Thursday, December 11, 2014

Is college worth it?

Read the following article and discuss the question below.

  • Postings should present a focused and cohesive viewpoint that is substantiated by effective supporting examples or  links to relevant, up-to-date websites or documents that enhance the information presented.

  • Postings should be written in a style that is appropriate for an academic discussion of the topic.

  • Postings should be free of grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors.


  1. In most cases education can always be worth it. Most students at college do not know what they are going to study at college. In my opinion you have to search what you are going for, why are you going for it, is it worth it? Look at the long run, is the debt worth it? Look at every perspective, expand the research. Most people do not do there research until they graduate and see that they picked a career that does not pay well nor easy to find. In my opinion do your research and have plan! As my fourth semester in college, it is worth it.

    1. I agree with your opinion in finding a major before you invest in the career because before you graduate you should have at least one career you'd like to major in as in also do research on your major. But I disagree with the part of how much you paid because I always thought it's not about whether if you win good money our not because whats the point of winning a lot of money if you don't enjoy what your doing.

    2. I agree with you Daisy. You should always have a plan but for some of us, when we graduate, we are young and don't think about having a plan. I honestly think if you don't have a plan just go to college and take your basics, hopefully during college you will know what you would like to do in the future.

    3. I agree with Daisy too. You should plan ahead with which school you choose. Don't just choose the college because of it's location or degree. There are plenty of schools that offer degrees in whatever major you decide upon. When I was in high school, I had a plan to go to a certain private school, but I didn't think everything through. Once I got there, I decided nursing wasn't what I wanted and now I have student loans to pay back. It's always best to have a back up plan in these cases. I am now working at pharmacy where I make decent money that can help support my family.

    4. Is college worth it? Financially, no. Experience, yes.

    5. To me I think college is worth it if you actually take advantage of your career and the reason why you attended college. I know a lot of people that actually went to college, graduated and do something totally opposite of what they went to college for. I think if you take advantage of your schooling even if you paid for school or had financial aid then you should take advantage of it.

    6. I'm here. I think college is worth it. I'm getting more education and I appreciate knowing a little more than I did yesterday.

  2. Like in the Economist article, it is devastating to realize what you majored in will not fulfill your income expectations. Not only that, most college graduates are left with a great debt from college loans. There are plenty of people that make a greater amount of money than college graduates. I myself am in college and though it's tempting to keep the "good" paying job I have until retirement; I believe knowledge is a powerful asset to have. No one can ever take the knowledge you've learned from college away. With that said, I do believe college is worth your time, money and effort when you are aware of what the outcome your college degree will be in order to make you a greater knowledgable person.

    1. Ladies
      Education is not everything, but it open's door's of opportunity. A proven fact that college graduates earn about $17,500K more than a high school graduate from the Economist article. I had a coworker that had a Master's degree and the only difference between she and I was the pay. She made more money than I did and was also considered for promotions before I was. That's why I know a college degree is worth it for better advancement and better door's of opportunity. No college is not for everyone, but I would rather try and fail than not try at all and then fail. I will succeeded and finish college and get my degree. I push education in my home it's not an option knowing that could be the difference in the person that works in the warehouse on the floor or the person that's the warehouse manager. I agree with both of you, yes college is worth it!

    2. Suleima and Leisa, I agree with you both. College is worth it if you are looking for professional career. In order to be the RN, Doctor, Teacher or whatever profession you need a degree in, then you must get your degree. The majority of the time teenagers don't realize what they want to be before they graduate and that's a bad mistake. You waste government funding, your parents money and your time. Education is always good to help you succeed in life. Some people do get lucky and find good jobs but college is good and a good experience for all to grow up.

    3. Ms. Reed how can college be a waste of time if you stated that "college is a good and a good experience for all to grow up." I dont think it is a bad mistake if teenagers do not know what profession they want to advance in, since no one can predict ten, fifteen or even twenty years from now. Especially with all the subjects one can take at a time. Anything can happen in anyones life that will ultimately change their current proffesion.

    4. The economist article does have a point. I agree that college will help bring you closer to your goals, but if a person steps off of the college path for even a second it is a slippery slope to no where. Working as a painter for someones grandma once a month and living at home. College can and could make a persons life better but not a lot of people get out of college expecting not to make what they first seen someone else make.

    5. I believe that college graduates will always have a better chance to get a better qualifying job than a high school graduate. It is true that there are some people that are lucky to succeed without a college degree, however it is very low percentage of them among the whole population. Also, the more education we have the more we understand and overcome difucult situations in life. So, yes, college education is worth it if we want to become more knowledgable and more skilled in life.

