a job. They have proven to take the jobs that a lot of people do not want to do, and they have proven to be hard workers. Also, Latinos have showed to be capable of producing a serious portion of America’s income. People cannot expect to have an improved chance of employment because of a diminishing rate in immigration, as it will still require skills to work in America, and employers will consider the same factors when hiring employees. By focusing on the incentives for the education of Latinos and the legal entry of immigrants, the immigration of Latinos will be increasingly beneficial to America.

    1. I completely agree with your response. This country was built from immigrants from all over the world. Latinos are essential for the country’s income. Education is the key for growth. Growth is what we need, in order for this country to keep functioning as a whole.

    2. Mr. James that was a great way of stating your opinion because I also agree on what you mentioned. Latinos are helping improve the economy and are willing to work as long as theres work. Not only Latinos but other immigrants too. Most of the citizens here do not take the jobs that the immigrants are taking simply because of the starting pay. We all have to start somwhere.

    3. David Garcia, that is so true, they accept the least paying jobs, and work long hours outdoors and even in the heat of summer. They accept any work especially the jobs no one else wants. Once they become citizens they'll be able to work better jobs and pay taxes.

    4. Totally agree with David Garcia, latinos are helping build our country. They are the ones that build our bridges, our buildings, our streets, our schools, houses, and the list goes on and on. They are the ones that take those low paying jobs, that no citizen of the US wants to do. Think about it, if it wasn't for them who would do all these jobs????

  11. I don't believe immigration is the problem. I do have issues with immigrants coming to America and relying on public assistance when there are people who have lived here their entire lives and can not qualify for the same benefit when they need it. Special consideration should not be given to illegal immigrants unlike legal immigrants who pay thousands of dollars and wait out their time for citizenship. It's not just a spanish/english issue.

    1. Colbie, I agree with you, the problem is not immigration, but the people who abuse the assistance programs. But even when I disagree with people coming to this country and take advantage of the free government programs, I do undrstand that in some cases that's the only option they have in order to provide for their families. I believe that an immigration reform or amnesty, will benefit those programs, because a lot of people will be legally able to find a job without been afraid of deportation and they will become tax payers the rest of us.

    2. I disagree with you Colbie, not all immigrants that come to this country come here to get public assistance. Yes I'm not going to say that some don't, because I would be lying, but how many of our own citizens live off the government and instead of providing and building a stronger country by contributing to the country by working they are at government offices asking for assistance. And about the amnesty, the illegal immigrants even though they aren't legal and don't have socials and speak our language they are the ones working the jobs that our citizens don't want to do.

    3. Adriana,
      I disagree with you about the jobs. American citizens want jobs, but so many immigrants are taking jobs for lower wages. Now companies are putting stipulation on jobs requiring you to be bilingual. That's not fair for American citizens to have to learn to speak another language when the language of the land is English. I do not have a resolution to immigration but need some law passed to help with the problem of illegal immigrants.

  12. I believe that immigration problem is impossible to completely resolve. my reason being is because, if all problems for immigration were to be extinguished and the doors to the united states were open to any one, our country would be to crowded. there is a reason why laws exist and that is to keep order, and so our system can keep functioning.

  13. Immigration is a very hard topic to talk about, but I do think that the US could benefit from those who pay the fee to live in America. The government will not be able to find every single immigrant but I do think that they will be able to manage the number of immigrants that come to America each year.

    1. It definitely is a hard topic to talk about, but you’re right an amnesty will help to solve this issue between illegal immigrants and the government. An amnesty will definitely affect the economy of the States in a positive way with the fees and taxes that immigrants will have to pay in order to get a legal status and of course not all of them will apply or qualify but it would benefit both sides.

  14. The United States is founded on immigrants. I don't know what to do to solve the immigration issue. I do agree with the fact that every immigrant should be made to take English. I do not feel that illegal immigrants should be able to get any public assistance unless they register and take classes in order to get those benefits as well as everyone in the household. If a person is required to take a certain amount of classes a month to get benefits for the next month it might help with at least the language barrier.

