Thursday, December 11, 2014

Do people have the right to die?

Read and discuss the following article.  While this particular article mainly focuses on Australians, the question became a contentious topic in the United States when Brittany Maynard died by euthanasia on November 2, 2014.

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  1. I believe that people should be able to choose to die or not. I personally don't want to live a subpar quality of life. If I knew without a doubt that there was no coming back from "the other side" I would choose not to continue living. I have to think of the effects to others. I wouldn't want to be a burden or cause turmoil to those I love in any fashion or form, such as expense, emotional, and/or physical. I believe that the living will is something that everyone should be knowledgeable about and if it suits your needs to use it. Not only do I have a living will set up, I have a time frame as well as organ donations set up. Letting me go, is much better than keeping me around in a shell, unable to communicate or interact.

    1. Anne, I agree, and having a living will not only helps your loved ones, it protects them from having to be the ones responsible for making any of the hard decisions for you. I'm sure It also gives you peace of mind.

    2. Anne-Marie and Eva, I disagree with you both. It is just like suicide to me. You never know what will happen and man can't tell you how long you have to live. No one knows. I've see people who were told that they would never walk again but they do it. What ever happen to having faith and trusting God. The vows of a marriage, in sickness and in health. So, what if I have to take care of a love one. I would rather have them living and not cause harm to my family because of the selfishness on my part.

    3. Dena, I was mainly referring to a terminal illness, such as cancer. For instance -If the patient says they want a DNR -do not resuscitate, I would respect their wishes.

    4. Eva, all cancers are not deadly. I am aware of a DNR. My dad signed one for my mom and plus I work in the medical field. I believe that is different from killing yourself and the love one has made a decision for you and the person has it on file. Remember a couple of months ago, a bride that was getting married but was preparing herself to die because she had a brain tumor. She was making plans to kill herself which is awful. Who told her that she was going to die soon. She had no faith in God to believe that she can make it through. I would never plan my death.

    5. I agree with you Dena. She had no faith God at all. What if she could of live another 10 years or a miracle would of happen? I will never plan my death either.

    6. As a human being, I would rather see myself or a loved one NOT in pain, just be at peace.

    7. Anne-Marie, I agree with you. We decide everything about our body, rrom the food we eat, the liquids we drinks, ect. We decide to expercise or not. We should be able to chose when we die.

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. I agree with Anne, people should decide when they want to die if they have a painful and terminating disease. I've read many stories like that of Brittany that she wanted to die, because she had a deadly, painful disease. Why have a loved one suffer thru a disease that you know there is no cure for it.

  2. I believe voluntary euthanasia should be a right that shouldn't be taken away from anyone. There are many people who are terminally diagnosed all the time and some want to respectfully live the rest of their life happily and in peace. Yet, there are those who know that are going to die and still being alive is brutal to them. Some are in constant excruciating physical and/or mental pain and every single minute going by is unbearable. I think it's selfish to tell those people to wait it out until their natural death because we're not experiencing their pain. I also know it's really hard to see someone gone forever but it's even harder to see them in severe pain. So when it comes to making the decision to die I believe we do have the right as long as we don't bring someone else down.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I totally agree with you. A person who is suffering from a terminally ill should have the right to die with dignity. As you said, its hard to see someone we love in pain, and that why I agree. I don’t think it would affect other; it would only make the process less painful for them.

    3. I agree with Suleima. I've already told my family that if something were to happen to me, they can pull the plug. I'm not too sure about being in excruciating pain though. If I'm in pain, I want them to do all they can to take it away. But if it's my time to go, then so be it. They already know what to do and how I feel about the situation.

    4. I agree with Suleima. I believe terminally ill patients should be able to choose whether or not to have voluntary euthanasia. This does not mean that everyone must have voluntary euthanasia, but that they be given the right to choose. There are times when the suffering of a patient can be very harsh on the individual with a terminal illness. I also believe people with religious faith who choose not to have voluntary euthanasia should be able to have that right to.

    5. Well, everyone is in control of their own lives, and if we choose not to want to suffer, who is anyone to tell us we can't? Everyone has to stand before the Pearly Gates and explain all of our decisions.