    6. Dinorah,
      College open doors of opportunity. Today no one wants to wait, they want it right now. Well a college degree is a process and you have to have the time and patients. The reward is later that will be greater.

    7. I struggle with this question at times, I agree with Leisa. It's better to try than do nothing at all.

    8. I agree with Leisa to a certain point. An education is everything yes sometimes a person that just finishes high school can make a lot more money than a person that goes to college and has a degree, but I think it depends on the person, for example I have a friend that didn't finish high school, she just went to 9th grade and dropped out. And that was it she didn't go any further and now she works for an attorney as a paralegal and she makes really good money. So even if you finish high school or even college I think it all depends on the person and how the person is.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Most go to college to attain a boost of income. College is definitely challenging and very much worth it. College is also an avenue to meet different people with different ideas and styles of learning. This has been benfeficial for myself because I am an older student and I have learned many things from fellow classmates in the different classroom settings. These tools have helped me in my every day life as things have changed so much when I was a younger student.

    1. Yes you are right, college is definitely challenging, but at the same time worth it. The benefits of having college education are many as well. Someone with a college degree will always have more opportunities.

  5. An article Dean Wolf sent faculty this morning:

    1. I think that many parents have a false assumption that if their child goes to a University straight out of high school, their children will be more likely to succeed. This line of thinking is the same as that parent buying their child a Ferrari, because they think they will be a better driver. Community Colleges are just as good, if not better than most Universities; a student can get more one on one time with their professor at a local community college. Finally, the price alone is enough to persuade college students and those parents paying the “in-state” tuition that community college could be the better choice

    2. Well for me community college is a great place. I do not agree with the title that it's a college division. To me it's a second opportunity or just maybe an opportunity for success. The educator that felt as though community college is a set back should look at how it helps the working adult to obtain the next step in there work career. Community college helps the economic deprive family make dreams of college become reality. No one should feel ashamed of attending a community college. If you can afford the 4 year universities and you have a balance that's great, but don't knock community college for those of us that are glad we have a second chance or just a door open for opportunity.

    3. I agree with Lucia, I don't think that if you go to a prestigious college or university, that is not all it depends on the person too. I have heard of many people that go to college to just go to parties and have a good time. And the majority of them come from wealthy families. It doesn't matter how expensive a college is or how well known it is. It has a lot to do with the person and how well they take advantage of their schooling and their education.

  6. I do believe college is worth it. I think before someone commits to a major they should research that career and weigh their options before committing to thousands of dollars in student loans. A close friend of mine woks in accounting and before she decided to go back to college she reflected on her life and decided accounting is what she is passionate in. She decided to commit to an online college that was expensive but fast paced. She was able to complete her bachelor’s degree in about 2 years with credits that she transferred over from a previous college. She also committed to about $50,000.00 in student loans. She was just recently offered a job that pays almost twice what she was earning before she went back to school. With the new job she will be getting better pay and benefits which would allow her to pay off student loans. Again, college is worth it if a person chooses the right major and works hard to achieve their goal.

  7. College is totally worth it. A person with a college degree will always have more opportunities, than someone without college education. As a fact, the article mentioned that college graduates who are working full time earn about $17,500 more annually than someone than have a high school diploma.

    1. I agree with you Frida people think college is a waste of time and money but if we are committed to look for a good future for us and for our family we will all have a good income than a person with just a high school diploma and could always benefit us.

    2. Yes, college graduates have more and better employment opportunities, and many jobs these days require a college degree. A person who goes to college usually earns more than a person who doesn't.

    3. Yes, college is worth it. I have been working with my job for almost ten years and there is a position that I want to apply for but I need more college hours. So, having a college degree do offer more job opportunities, and more money than the person who did not go to college.

    4. you are correct Frida, college is a way to open many doors of opportunity to ones life. college gives a person a way of choosing what career they will love to work in and never having to feel like they actually work, but instead enjoying it as if it was their hobby.

  8. Is college worth what? The money we pay for it, or the the time we input to it? Or the fact that we are striving for a better educational background so it looks great on our resume's?

    I believe that in order for us to be noticed through our resume, yes, having a college education and high grade point average puts our resume to the for front. But, I also believe that the name of your college institution is looked at as well. If there are two people applying for the same position, and one shows they graduated from Harvard or Yale or even Baylor- then theres lil ole me applying with Eastfield Community College written on it, I'm fairly certain that the person with the "Name Brand School" stamped on their resume will get the position before I do.

    College is expensive, however, I've learned things in college that I wouldn't have known otherwise, because I wouldn't have known to look for the answers to questions I didn't know I was supposed to ask. The time is extensive, depending on what route of education you are taking, whether it be an Associates, Bachelor's Master's, PHD etc.