    1. I do not believe that illegal immigrants come to the United States for public assistance. I believe most come here for a better life, freedom and peace. I have met a lot of people who have migrated here both legally and illegally, and 99% of those people I met are here to work and make money to better their lives. They have come from hardship in their country and want to work and live a happy life in the United States. If we want to discuss the issue of public assistance, that is a whole other issue.

    2. I never said illegal immigrants come to the United States only for public assistance. I am stating that if immigrants do apply, then certain criteria should be met. This country is founded on immigrants, that is why we are called a melting pot. Unfortunately the issue has become rampant. Where do we start? How do we fix the problem? Government assistant programs are one way to help bring about change. We have to start somewhere. Education can help bridge the gap.

    3. I do believe that you are right about everyone speaking English. If I were to move to Mexico, or India I would need to learn the language of that country

  15. Let me begin by saying that in order to become legal in this country it is very expensive and it is a risk you are taking, because even if you have met all requirements you can still be denied and your immigration fees will not be returned to you. To become a legal resident is not easy and the process takes its precautions in not just letting anyone become a resident or an American citizen. I think that there are many people who came here illegally that could be of great benefit to this country and off course the system would filter out the bad ones. What I mean by the bad ones is those with criminal offenses. When I was applying for my residence the lawyer asked me if I had been on foods stamps because if I had that this would hurt my case and immigration could deny my residence. I honestly believe that if illegal immigrants were given the opportunity to be here legally they would demonstrate their gratefulness and attempt to better their children’s futures here. And as far as language barriers it is not only immigrants from across the border who have trouble learning English there is a lot of people here from other countries who experience the same difficulties with being able to learn the English language.

    1. So true Lucia, to become a legal resident is hard. They do background checks and I am glad they do that. They are very strict.

    2. I agree completely with you, Lucia. Many people that come the the US are low income, because their homeland was a harsh place to work and be at. Therefore, they come to a country that everyone talks about going to for opportunity. They want to start a new life and give their children a better one.

    3. I agree with Lucia. However, I feel that the outlook that Americans have on immigration is widely against the fact that there should be new residents from other countries. This is why it is as expensive and difficult for many individuals to actually obtain residence in America. If the way of thinking was shifted from rejecting immigration to the acceptance of new bodies, then I believe the process would be much simpler for foreigners. However, the United States' population will not just such a sudden change any time soon.

  16. Immigration in the United States has always been an issue. This land was home to the Native Americans, this land was built with immigrants from all over the world. People should have the right to live wherever they please, following guidelines from each country. Referring to the article, I agree with the fees immigrants should pay in order to have legal status. It would generate revenue and security to the country. Not everyone applying would qualify if they have any criminal offenses, which would mean safer communities. I found the article very biased, referring mostly to Latinos. The country has immigrants from all over the world. Having a multicultural nation means everyone can learn something new form every culture, which is what makes our great nation. Paying a fee to gain legal status would help the US economy. In my opinion immigration to the United States will always be an issue, that is how this great nation was started.

    1. Itzel, I total agree with you on the article being biased. Latino's are not the only immigrants and they do not all come over the border. We the people of The United States came from England, Ireland, Mexico and Africa just to name a few, Just as our forefathers learned to live and work together so must we.

    2. Exactly! People should know that is great country was founded by great immigrants. Immigrants is what keeps this country growing. This country is founded under God, and God doesn't judge any one by race or ethical backgrounds.

    3. Billie, I totally agree with you. We have others coming from our other border here as well; Canada. Yet we don't here as much about it here in Texas.

    4. It was very biased, even if around half of the immigrants are from Latin American countries. There is an influx of immigrants from all over the world. Learning how other cultures are is great. This is to show their culture respect.