  3. Taking away someone's right to die is the same as taking away someone's right to live. There is no better person to decide than the individual himself when it is time to welcome death. The outcome is still going to be the same in the long run. We are all destined to die. Voluntary euthanasia would actually be beneficial to some people and their families if you think about it. If an individual is suffering from a terminal illness it is very likely that the hospital bills would be something to behold. Who is going to pay the hospital bills? Not the terminally ill person but their immediate family. To be a burden on your loved ones is not something that can be easily overlooked and would cause sacrifices on their behalf. Not only is there the financial situation to think about but the emotional and physical as well. I would not choose to live if i was in excruciating pain and was bringing my family emotional anguish just by having them look at me. It is better to not hold down others with you and to break those chains that drag them down as well, they have to keep moving on and not be in a stalemate with their own consciousness regarding what to do because you already decided for yourself. You have every right to die and by doing so you can cease to be a burden to your family and in turn allow them to move on with their lives.

    1. I agree with you. If someone is terminally ill, elderly, and does not want to live anymore, why not let them end their suffering? Euthanasia should be allowed because if someone is diagnosed with a terminally ill and is making them suffer, they should be able to choose.

    2. I agree with you Sergio, if someone is terminally ill and suffering why keep them alive, if they choose to die then let them. I read a story about a little boy called that they call the butterfly child and he has a an incurable disease that causes him pain and doesn't allow him to play any kind of sports or any activity that causes physical contact. If this child decided to end his life then he should be allowed to end his life.

  4. I totally agree. People should have the right to choose whether they want to live or die. I believe anyone who is of sound mind and who is suffering from a terminal illness should be allowed to die with dignity. At times we tend to be more humane to our animals than we are to our families or even ourselves. It’s extremely hard to watch someone you love go through it, especially when you know that is not what they would have wanted.

  5. I personally believe euthanasia should be a right provided to any person with the desire to not live. I think any person who is suffering from an illness has the right to make a decision whether they want to live or not, because they are the only ones who know what they feel.

    1. I agree with you! many people do not see it this way until they themselves are in that situation. Great minds think alike :)

  6. I was raised Catholic so this is a tough question for me. If I follow the beliefs I was raised on I would say no, a person does not have the right to die; only God decides. However, the humane part of me says a person should have the right to die under the guidelines set for Voluntary euthanasia. I try to put myself in other people’s situation and think of how I would feel and what decision I would make. My grandfather is currently 86 years old and he is suffering from Alzheimer's. I see how he is a shell of his former self and how he has a couple of lucid moments, when he is in his right mine he says how he does not want to live. I see him slowly dying, not eating or drinking and not being able to walk and it breaks my heart. I know he has lived a full life and I hate seeing him suffer, but I do think God will take him when it is his time.

    1. I also was raised in a Catholic manner also but as I said we aren't the ones in that bed suffering with so many health problems I say they are the only ones to decide and I'm sure God will probably forgive them for taking the decision they took.

    2. Marianna, God will take him when it is time. Not our time, His time. My grandmother passed away last year of colon cancer. She always said she was going to fight cancer till the end, and she did. The doctors gave her a few weeks since her cancer was so advanced but she stayed with us for months. Yes, she was suffering but I can see she was a fighter.

    3. I was raised in a Christian home. I didn't realize before that we as humans don't have a right to say whether or not we live. That is God's decision. He is the one who made us so He also knows when it's our time to go. If we are suffering from a disease, then we have to stay strong and keep the faith knowing that God has everything under control.

    4. Well said Yasmin, God is always under control and it will always be His will, not ours.

    5. It's easy to say stay strong when you have never experienced the physical and mental pain a terminally ill person feels every day. I do not think anyone has the right to tell another person they cannot take their own live if they are suffering. People equate euthanasia to suicide and that is not a fair comparison. I am a religious person but if I was suffering from a deathly painful disease, I would end my life and spare my children the pain and suffering of watching me waste away before their eyes.

    6. Yes, it is easy too say stay strong when you haven't dealt with that kind of pain. But God could be using us aa witness to His people. He could be using us to show the world that miracles happen. He could be testing us to see how much faith we have in Him. Jesus himself suffered. I believe He understands how someone in excruciating pain feels. I just hope that if something like that happens to me, that I'll be able to stay strong.