    Oh, then there are those college tuition loans that you pay back for a lifetime.

    Is college worth it? I haven't decided yet. I am still contemplating. I started college at the age of 46, so I started late, but I have been employed in the medical field for 25 years. Once I get a degree, and if I see an increase in my finances, then I will be able to make a more sound decision as to if College is worth "it" or not.

  9. i'm not to fond of this topic at all. I have this conversation between my parents, my brother, and I on a regular basis. whether I want to believe it or not yes it is. more specifically if you go into a career field that's in demand then yes college is extremely worth it. but what about a person who goes into a field they love. they are bond to end up working at a fast food restaurant because that job is never hiring. I believe the only way to approach this is in a personal way since the majority of us are all in school. for myself college is too expensive. I have other obligations in my life, bills and family, so trying to afford school as well is honestly is above my head. i'm told all the time that it will pay off but since college is increasing every year i'm starting to think to just learn a trade and make a living off of that like Obama said. I can start off with 15-16 dollars an hour and work my way up. that way I have went to school I can pay off my loans and my family will be taken care of. with trying to go to a four-year college i'm taking out loans I know I cant afford. trying to go to school and work on of them are being put on the back burner. i'm not able to afford to pay bills, pay for college, and pay my loans. it's just too hard. my mama started working at ups almost years ago. she makes 6 figures now a year. yeah it took her 20+ years but she made it. she tells me I could possibly start after college making that not realizing it might take me 20 years just to finish college because of other obligations. yeah school is worth it but that's only if your priorities are straight, its your only focus, you majoring in something in demand, and you stay single and never have kids.

    1. Amaris when people go to college, they don't research the jobs that are paying and always hiring for that field. The medical field and criminal justice are the hot fields now for jobs. Someone is always sick or going to jail. Also, certain jobs do pay tuition reimbursement. If you really can't afford it, then community college is the way to go. An Associate is always good to have.

    2. some people look some people don't. for a fact I always know nursing will be available. well I want to go into the medical field but I don't want to be a nurse. I want to be a doctor too bad the doctor I want to be is still coming up or not even completely on the map yet. so I have a choice go into a career I don't want to be in but make a living or go into the career I want to be in and probably never get that job or wait years before i'm ever considered for that job. not everyone wants to work in an in demand job and hate going to work every single day. some of us want a job we love but the majority of us will never be able to experience that.

  10. Amaris, I completely understand what you are saying. No one understands debt more than I do. I also understand what it means to be flat broke. I am a single mother of 3. I am currenlty a LVN and I am in school now to earn an ADN. I am still in debt at this time from the vocational school where I completed my LVN. At the time, it was $17,500. Now I am hearing the program is over $30,000. The LVN to ADN program is just over $7,000 at El Centro last time I checked. I applied for financial aide and was approved for nearly enough this semester alone to pay that entire program off. When I was younger, it was hard for me to qualify for grants and things. But I have learned to research my options. Where there is a will, there is a way. A RN salary sure looks better to me than a LVN. That makes it all worth it to me.

    1. Colbie, great advice! Amaris I promise you if you don't get that degree you will have regret's. Yes, your mom makes six figures now but like you said it took her 20 year's where if you go ahead and get it before your baby starts school you will be so much better off. I waited do to becoming a mother and at the time I thought like you. I had a kid and bills started getting bigger and bigger then baby # 2 hit us. For sure I made my children a priority so I stopped school to make sure all their needs got met. Still in my career working in corporate America I was being looked over due to not having a degree. So after getting laid off, both children graduated from high school and now in college I decided ok, it's time. I always had a desire to go back and get my degree but had other obligation. A trade is good, but is that really your desire?

    2. that's true if that's what you really want to do. a nursing salary is really good but what about people who don't enjoy things like that and want to go into a field that they love but the income is no good? is it better to deal with a job you hate for the money or deal with the struggle but loving your career?

    3. I have no problem going to school. do I enjoy it not quite but I have to make a living. thing is do I go to school for what I love and maybe have to pay back all these debts on a salary I can never support my family in or do I just go into something that I dread for a paycheck to take care of my family and be able to pay off the debts with ease? that's always been my biggest problem I don't want to wake up every morning to something I hate for a paycheck but I feel as though to support my family and pay off my debts I might have to which that I will regret later

    4. Well Amaris, good luck with your decision. As for me, I am blessed to receive financial aid and to pursue my degree. That is the reason why I am back at school. An RN salary is a well paid job.