  17. To begin i found this article stating many false claims that truly were biased on the undocumented Latin community. The first false statement that caught my attention, was when the article stated that the Latin community has been "acculturating" much more slowly than prior immigration waves. According to Richard D. Lamm & Lawrence Harrison "At least 50 percent of immigrants today come from Latin America". If that is the case, then let's do some simple math. Of the 100% of immigrants in the U.S.A, 50% are Latin American. Then the other 50 percent is broken down into rest of the immigrants coming in from other countries. It doesn't take a genius to notice that it's a disproportionate comparison. I have personally met a rather large amount of undocumented immigrants that try their best to adapt and learn the language and culture. A Great example woudl be of My father. He gained his citizenship due to the amnesty that was Signed into law by Ronald Reagan during his presidency on November 6, 1986. My father arrived from Mexico with only 26 dollars and a suit. He didn't speak or understood one word in English. Yet he would listen to English radio stations and watch English t.v. shows just for the sole purpose of understanding the language and learning how to pronounce words more fluently. My Father then went on to pass the U.S. Citizenship test and become a proud U.S. Citizen. He even opened up his own successful transmission shop and named it USA #1 which has been running strong for a little over 20 years.


    The 2nd thing that blew my mind was how Richard D. Lamm & Lawrence Harrison deemed the amnesty $10,000 per person tax fee "reasonable"! To top it off give the applicants only 5 years to complete the payment. That is just ludicrous! Going with the supposed fact he stated that Mexicans were able to send 25 billion as a whole. He must not realize that the money being sent is what is left over of their paychecks after they pay their monthly bills. Put yourself in that position with that fee in your yearly budget. That's a payment of $2,000 a year. Which is the equivalent of $166.66 a month you have to separate out of your monthly income, keeping in mind that's only for one person.

     Then as i continued to read, It really began to bother me when authors of this article, Richard D. Lamm & Lawrence Harrison when on to to talking about ending Multiculturalism as a national value. Multiculturalism is barely even arguably; one of the main reasons America has become the great nation that it is today. It's without a doubt just a few of the primary things that separates the U.S. from all the other nations.Then he was really starting get a bit insulting to me personally, when both authors Richard D. Lamm & Lawrence Harrison when on basically say its a shame that Spanish has become the second national language in their statement. "Just look at the astonishing Asian success rates, and the failure of so many Latinos to graduate even from high school – and the divisive evolution of Spanish to become, de facto, our second national language." Correct me if i am wrong but what i understood from what he was trying t say was as if Spanish didn't deserve to be the nations second language.

    To my belief, there really might never be a complete 100 percent way to solve the Immigration problem. It's something that is going to keep changing as the decades go by.

    1. I sure agree with you Luis, this article made me sick. It is obvious that these two authors, Richard D. Lamm and Lawrence Harrison, only researched one side of the story and they left the best side out. They of course, didn't study the Latino community that works hard to provide, to belong, and to be accepted. I know for personal experience how hard it is to leave your memories and love ones behind to be able to succeed, some people wouldn't understand that. If Spanish was not important to the U.S. success, why would American businesses pay extra for bilingual employees? interesting! U.S. has always been a multicultural country since America was discover, and it will always be, that's what makes us unique.

    2. I also believe that this article is very biased. Many people actually take their time to learn the English language here in the United States. I mean, they have to since they speak English everywhere.

    3. So true Luis, I agree with you. Omar, the people that I know took their time to learn how to speak english. People think that when immigrants arrive here in america they should immediately learn how to speak english but we do not their situations. Some learn quick and some don't. I went to Mexico last year and as I was buying corn from a guy, I took out american money to pay him and as soon as he saw my money he started to speak english. I was shocked because I was in Mexico. So I asked him "how did he learned how to speak english" and he said "I had to learn it since a lot of american tourist come over here to Mexico and also to help them out since they do not speak spanish." I thought that was really nice of him.