  7. Euthanasia is a subject I struggle to choose sides on because of so many of my own conflicting thoughts and beliefs. I completely agree that everyone should have a living will and that no one should have to needlessly suffer in constant pain or illness when there is absolutely no hope for relief or cure. But some of this is teetering on the edge of suicide and how far the struggle should go. Spiritually I feel that suicide is wrong; but after witnessing my mother die from a debilitating, severely-painful, form of bone cancer, I can understand where some may believe that euthanasia is their only means of action.

    1. I agree with you, most people usually think that people laying in that bed aren't suffering and us who are next to them seeing them in their struggles but yet we still think that they are in perfect conditions and that their not suffering, and after we have a family member going thru a hard time with bad health conditions and decides not to live any longer because of the pain, we should understand them and put ourselves in their position.

    2. You are right Yesenia, sometimes when our loved ones are in a bed suffering then why do we choose to have them there. Why don't we let them die and get them out of their misery. If we love them we shouldn't want them to suffer.

  8. The question in itself is very tricky. Everyone is not immortal and eventually our lives will end. Do people have the right to die? Yes, if you want to jump off a cliff or get in front of a speeding vehicle then go for it. You made that decision upon yourself. Now what exactly does the word die mean in the question? To commit suicide? In the article it wants terminally ill people that have no cure for their particular situation to know that they have an option to die with dignity under strict guidelines. If under pain that you cannot bear, under the right state of mind and not depressed you qualify to take medication to die painlessly. You choose your own death. The doctor prescribes medication only if he sees it necessary. Only certain states allow this practice in the U.S. I think it is ok but to a certain extent. If a patient decides to fall under this law just to not deal with the pain then that’s a selfish move. The reason being is that there are people out in the world who fight to live another day regardless of the fact of how they physically or emotionally feel. For example some people are blind, they cannot see. Some are missing limbs and cannot perform the physical activities that they could before. Others have cancer but fight through each and every day regardless of how physically deteriorating it can be. The fact that Brittany Maynard decided to make a statement, she did it in a negative way. People do not know what suffering is.

    1. It is easy to say that a person who can't deal with pain and wants to die is selfish but it is completely different when you or someone close to you lives that life. If you have not experienced or witnessed that type of pain then I think using the term ‘selfish’ is very harsh. In the case of Brittany Maynard, her husband and mother supported her in her decision to end her life because they were with her every day. They did not feel her pain physically but they saw firsthand what torture she was going through. There is a big difference with ending your life because you are suffering from a terrible incurable disease and ending your life because you’re broke, or your partner broke up with you.

    2. Of course there is difference, and the term was used to signify the move Ms. Brittany made. When faced with strong emotions such as fear and pain you choose to act irrationally. Everyone feels the same emotions but how you respond to them is what makes you different. There are many of people who fight cancer and go through it, they fight to live and she did not even give it a chance. There is no difference other than the way they ended their lifes.

    3. I am not sure if you are aware of Brittany's diagnosis and condition before she passed away. She was diagnosed with stage 4 glioblastoma, which is terminal brain cancer. Brittany was told she had six months to live and in that time she lived as much as she could. She travelled to places on her bucket list and made the best of the time she had left. She was in such pain that she decided to end her life with dignity. In her own words "For people to argue against this choice for sick people really seems evil to me," she told PEOPLE. "They try to mix it up with suicide and that's really unfair, because there's not a single part of me that wants to die. But I am dying. (People Magazine)"

    4. Out of the time she had to live, how much of it was she in pain?

    5. Britney was in enough pain to end her own life. As I mentioned in my pervious post she said she did not want to die, but she was going to die soon and was suffering every day. I recommend you Google Brittany Maynard and read about her short life and the end of her journey. It's always good to understand both sides of a debate, and maybe you will change your stance or even have more compassion to people in her similar situation.

  9. I believe people should have the right to live and die the way they want when it comes to medical issues. I personally would not want to live my life as a human vegetable and if my quality of life would be remanded to a hospital bed, I would rather not live like that. Also if I was terminally ill, I would want the right to have the choice of dying with dignity rather than suffering and having my family go through additional heartache.

    1. I agree with your opinion because only the person who is able to make a decision about whether they want to live or not is the person who is deadly I'll.

    2. I agree with you Stormy, people do have a right to decide when the die, who would want to have their loved one strapped to a bed just suffering. And yes if they have a terminally ill disease and they want to die then they should be able to decide when they would die.