    5. You're right Amaris, some people go to school for a long time, and then when the finish the get a job in what they went to school for, but end up not liking it, or the pay is not what they expected. Or also if a person goes to school for a high paying career like an attorney, nurse, or doctor, they are stuck with the debt of student loans that they eventually have to pay for. Some students Never finish paying for them.

  11. I don't think that those of us in school can make an educated decision on this topic, I don't think that that will happen until we are graduated and in our field of study. For me it will come whenever I get my diploma and see a pay increase over what I am already making. If I do, then it will be because of education and my degree, if not, then I will know that my life experience played a bigger role in my career than my education did.

    1. I agree with you Anne, I am going to school to become a teacher, I know. Its not a high paying career, but I have always loved that career, right now I am a teacher assistant and of course not making half the money I would if I was already a teacher but I know that one day I will be done with school and have my good paying career, and be a teacher what I've always wanted.

  12. I do believe college is worth it because it opens your mind and feds you knowledge of how the real world works. Students or adults that do not choose to attend college, their knowledge is not as broad as someone who does attend. The article even states it “Thus, some of the premium that graduates earn simply reflects the fact that they are, on average, more intelligent than non-graduates.” Attending college also gives you a boost in pay as well as selection over someone who does not attend. Employers are more likely to consider in hiring a person who is well educated. College is worth it if you take the time to choose a career carefully. A field that will expand and have plenty of job opportunities in the future. In the article it begins by showing you a high number in which Ms. Styles accumulated in debt. Her first choice was not a very well thought out one but she tried again, went to school, majored in finance and landed a well-paying job. Her debt did double but as quoted “she will have little trouble in paying it off.” College is worth it if you take the time to make it worth it. If school and reading many books is not for you then a trade can suit you better. On the third paragraph it gives a hint in which the president stated “folks can make a lot more by learning a trade.” It just depends on what career you want to pursue or what you would love to do the rest of your life. The decision is within yourself.

  13. If what you love does not pay well, it may benefit you to study a major and a minor. Sometimes there is not a major difference in courses. But please believe me a college education is definitely for the best. There is a variety of career opportunities out here. I am a cosmetologist and a LVN. I do hair in my spare time. I had to go to school for all of this. My only regret is not going to school for an advanced degree before now. That is why I find college worth it.

  14. Being a junior in high school and having the opportunity to do dual credit classes has given me the opportunity to start realizing what I really want to major in and to don't take college as a game. Dual credit is allowing me to have an opportunity to start taking classes I'm going to need for what I'm going to major in,especially if I know my classes are being waved. It's really challenging for me taking college courses and being a junior in high school as well as being class president of my class, but I'm glad that college is a great way to start and yes I think college is worth it because we think it doesn't make a difference right now but it will when we have families to take care off or by knowing you have something you worked hard for. And knowing that thanks to all you're hard work and to all those people who helped you with you're studies, you can be the person you will be in the future.

    1. That is awesome, your already one step ahead of the game. Taking dual credit classes as well eliminates the time you would have had to spend in regular classes. Unlike a lot of us other college students time is on your side. Take this time to research and choose your major wisely.

    2. Yesenia that is superb that you are taking advantage of a great program. I should have choosen the same route but do not regret the actions I have taken. It makes you who you are but yes college is not a game but it can be if played right.

    3. You go girl! I also took dual credit classes in my senior year. Once I graduated I applied for Rising star and took my basics. I took a break (which I suggest you don't) and now I am back in college. So don't stop, continue to take all your classes you need for your major.

    4. Dual credit courses also gave me an idea of the college course experience during my senior year this last year. It showed me that I really had to manage my time in a way where I could get all of my school work done efficiently while taking on other extra activities. But I've also learned that college isn't the only way to be successful in our lifetime. There are many opportunities for individuals without a college education to make vast amounts of money as long as they know the right people, know how to operate a business, or by making a product that a lot of people use. I'm not trying to say that college isn't important, I'm merely pointing out that there are various ways to be successful, which you could also pursue while getting an education at your college of choice.

  15. Taking advantage of college courses while in high school is very wise if it is available to you. Especially in the instance what you love to do may not pay so well. That gives you the opportunity to broaden your horizons and maybe study something a little more profitable. Not all careers provider a large income right away. If you really love something, it takes time to develope.

    1. I agree Colbie. I wish that we had college courses when I was in high school. I would have most certainly taken advantage. College is a great place to explore ideas and different career possibilities. I think many times people settle for jobs to make money. I try and teach my children to go to school and do what they want to do not what they have to do to survive. To be able to get paid for something you love will be more profitable and rewarding in life. Every person has to choose. For me I regret not getting my degree when I was younger. The great thing is your never to old right?