  18. I do not agree to any claim this article is expressing. First I do understand that a monetary penalty is a fair trade to get legalized, however, $10,000 is a ridiculous amount. If what Richard D. Lamm and Lawrence Harrison say in this article "In 2008, remittances from Latino immigrants in the United States, mostly to families in their homelands, totaled about $60 billion – $25 billion alone went to Mexico. That shows that Latinos in America are capable of generating serious income", is true. Than that proves that Latinos are a hard working community, that even with their language limitations, they don't just seat around, but instead they go and do any kind of job out there that most American's wouldn't dare to do. For example, construction workers work under the worse weather conditions, and Latinos are the number one group to get that kind of work done.
    On the other hand, if a reasonable penalty fee is impose to illegal immigrants to fix their immigration status, the U.S. economy will still benefit with more revenues from those fees, and later on there will be more tax revenues from all these new legal workers.
    We also must understand that illegal immigration will not be ever fixed to a 100% unless the governmental and economic hardship in other countries around the world reach a more democratic and comfortable standard for their citizens.

  19. Yes there are immigrants that take the time to learn the language, but the majority do not. My opinion is that if this country is so great and a person wants to be here, than it is important to at least learn the language to break down the communication barriers. I am not saying that a person needs to adapt our culture and traditions, because that is inherently a personal need. Language however helps a person get through day to day tasks and the fact of the matter is that in the United States the language is English. I don't think that illegal immigrants should be kicked out of the United States. Why do immigrants come to America? Usually for a better life. if immigrants want to benefit from programs then I do believe they need to be registered and take steps to become legal citizens.

    1. Well said Stormy, every person should know enough English to communicate. I think it is unfair of non English speaking parents to use their children as interpreters. The parents should learn to speak English for themselves.

    2. Stormy, you are so right. I do believe that if migrate to any country, legally or illegally, they should make an extra effort to learn the language of the specific country. Even though there are a lot of immigrants here in the U.S trying to learn the English language, and do agree that there is a big group of them that don't even bother. I do not argue the laws or restriction to become a legal citizen in this country, but it does bother me to here people generalizing certain groups of immigrants or a apecific race. I think that those immigrants that are here for good, will not mind making an effort to learn the language if that was a requirement to legalize their status. Because that will be beneficial for them and their families.

    3. Yes immigrants should learn to speak English, but not forced too. They get the lawns cut, they make your burgers at the fast food restaurants, they change your beds in your home or at hotels and they perfectly understand what they have and need to do without having to speak English.

  20. I agree with you Stormy. I think that immigrants from all countries should be offered classes and it should be mandatory to take them if you want to become an American citizen. I think that 10k is a little excessive but that number can always be negotiated when passing a law. I do think that if immigrants are not paying taxes, then they should be punished with a fine. I see so many immigrants not even wanting to learn English. Taking there kids everywhere because they don't know a lick of English and they've lived here for over ten years. It's called ignorance, and I mainly see that in the Latino community. I could be biased because I am Hispanic. My dad came from Mexico and it took him 5 years to become an American Citizen. He has been at the same job for 15 years making very good money. He is living the American dream. The American dream in my eyes is him being successful and setting his family up for a successful future.

    1. Luis,
      I want to give your Dad Kudos for maintaining stability in his work career!!
      Yes, I think that some Hispanics don't think that it's a problem for their children to handle business for them. If your coming from another country you should after 4 years want to learn how to communicate with other's so that there's a clear level of understanding. I would not want to go to Mexico and after 4 years not be able to communicate with anyone. I would be afraid someone would harm me and I not know what their saying. Immigration is really about deal. How do we resolve I have no clue.

    2. Luis, congrats to your dad. It is wonderful that he is living the American dream. My grandmother too went through the immigration process. It was long and difficult, but anything worth doing usually is. My grandmother stated it was the best thing she ever did and gave her a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment. She stated learning English has opened many opportunities and has enriched her life. I think investing in education of immigrants is key to helping a person lead a more successful life in the United States. A little hard work never hurt anyone!!!