  10. I don't believe in euthenasia. You don't give yourself life, so you don't take your life away. I understand terminally ill people may be miserable. I surely have empathy for individuals suffering. But choosing to take your life is suicide. Euthanasia is just a "pretty" term for it. Making it sound better does not make it better.

    1. Are you just opposed to suicide or all death that was not God’s choice? If death penalty is okay then why not euthanasia or ‘suicide’ as you stated? At least with euthanasia the person dying is choosing, and with murder or death penalty, someone else is choosing to take a life. Why is death penalty okay but not euthanasia?

    2. Colbie that was a nice way of expressing your opinion. The doctors are placing a pretty term for the word suicide.

    3. I agree with you Colbie. The doctors are using a "pretty" term for suicide. For Brittany Maynard, she should of decided to live longer than what her doctors predicted. Maybe during this time of waiting a miracle would of happen. You just never know.

    4. I agree with colbie watkins. She is right we don't give ourselves life so we shouldn't take away because thats like saying ,"no thank you " to life , i know life gets hard but euthanasia isn't the way.

    5. Yes Colbie you're right, but put yourself in their shoes would you want to be suffering and now that you are eventually going to die from your illness wouldn't you want to be able to decide when to die.

  11. Death will eventually come and there is nothing no one can do about it. choosing to die should not be a right that can be taken away, because only one can have the right to decide to live or not. Many that choose to die, are really sick and most of them feel like they are becoming a burden to their family. Be able to choose how to end your life should be allowed by everyone, so yes they should have the right to die.

    1. I agree with you Juan, yes we all have a right to choose to die if we have a illness that will eventually take our life. Many people do feel like they are a burden to their families, and that's why they decide and want to die. Their families suffer as much as they do.

  12. Everyone keeps talking about terminally ill, like cancer and a person's right to die. Mental illness is a lifetime affliction and many feel like it is a death sentence. Personally I think if someone does not want to live, then death is imminent. Why should someone's right to die be a bad thing. I would rather see my loved ones at peace than in any kind of pain. I would prefer a person dying in a dignified manner and not by shooting their self in the head or hanging their self, and having someone find them and being traumatized.

    1. You are right Stormy, if someone decides to end their life because they are suffering with a deadly disease then why is there so much controversy with them ending their life. Yes you're right, this method is better than shooting or hanging themselves.

  13. DNR means do not resucitate. That is to say, no heroic measures to save my life. A person who is DNR is not given anything to end life. Stormy, I was thinking exactly what you said just before as I was scrolling down. The point I was going to make was what if a person has difficulty with coping with what we call "every day life." There are many people out here like that. It is brutal and painful for them. Many of them see no way around that fact. It's a miserable existance for some with mental illness. Do they have a right to kill themselves then? It is still and illness.

  14. Marianna, I think we are all opposed to death. But unfortunately, death is something we have to deal with. It is very real. I don't agree with the death penalty personally.

    1. You say you don't agree with the death penalty, but on "Is the death penalty still an acceptable form of punishment?" blog you replied to someone's post saying "LaToya Browning, I certainly see your point of view. Do I believe some people should die for the crimes the have committed? Yes I certainly do." Again, why is the death penalty or 'murder' okay and not euthanasia or 'suicide?'

  15. I think that everyone has the right to die. No congressman, family member, or law should be able to take that away. If my family member was suffering from an illness and they wanted to take their life and rest peacefully, then who am I to take that away from them? That is what a power of attorney is for. If a power of attorney is in place then that means that that person wanting to take their life is not in the right state of mind to make that kind of decision. That is when another family member has the right to decide to take that persons life away.

    1. You have a point Luis , but also having the thought of planning your death because you are in pain doesn't make it right. There is allways medicine people can use , so paying someone to kill them ,can count as murder. People that think this way is because they are in pain but instead of letting them choose their death , there has to be something it can be done to help them out , instead of letting them kill their self

  16. Stormy,
    I certainly understand your point of view. But if you were a vegetable, you would not be able to choose either way. You deifinitely would not be able to voice your wishes.

    1. That is true, however I have had discussions with my family and they know my wish and would certainly fulfill those wishes. I also have a living will so know one needs to speak for me. I believe in being prepared and facing harsh realties that life can sometimes had a person. That is my right! I don't believe that I have the right to choose for anyone else. It should be my right, my life my body. Therefore I do not feel anyone has the right to tell me how I should die.