  16. Is college worth it? Yes, I believe college is worth it, but it’s not for everyone. If you’re planning on partying or doing just enough to skim by it’s not worth it. College is expensive and if you don’t use your head it can be a debt trap. Financial aid is great but we see students using it for things other than school and books, especially your first year students. Some of them right out of high school that have never even had a checking or savings account and have never had to learn to budget. College influences students to make life choices. Some graduates are unable to find a job right away in their field. Sometimes students don’t have the ability right away to pay back their loans and it forces them to put off buying a home or starting a family.
    College is worth it, College graduates usually earn more in a year than their high school buddies who didn’t go to college did. They get better jobs and tend to keep them longer. College graduates also seem to advance quicker within their jobs.

    1. You are right Eva college is of great benefit to those who utilize it for the right reasons.Many of these students going to college young and partying are usually having their parents pay their tuition fees.I think one thing that would eliminate the issue of young student going to college for the wrong reasons or choosing the wrong degree,would be less of a problem if all young students began at a community college. Students for the first year or two should attend community colleges and get their basics out the way versus jumping straight out of high school to a university.

  17. College is worth for the simple reasons like making new relationships, trying new endeavors, learning lots of new things and words. College is an experience that will hopefully grow a person. However everyone that attends college is not a success story, and there are plenty of successful people who have never attended college

  18. College is worth it, experience, knowledge, interaction, ideas, thought process, understanding, evaluating, and thought evolution all can come from college. Although college is not for everyone, it can be a useful tool for most. A person has to choose if that is the right path for them and what they want to accomplish in life.

    1. I completely agree with your response. Even if money is wasted, knowledge is priceless. A college experience is something everyone should experience in their lifetime.

    2. Agreed. Despite the loss of money, you could very well benefit from it and the education is priceless.

  19. There are many people who go to school for degrees that require a certain liscensure. There is always that risk of violating your liscense and or practice and losing all that you have worked for. This fact alone has made me a more responsible person in my everyday living and how I deal with people because I don't want to compromise all I have and am still working for. I'm not going to say college is not worth it because this is a possiblilty. I will take that chance.

  20. I personally believe its who you know, and not what you know. Thats how the real world works. College is only worth it to a certain extent. My job requires a bachelors degree and two years experience. I barely have 30 college hours and started off a teller. I busted my butt for 2 years and the district manager pulled some favors so I could get the position. The reason college is worth it to me is because I want to be a Dallas Firefighter. I have been offered a position to be a firefighter for the City of Garland, but that's not my dream. My dream of working for the DFD requires 45 college hours. After I accomplish that I will not be enrolled in college classes anymore. College is worth it to me, because without it I will not accomplish my dreams.

    1. In order for that to work one must also know something to get to that "who you know". Either way both work hand in hand because now I know someone who is going to be a firefighter.

    2. Luis I do agree with you to a certain degree I think many people will end up in debt trying to get a degree for a high paying position. However the ones that will obtain these positions are related or friends with the people in charge of these companies. But I do also believe that opportunities are offered to hard working people who start from the bottom. I think that we need to utilize the tools and statistics better to choose what degree will benefit our futures.

  21. Luis,
    I am glad you reconsidered and decided to get your 45 hours to work for DFD. If you continue and get to additional 25 to 30 hours that would get you an Associates degree that will allow other doors of opportunity to be open. Yes, you can get on with DFD, but by not having a degree do you think this would allow other's with a degree to be promoted over you?

    1. Thank you Leisa! I just don't see the point in going to school for a piece of paper after I am a firefighter. It's about what you know and the experience you have gone through to move up in that industry. A degree does not mean you are smarter than everyone else, it just means you took the time to go to school to obtain it. You can move up all the way up to being captain of the station while still only having 45 college hours. I would love to retire one day as a captain, maybe I'm just not setting my goals high enough. Why would I waste my time obtaining let’s say a bachelor’s degree when that time could be spent with my family? If for some reason I would want to switch careers and I needed a different degree then I would be the first one to enroll in school until I received the necessary credentials.

    2. Luis,
      I understand Family First. My own experience in corporate America a degree is looked at first. School is time consuming and lots of money and time spent trying to pass and keep your grades up is certainly a chore. I wish would have understood when I was younger that you get your education before you start a family and take on responsibility.
      Thanks for being a Community servant!!

  22. obtaining a college a education is a very important part of someone's life that should be considered. I always compare the life of a person who has a college education to someone who does not and the one who has a college education seems to have less worries and stress. there Is ways in which one can be successful without obtaining a college education, but that could be risky considering that it could back fire. having a college education increases ones chances of being successful and to have ones life secure.