  21. I believe that government should allow an amnesty. Illegal immigrants are already here, most of them have children here and we cannot split up families. There have been numerous occasions where illegal immigrants have been arrested and even deported when they haven’t done anything wrong. There are many who have lived in the U.S.A for many years and have never committed a crime. So why shouldn't we give them the chance at least apply for an amnesty.

    1. I agree with you Frida. I am praying that one day that U.S.A. will allow amnesty. There are so many immigrants who are here for work and they haven't commit any crimes etc

  22. I do not know if amnesty straight across the board for all illegals is a good idea. I think that we should get all the illegals immagrants registered, and issue work passes. If they are working legally then they are paying taxes. The revenue from the taxes could fund programs to educate and get them citizenship,

    1. I do not think that amnesty across the board is a good idea either. I like your idea in work permits for adults and I think that children should be entitled to stay here in the United States because this is where they were raised. It made me happy when they passed the Dreamer act a couple of years ago because illegal students could now obtain work after college.

  23. The immigration situation is not an easy problem to solve. The reason I say this is because according the article the last amnesty did not resolve the immigration so another amnesty would not either. So according to that information I believe that the immigration problem will not ever be able to be solved 100 percent.

  24. I don't believe there is a way to solve the immigration issue. Most of the things discussed on this blog is what is wrong with people coming here and why they shouldn't, however there are very few suggestions on how to fix the issue.Mexico s right next door, so there are a high amount of Mexicans entering the US.



    % of total













    Dominican Republic












    South Korea






    So, since I don't think we can actually stop the process, how about we invent away to use it to our advantage?

    1. I agree with you , we should come up with a way to take it to our advantage because like you said they are going to keep coming and entering , so instead of wasting time trying to protect our borders we should let them come in and help them out , sometimes most people immigrate to escape and we are america land of the free , we should help out.

  25. People complain of taxes and immigrants not paying taxes, does anyone realize that the rate of American's not paying their own taxes are excruitiatingly high too? In a July 7, 2011, floor speech, Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, offered a striking statistic about how few American households pay federal income taxes. According to Politifact and Sent John Cornyn,, 2009-2001 only 49% of American's paid taxes, that leaves 51% of American's paying taxes correctly. So If we aren't paying taxes, why are we mad at others who come here and don't pay taxes?

    1. I couldn't agree any more with you, Anne. They just use that as an excuse to get at immigrants. It is aimed at immigrants to belittle them.

    2. The SS department actually benefits from those who work with someone else's SSN. They make an approximate $7 billion.

  26. Another squabble I have with the whole immigration issue is the fact that people come over here and do jobs that American's believe they are too good for, or believe they should be paid more for, such as fast food, or construction jobs. There is a decline in Americans working overall. Young people ages 16-24 are not looking for jobs and people ages 56 - 70 are retiring out. Based on statistics from CNBC News the workforce is trending down Labor Force Participation Rate Is down from 2006. So people who are stating that immigrants are coming over here and taking our jobs, someone can't take a job that someone doesn't have.

  27. After reading the article on "A bold plan to solve America's illegal immigration problem". Political leaders like Barbara Jordan saw the rise of immigration changing in the early 2000's.chair of the bipartisan US Commission on Immigration Reform, called for an end to illegal immigration and a calibration of legal immigration levels to the demonstrated needs of the economy. She understood then what is even more true today: High levels of legal and illegal immigration hurt all Americans, but they especially hurt US citizens, disproportionately black and Latino citizens.
    Now today the year 2015 immigration is an never ending issue not just with Hispanics but other ethnic groups. So what is the resolution?

  28. I think , instead of fighting immigration into america , we should just work with it and take it into our advantage , because i think more time and money is spend trying to get illegals out of america than it would be if we work with them and help them ,help us.

  29. I think , instead of fighting immigration into america , we should just work with it and take it into our advantage , because i think more time and money is spend trying to get illegals out of america than it would be if we work with them and help them ,help us.