    2. I agree with Stormy. We all make our own decisions and our own choices. So when it comes to taking my own life I want to have the final say in the matter. If I'm suffering through a disease and I know that I am bound to die in the end, there is no point to going through all the pain to reach the same end. Euthanasia should be an acceptable way to go and if someone chooses to utilize it, then we should allow the individuals who are suffering to have their wishes followed through.

    3. I agree with Stormy. We all make our own decisions and our own choices. So when it comes to taking my own life I want to have the final say in the matter. If I'm suffering through a disease and I know that I am bound to die in the end, there is no point to going through all the pain to reach the same end. Euthanasia should be an acceptable way to go and if someone chooses to utilize it, then we should allow the individuals who are suffering to have their wishes followed through.

  17. Luis,
    I haven't seen any advanced directives that deal with euthanasia. I don't think you will find too many doctors in practice (unless it is in secret) who will practice or advocate for euthanasia.

  18. My brother died February 2014 of ALS. He cried everyday of his diagnosis as he slowly became a prisoner in his own body. I remember him saying he would swallow a bunch of pills and kill himself before he died not able to move around, talk or eat. I wiped his tears and a few of my own. I respected his words and I still do today. But I would not have been the one feeding him the pills.

    1. That is so sad Colbie, I understand you completely I would feel the same way like would be very difficult for me as well if I was in that situation, it's like you don't want that person to suffer anymore but then you don't want to lose them or be part of them taking their own life.

  19. I understand that several people look at "the right to die" as the same as suicide, maybe it is but regardless of it is or if it isn't I wouldn't want to be the one to argue with a person that is suffering from ALS or in their last stages of terminal cancer or even someone that 70 years old but only being kept alive by a machine that they don't have the right to end their suffering if they choose to do so. To me there is a difference in knowing that you are dying, knowing that there is no cure for what you have and knowing that whether it be in 10 hours or 10 days and wanting to leave the Earth on your terms than committing suicide because you aren't capable of handling whatever is happening in your life. Very seldom do you see in the newspaper where someone has committed suicide because they have a terminal illness. More than likely suicide is the escape of life and reality and the only peace that some seek. However, being able to leave Earth and start your next venture with respect and pride in yourself, having all of your facilities about yourself is something that is a choice. I would much rather be taken off of life support and allow me to die than to lay in a bed, on a machine, involuntarily pooping on myself, racking up astronomical hospital bills. Allow me to die in peace. You may call it suicide, I call it self honor.

  20. This is a very deep argument because really all are people are going to say about having the right to die is because it is there life and they chose to do whatever they want with it. There is an understanding that people are ill going through pain. I feel like if a doctor or whom ever invented it, the patient would have never even ask for this. But knowing that some medical professions did not find certain cures for certain people did invent this? However I don't agree with this, even though it is the person life or decision.

  21. I do believe that voluntary euthanasia should be a right that shouldn't be taken away from anyone. Many families don't want to see their loved ones suffer and the patient doesn't want them to suffer either. So that’s why I agree that those who are in the late stages of a terminal illness should have the right to die with dignity.

    1. I completely agree with your response. I would like to be granted the same right if I ever get to that stage in my lifetime, and I would also like that same right for a family member.

    2. I agree with both of you. If I were in the last stages of a terminal illness, I would also want the right to die.

    3. I totally agree with you Frida, yes Euthanasia is voluntary, no one is forcing anyone to take their own life. Its just a method made for people that are suffering that they have an opportunity to decide if they want to live or die.

  22. In my opinion, people should have the right to die only if they are facing a terminal illness. Living in constant pain is not really living. States have the right to kill people in jail, why can’t they grant that right to people who are already dying? This has been a really confronted issue in the recent years. Someone with a terminal illness is already dying slowly, those people just want to die with dignity. Society does take it the wrong way thinking everyone will want to commit suicide that is why many test have to be done before it is approved. I think if everyone works together to understand what people are really going through, it would make more sense.

  23. I do not agree with what Brittany decided to do. In my opinion, I believe she should of waited. Doctors are human and make errors in their practice, but what if she would of gotten better or a miracle would of happen? What if she would of been healed? I have seen it before. If it was me I would of just fought cancer till the end, even if it is a terminal disease. I woudln't loose my faith in God.