    1. It could also backfire in wasting four years at the minimum to obtain a bachelor’s degree. Let’s say you were applying for a great position in a well-recognized field. Let’s say all you needed was an associates degree. You apply for the position and you think you have a very good chance obtaining the job, but someone else applied that had an associates and two years’ work experience in that field. In most cases the person with the experience will get the job. Then that person will be living a life with less worries and stress. It all depends on what situation you’re in. That being said, I do not think it's all about schooling and I do not think that possessing a college education increases your chance of having a successful life.

  23. A college education is not necessary to be sucessful for all people, but it sure does not hurt to obtain a degree. It reminds me of the saying, "Knowledge is power." College provider flexibility and options.

    1. Exactly. If you have the knowledge, the connections, or an innovative idea, you can make a lot of money if you play your cards correctly. All it takes is the determination to make your dream become reality and knowledge of how to tackle business in a way to generate profits. This is how Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerburg, and Warren Buffet have all become as wealthy as they are now. They did not just get there over night though, it took the right know how and the right attitude for those men to be as successful as they are. But even though college education is not necessary, it does not take away the importance of having an education and using that knowledge to acquire a job in a field that makes a person money while bringing them happiness.

  24. Just like in high school, there are things you will use and things that you will not use. I can't tell you the last time I actually did an algebraic equation in my field of work, except to apply for a job. Is it good to know? Sure. We all have tidbits of useless information that may or may not come in handy one day.

    Now if you luck up and you are an entreprenuer such as Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerburg, Eminem etc, then I don't see you needing college as a diving board. But if you are Carmelo Anthony, Dez Bryant, Juillenne Hough, and you rely on your natural athletic ability to make your money, you might want to have a back up plan and utilize an education. If you break your leg, your neck or suffer so many concussions that you aren't able to function correctly, a great back up would be to have a college education to build another career on.

    1. Anne-Marie, I agree there are many thing in college tha we may not use in our life but it is a good experience. I believe the fact that we pass algebra so determination.

    2. Yes Anne-Marie . i remember when i was in highschool i would always ask myself, "when am i going to use this in the real world?" It does come out handy once in a while , i believe the more a person knows , the more valuable the person can be.

    3. A degree is always helpful when a job doesn't work out or you just don't like the job. It keeps your options open easier than without a degree.

    4. Erin,
      you are so right, knowledge is power. The more you know the more you grow mentally and intellectually. Education is power!

  25. Getting a college education is the most important investment that someone can make for their future. A person with a four-year college degree earns twice as much money as a person who graduated from high school but did not attend college. The more education, the more choices and opportunities someone can have.

    1. I agree with you Frida. I wish I could have finished my college in my twenties but I stopped half way just to work but now I am back at it again. The more education you have, the more opportunities there is.

    2. Rebeca, I agree, same thing happened to me. It is very difficult to try to get back into college once your working a full time job. I am back as well and really wish I had stayed in college back then. We live and learn.

    3. Exactly. Having a degree increases the chances of your income increasing by a large amount.

  26. I believe college is worth everyone’s money and time if the right career is chosen. Referring to the article, college tuition has gone up since 1983 and it keeps on going up every year or so. Some jobs do not require you to have a higher education degree, employers at times are focused on the applicant’s job experience. As a personal experience college has helped me move up the ladder in the workplace. People just have to find the money making careers and stop wasting money on careers that are not going to take them anywhere in the future, but then again the learning experience is priceless.

  27. To me college is worth it. Im not going to college to just be successful, but because to me knowledge is power. Knowledge is something no one will ever take from you. So what ever I am learning now will be helpful no matter where I go or what I do. Now will college atomically make me a successful person? No. it just depends how you use this knowledge and what you choose to study. like Obama said “folks can make a lot more” by learning a trade “than they might with an art history degree”. Not that I think a art history degree is bad or unnecessary or that it is less important, but I do believe it will be harder to find a job as an art historian than it is to find a job as a engineer. But if you want to be an art historian. Go ahead and study for it. I am all for people doing what they love. There are many ways college can be worth it, like money, or satisfaction, or simply a job you actually love to wake up and do every morning. All these you must take into consideration when choosing to go to college. You can’t always have it all.

    1. Well said Edgar the article did clearly state that engineering jobs are in high demand and good paying jobs. I began working straight out of school and never even considered college. I ended up making good enough money to support myself and later my kids. I worked in retail and it paid pretty well, but as my kids got older I wanted to set a good example for them so I chose to go back to school and obtain a degree. I am currently pursuing a nursing degree and hoping to finish in a couple years. But when it comes to other degrees that are not in high demand like art and history I still think those thing are needed and important in our society. Many students began college straight out of high school and I think that may factor a lot in the degree they choose.