    1. You are right Erin. If illegals are given rights to work legally then they will be benefiting the country. It is because even if they are not allowed to work here, they still do. So just fine them and allow them to remain here and the US will benefit greatly in the long run.

    2. This is a great way to approach the issue. There is a solution to the problem but it takes both sides willing to participate. Many immigrants are already struggling just to be apart of the workforce in America and consume American products. It would be beneficial if they did not have to struggle in order to be successful. If the US spent less on detouring illegal aliens, and more on helping immigrants become citizens (especially the ones already producing work and money in the US), the country will make progress towards solving immigration issues and will be able to identify its citizens better.

    3. yes , sergio most illegals are working anyways even if they are not allowed to and they benefit us more than we benefit them and we still want to kick them out of this country. Think most of the immigrants just came to work.

    4. Sergio is right. I am pretty sure they will be fine with the fine as long as they get a path to citizenship. They will be working regardless.

    5. That's true Omar, paying the fine will not only help them become to citizens, it will also help our economy as well. A lot of the illegals just don't know how the process works, they go by what they have been told from others, it would be best to go through the proper channels here in the states.

    6. Eva, you are correct we need to proper channels establish. Question is where do we get the budget to accommodate this great need?

  30. Solving Americas immigration problem is a good question? This problem has been for years, I don't have a answer for this one, I think they should just do what's best for the population, and citizens here in American. They should be more stricter and continue fining the immigrants and charged them the $10,000 for those who want to stay here in America. Along as I can go back and forth to Mexico to visit family I'm fine for whatever they do.

    1. Wow! So you’re basically saying you only care about yourself. You are not thinking about what is best for the country as a whole. That is why the people can’t communicate and find a solution to the problem, because people only think about themselves instead of thinking about the others. The country needs to come together and people need to stop being selfish and start acting!

    2. By looking at the population of America, it is easy to tell that a large portion of Mexican immigrants make up the citizens of America. Whether one chooses to recognize it, they have made a majority of the workforce, and many have proven to become legal, taxpaying American citizens. This portion of the U.S. population has contributed so much to modern day America. When doing what is best for the population and the citizens here in America, it would be accurate to include all of the people in America in order to effectively choose what is best for the country.

  31. I think the US should just face the fact that there is no way that they can solve the immigration problem without causing chaos. The best way would be to not deport everyone back to their home countries, but just fine them and allow them to stay here and even give them rights to visit their homeland. There are many families that are separated because of a border between countries that may never see each other again. While i do know that it is not right to be here illegally and that the law has been broken, I think it has come just a bit too far to try to solve it in a mass deportation. There are millions of illegal immigrants here. Those millions could be very profitable towards the US if they are allowed to remain here and are fined in the process. They could make billions in the process.

    1. This is a very accurate point. The identification of the millions of immigrants that are already living in America is necessary to the progression of solving America's immigration issues.

    2. I agree that a mass deportation is not the answer. It will take too much time and money for the US. It will also be tearing families apart, leaving children born here to illegal immigrants without a parental figure.

    3. I agree with you Sergio. There really isn't an easy way to deal with the immigration problem without seriously hindering immigration families or those who are American citizens. It really comes down to someone's background and which side someone comes from on whether a person will agree to allow more immigrants to enter or restrict the access to the bare minimum or not at all. However, I do agree that we should allow those who are already here to live in the country, but they must undergo the process to become an american citizen. At the same time, the United States should begin to crack down on immigration procedures and make sure that more illegal immigrants cannot enter the country.

    4. Well said Justin. Along with the citizenship process that many should go through, they should also implement the importance of learning to speak the English language. It would make the whole process easier and be profitable to both parties, the U.S and the immigrant in many ways. I would suggest specific classes to be given at public places for this purpose. It could be somewhere local, like a nearby school and church. That way there should not be an excuse to not learn the language.