  24. It is my opinion, that human beings should have complete control of their lives. Of course, not to be reckless and endanger the lives of others but in the sense that they are in control of this one life we are all given. We choose the kinds of jobs we work, the school we attend, and the religious path we choose to follow. Take Jehovah witnesses for example, they refuse blood transfusions even if their life could end. It is all about decisions and the right of individuals to make them, because of their own free will. This is why I believe that if someone wishes to end his/her life by euthanasia then it is absolutely justified, if they are given a daunting prognosis due to a critical illness and after multiple doctor opinions, with still no avail, then yes, it is fine by me to go through with the act of ending one's own life in that peaceful way.

    1. I agree with your response, humans should have the right to choose whatever they want to do with their lives. Jails have to right to choose who dies or not, why can’t patients with a terminate disease decide for themselves? People who support voluntary euthanasia want family members and themselves to die with dignity and respect.

  25. I want to go out with honor and respect. I don't want to be a burden to my family neither emotionally or financially. I have always said if I reach a state of mind where my whole mind is no longer there, and I will lay in a bed for the remainder of my days with only a machine breathing for me... let me go. let me have my dignity.

    1. Anne-Marie, I completely understand your point. I know it is very scary for many of us to reach a point in life where we are no longer able to use our five senses. I believe that it should be of each individual's choice to decide how much they can resist, or fight a fatal disease after the medical professionals have exhausted all possibilities to treat or cure such disease.

    2. I agree with Anne, no one ever wants to be a burden on their families. And also you don't want to be suffering and have to depend on your family to do everything for you. Some people are very independent and are not used to having other people do stuff for them or depend on their loved ones.

  26. I believe that even though, we are no body to decide who should or should not die, and I am completely against people taking other people's lives, I do respect the right to euthanasia. I think that in an extreme situation of a fatal terminal disease, and after the medical professionals have burn out all resources to treat a disease that is causing a person extreme deterioration of his/her life, and unbearable pain, this person should have the right to euthanasia. I understand, that God is our creator and only He should decide to when we should die, but in some cases, there are people in a very oppressive health condition and if their last wish is to end their suffering because their is no medical hope, then I believe we should honor their wish. We cannot decide how much a person with a terminal illness should resist, only the one suffering when they have had enough.

    1. I agree with you Dinorah, if a person has a painful and an illness that has no cure, then why not allow them to stop suffering. I know we should not take our own lives, but if you are suffering why continue to live. And yes if that person has an incurable disease then they are allowed to choose when they want to die.

    2. Agreed. If a person is suffering because of their conditions and they choose to die in a more peaceful manner (since they will die because of their conditions anyway), then we should allow them to make that choice. It is their life and if they choose to let go of it, who are we to go against their wishes.

  27. I believe a person should have a right to die or not , because we all have rights and we can do what we please to a certain matter, but to me its like committing suicide and i don't think its right in a religious way.

    1. I agree with you Erin to a degree. People should have a right to die or not to die. But I personally don't think it's like committing suicide. I think it's a guilt trip for those who don't want to let go. This could just be God's way for you to say you're last goodbye.

    2. Yes, planning out your own death is basically suicide. Regardless, one's life should be taken away naturally.

    3. Yes Erin that's how it sounds and looks like suicide, but if your loved one was the one that had a horrible, incurable, painful disease would you still want them to live?

  28. And just for the record, I don't think assistance in dying and suicide are the same thing. Assistance with dying is carried out in a respectable manner and the choice is because you are going to die anyway, therefore you are choosing HOW and WHEN you want to die.

  29. The fact is, that death is sometimes the only relief from suffering. Why should the dying suffer any more than what they have too?

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. This is a very hard topic, part of me says yes I am for a person deciding when they want to die and the other part of me says no. I personally don't know if I would be okay if one of my loved ones would be okay with deciding to die. It would be very difficult for me to accept, but if I knew that they were suffering then maybe I would be okay.

  32. If a person willing wants to die in a more peaceful manner than they would if their disease took their life, euthanasia should be allowed for that individual. It isn't a matter of whether we believe it is right or wrong, it is the fact that it is the individual's life and if they are mentally stable, then we should allow that individual to leave us how he or she wants to leave. There is no sense in making a person suffer through an illness when they are willfully wanting to die in a more peaceful manner.