    2. I agree Edgar. What Obama said is a very true statement. A friend of mine is going to a vocational school and at the rate that he is learning and the amount of money that he will be making after he graduates, he will be able to get rid of his debt much sooner than the 20 years it takes for those who sought after a 4 year degree who have the same amount of debt. This sounded appealing to me, however I do not think that the type of trade he is learning is something that I would actually enjoy to do for most of my life. I feel that college in the end is only a tool for me to reach my desired degree so that I can acquire more money than I would without a degree. Yes the education helps individuals grow their character, but I believe most people force themselves to go to college so that they may achieve a well paying career.

  28. College is definitely worth it, I don’t think that education could ever be taken for granted. What makes colleges bad and causes burden on students is the fact that they are over prized and the students are taken advantage of. Colleges know what careers are in high demand and beneficial for the students, but yet they let students enroll into degrees that will not benefit the student. I feel the colleges have students take different classes for different degrees so they can economically benefit. Why can’t colleges come up with a curriculum that would make it easier for students to switch their degrees without having to start from scratch? I know that there is certain classes you have to take for certain degrees, but it seems like when a student decides to switch degrees many of the classes the student has taken will not count for the degree they have to switch to. The statistics are out there on the jobs available and pay they just need to be utilizes more by the parents and students to determine their degree. Nursing is a high demanding career yet you have to compete with other students to get in. The colleges don’t have the resources to take in all the nursing students who desire this career. I believe that people who make it to high paying jobs without college are very fortunate, intelligent and hard working people who were presented with awesome opportunities.

  29. Is college worth it? Absolutely. We are learning more than we knew, that's a good thing. We're smarter and I feel like we're getting something accomplished. Taking small steps toward our goals. We have to start somewhere and college helps.

    1. Sugar you are absolutely right. It should be said with confidence " I am a college student". It is a big accomplishment just to be enrolled in school. I know a lot of people, who were not able to go to college. It is good to learn and keep your mind active, especaily at my age. hahah

    2. I agree with you sugar wiley , because you are right we are getting smarter and college is basically training us for the career we want to pursuit. Yes sometimes college might requires us to take classes that we don't need for our career that we choose but it can help us in ways that we don't think it might help. That is why i think college is worth it.

    3. Sugar, you are so right. I am so glad to have a second chance at getting my education. Yes, college is important! I love going to school now, I wish I would have gotten it years ago, but now that I am here I going to do my very best.

    4. The main reason why individuals have to go through college to obtain a degree is to prove that they are problem solvers. Only problem solvers can find a way to reach their goal and find solutions to fight their conflicts. That is what people want, they do not individuals who make more problems and can't do things on their own. College teaches us this, and with it we find out how to be successful in our lives.

  30. Is college worth it? Absolutely. We are learning more than we knew, that's a good thing. We're smarter and I feel like we're getting something accomplished. Taking small steps toward our goals. We have to start somewhere and college helps.

    1. I completely agree with your comment. College is worth it in so many ways. Not only people get educated, but a college experience is priceless. College teaches people about how to work together and how to accomplish tasks.

    2. I, for one, am banking on the fact that I showed determination and ability to by completing a degree in community college. I am hopefully that experience and my work experience will land me a better job.

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  32. I think college is worth it, because it gives you a better education that will help you get a better career that suits you. Instead of getting a regular job with a college education you can get a better chance to get a career

  33. I don't believe that college is worth it. You don't always need a college degree to make more money. My brother is a delivers medical supplies to different companies and brings home pretty good money. I work as a pharmacy tech trainee and I don't need to go to school for it. I can study the book, pass the exam and become a pharmacy tech. I'm already making a good pay without a degree. I have a little debt from going to a university so no, I don't believe college is worth it. You may graduate with whatever major you chose, but you still end up having to pay back the money you borrowed. Other countries have free college education. Why have we not done the same?

    1. We do not have free college education because in America it is about how an individual can become successful, not how America the country can be successful.

    2. Billie,
      there is some truth to that statement. We is America the richest country and education and healthcare are not a priority in this country? I think education should be free to all who want it.

    3. In America, it is up to the individual to become successful, not for the government to make individuals successful. That means people have to find their own route to success, it isn't freely given. The only problem with this is that many individuals want to go to college and get their degree in their desired field of study. But with this route it is hard for several people because of the cost of education, but I believe it is more of a deterrent for those who believe they should be given a successful life. If someone wants to be success and they have the will to make it happen, they will find a way to reach that goal. It is just of matter of finding out how to be successful while we live our lives.