  32. I don't think there is a good answer to this question. It's hard to determine which actin to take. If they're willing to work to create a better life for themselves and their family, then why should we stop them from coming over? But i also see where they're could be a problem. We could become overpopulated and some could lose their jobs Because of those who are bilingual.

  33. Amnesty would be a great start. After that the United States should tighten the border security and hire rouge agents and pissed off military members to be in charge of finding those who do not want to abide by the law. It's time that the U.S. grows up and stops letting these other countries take from us and think that it is ok. Did that persons family pay taxes to allow them to be allowed to have a disability check? Wake up America and lets give some jobs to our veterans and put them on the border. Build a higher fence and give a bunch of trigger happy freaked out, patriotism bearing, flag wielding, second amendment abiding AMERICANS a post job. That will fix the immigration problem.

  34. Ilegal immigration will never end, just like drug dealers. You can try to stop them from one side, but they will find a way to get thru. Ilegal immigration is a very sensitive topic for me, as I am for it and against it. I come from parents that one was a US citizen and one is an ilegal immigrant. I think that no matter your nationality, color, race we all deserve an opportunity for a better future for ourselves and our loved ones. As there are honest, hard working, immigrants there are also those immigrants that only come to this country to do bad. These are the people that put us Hispanics to shame when they come from a poor, struggling family or country and instead of doing good and building a better future for themselves, they do the opposite. Illegal immigration is something that even if they build walls all around our borders, impose higher fines if caught trying to cross the border, even in danger of being killed. I think that they should just impose lower fines for the immigrants and let them be able to also provide a better future for their families. Illegal immigration needs to stop everyone deserves a chance.

    1. I agree with Adriana. Allow them to come and build better lives for their families. Everyone deserves a chance for a happy life.

  35. Based on an excerpt from The New York Post - The United States has returned to its melting-pot glory days — it is now home to 41.3 million legal and illegal immigrants, the highest percentage in 93 years, according to a new report released Thursday.

    Census Bureau data has revealed that one in six adults currently residing in the US were not born here, the Center for Immigration Studies reports.

    Despite the general population rising a little over 20 percent, both legal and illegal immigrants now account for 13 percent of the country’s population.

    The number of immigrants jumped by 1.4 million between 2010 and 2013 — and 10.2 million since 2000, according to the American Community Survey.

    Most of the immigrants who fled to the US over the past three years didn’t come from countries in Latin America, as many would expect, but instead flocked from Asia, the Caribbean and the Middle East. -

    People get their panties in a wad because of all the "Mexicans" coming into the country, but its not just Mexicans.

    And to be totally honest, if I lived in any of the aforementioned countries, I would run away too, legal or not.

  36. America solves its immigration problem by growing. If there was a growth in language apprehension and cultural diversity acceptance, this country could thrive with a plethora of ideas as well as talent and national progression. The crossing of the national border should indeed cease, and there should be the minimal distinction between American citizens and Mexican/Asian/Foreign citizens as well as immigrants. Every human should be counted and registered as an inhabitant of this country.

  37. America solves its immigration problem by growing. If there was a growth in language apprehension and cultural diversity acceptance, this country could thrive with a plethora of ideas as well as talent and national progression. The crossing of the national border should indeed cease, and there should be the minimal distinction between American citizens and Mexican/Asian/Foreign citizens as well as immigrants. Every human should be counted and registered as an inhabitant of this country.

  38. Many people that are against amnesty also say that people who are here illegally take all their tax money for government programs. The truth is that they can't apply for these programs because they are not citizens.

  39. Illegal immigration is happening because we made immigration illegal.

  40. Although immigrants should be welcomed and granted amnesty, I do think it is reasonable to limit the amount of times they can go back/forth for a certain period of time. It would be wrong for them not to have been here for long but decide to produce their income and then take it to their home countries to use it there. The cycle repeats itself and if they are coming to the US there should be some type of welcoming terms of agreement regarding some length of time or some money if they would like to just buy it instead.