  34. I believe college is not worth it. The income you desired is probably not one you will get. You also wasted a bunch of money on school. On the other hand, the education is priceless.

    1. Omar I totally disagree with you, I believe that if you chose a career that interest you, and that you are fully aware of the pros and cons of it. That includes income rewards and job flexibility but you still chose it anyway, than it shouldn't be a surprise for you, if you don't make the money you wish for. The benefit of having a career is not necessary to become rich, but to have more job choices, and having to settle for a job you are not happy about.

    2. You are correct, Dinorah. One should be aware of the ups and downs of a certain degree they are trying to attain. There are a lot of people who are trying to choose a degree no one else has, only to end up not having a job that is desired because there were not that many openings for it. What I meant was that it is not worth it for the people who do not have knowledge on what degree gets you what.

  35. The real question that I'd like to answer for myself is if college is really worth it for me. I see many different opportunities that are available for me if I were to graduate with various degrees, but I'm mainly seeking to find a job that pays well while also bringing me happiness with activities that I enjoy. The only problem is the amount of money that I have to acquire before I can actually take the courses that are necessary for me to obtain my degree. I'd rather not end up in debt and have to pay off that debt for the next 20 years of my life, it would be a burden for my plans and possibly the decisions that I chose to make during that time period. I have contemplated joining one of the United States' military branches, but I do not know that I want to risk losing my life for a degree that doesn't give me the ideal profession that I am seeking. If the cost of acquiring degrees were cut down, I believe many more individuals would invest their time in obtaining a degree and it would level out the amount of money lost by the institutions. I also think that if the government gave more support to state educations for students in high school, individuals would be more prepared for the outside world and for obtaining their college education.

  36. hmmm, lets ask Kenney Chesney (East Tennessee State), Common (Florida A&M University, 2 year scholarship), Will Ferrell (University of Southern California) Jodie Foster (Yale) Terrance Howard (Pratt Institute) or lets ask Emmitt Smith, Cowboys, (University of Florida) Troy Polamalu, PIttsburgh Steelers, (University of Southern California), Michael Jordan, Retired, Chicago Bulls (University of North Carolina) - none of these people have gone into their degree of study, they have all ventured out into acting, football or basketball and have made far more money than they would have utilizing their degree. With that being said, if something were to take away their talent, they would still have a degree to fall back on.

  37. A college degree is always good to have, even thought the road to get to it is very challenging, it is very much worth having it. It is true that a more educated individual has more opportunities to obtain a higher position in the work force, a more rewarding income, and more educated view to the society issues. At the end college education is more rewarding than any job, to me it is a career that nobody can ever take away from us.

  38. I college worth it? If you had asked me that two years ago I would of said yes but now I am not so sure. The advisor the spoke with said it would be better to take certain classes in order to go on to get my bachalors. Some of those classes I do not see them getting me a better job. I could go for a different set of classes and be able to use them to get a better job now, not in six years. It is a decsion I am trying to make.

    1. Billie,
      do not give up keep on striving for better. I'm older so all I have is time. I met a lady who was 70+ and a senior a Kansas State University. She said she had a 3.8 GPA and getting her degree in Sociology graduating next month. She was not able to attend school when she was younger because she help raise her siblings and then got married and had her own kids. In her late 60's she decide to go to college and get a degree not for her, but for her kids and grandkids, and great grandkids to have something to be proud of her. After hearing her story I can not quite. I have to do this, get my college degree!

    2. Bille life is not all about school. I agree that if you absolutely need the schooling to move up then definitely take those courses. I think that if there is a way to move up in your company by just working hard then definitely try to do that first.

  39. I think now a days college is very important, mostly every place right asks for a high school diploma and maybe in the near future they'll ask for a college degree. Our world is becoming demanding. That now you have to have an education to have a good living.

  40. That's why you have you to Choose the correct career before starting college that way you know the career you want and what path you will be taking and plan your path through school correct.

  41. Yes college is worth it if you have a clear path ahead of you. If you want a career and you know how to obtain it, then college is for you. If you end up in a job where you feel desperate for change, then you could always go back to school it is never too late. And in the end if all else fails, you will at least be able to say that you went to college and have a degree and have appropriate bragging rights. But seriously it is worth it if you know what you are doing.

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  43. Yes college is worth it. A degree whether it be the Associate's, Bachelor's, Masters, or PhD is seen as an accomplishment which very few accomplish. The fact of the matter is that either there is too little demand for the profession one is studying, or that individual has been flowing with the motions and has no idea how to go about life after graduating college. Education is the acquisition of knowledge and that, to me, is so very worth it.
